
  • 网络hulunbeier university;Institutes Of HulunBuir
  1. 笔者为呼伦贝尔学院音乐学院教学,希望把这三个少数民族民歌的传承工作在音乐教育中开展起来。

    My music institute in the hulunbuir college teaching , to make it three minority folk music education work in the inheritance of carried out .

  2. 呼伦贝尔学院地处内蒙古自治区边疆地区,经济文化落后,在校蒙古族大学生人数占学生总人数的15%。

    Hulunbuir University is located in the frontier region of our country where the economy and the culture fall behind the other regions and the number of Mongolian students takes up15 % the total of students .