
  • 网络respiratory arrest;breath stop;Apnea
  1. 未用低分子肝素组有2例死亡,1例术后心跳、呼吸停止,42%术后肢体肿胀,9例彩超证实为DVT。

    In the group not applied low-molecule heparin , there were 2 died , and one case happened heart failure and respiratory arrest . 42 % of the cases in the control group appeared limbs edema and 9 were confirmed DVT via color ultrasonic sound .

  2. 小鼠结扎双侧颈总动脉至呼吸停止的时间。

    Time from ligating bilateral common carotid artery to respiratory arrest .

  3. 病人的呼吸停止了。

    The patient stopped breathing .

  4. 两性霉素B过量可能导致潜在致命性的心跳或心跳呼吸停止。

    Amphotericin B overdoses may result in potentially fatal cardiac or cardiorespiratory arrest .

  5. P组静脉输注异丙酚,使病人依次出现指令反应消失、呼吸停止后行气管插管。

    In the group P , the propofol was used intravenously . When the patient happened disappearence of instructive reaction and apnea in turn , the tracheal intubation was performed .

  6. 结果21只狗在伤后出现自主呼吸停止,其中9只经抢救呼吸恢复。54只狗中,存活42只伤后2h生命体征平稳,存活率为77.8%。

    Results Autonomous breathing was recovered in 9 out of 21 dogs with respiratory arrest after the injury , and the total survival rate was 77.8 % in the 54 dogs after the injury .

  7. 当新生儿的呼吸停止20s和心跳小于100次/min两种情况同时发生时,监护仪可发出报警的声光信号以便医护人员进行急救处理。

    While the newborns has ceased his respiration for 20 seconds and its rhythm of the heart is less than 100 times / min instantaneously , the monitor may send out a sound and light alarm to paramedics to carrying through first_aid .

  8. 静滴芬太尼引起呼吸停止一例

    A Case of Breath Stopping Caused Murphy Dripping with Fentanyl

  9. 如果有人呼吸停止,进行口对口人工呼吸。

    If anyone has stopped breathing , give mouth-to-mouth resuscitation .

  10. 如果呼吸停止,马上进行人工呼吸。

    If not breathing , begin artificial respiration immediately .

  11. 黄芪注射液诱发心跳呼吸停止

    Cardiac and respiratory arrest induced by Huangqi injection

  12. 死亡原因是肺水肿和呼吸停止。

    Cod is pulmonary edema and respiratory arrest .

  13. 目的:探讨呼吸机抢救呼吸停止的护理方法。

    Objective : To explore the nursing of applying ventilator to save respiration cease .

  14. 1例青光眼术中呼吸停止原因分析

    Analysis on the Causes of the Respiratory Arrest during a Glaucoma Operation in One Case

  15. 最终,中毒者会出现抽搐、呼吸停止,昏迷然后死亡。

    Eventually , the victim experiences convulsions , respiratory arrest , coma and then death .

  16. 她已经接近呼吸停止了。

    She 's going into respiratory arrest .

  17. 而他却一动不动地看着----直到病友的呼吸停止。

    But the man watched without moving - even when the sound of breathing stopped .

  18. 呼吸停止者给予气管插管;

    Trachea intubatton for no breathing .

  19. 结论严重创伤、心脑血管疾病是急诊科心跳呼吸停止的主要原因;

    Conclusion The main reasons of cardiorespiratory arrest in emergency department are severe wound and cardiovascular-cerebrovascular disease .

  20. 脑疝致自主呼吸停止不同时间窗脑组织病理变化的实验研究

    Study of pathological changes of different brain tissues in different time after respiratory arrest induced by brain hernia

  21. 他的呼吸停止了,他觉得身体的一侧隐隐作痛,那疼痛扩散开来,笼罩住全身。

    His breath left and he felt a dull pain in his side that spread , engulfing him .

  22. 患有这种疾病的人睡眠期间经常会出现呼吸停止的状况,甚至自己都不知道。

    People with this condition repeatedly stop breathing while they sleep , and may not even know it .

  23. 一些物质攻击脑干引起呼吸停止,并产生窒息。

    Some substances attack the brain stem causing a cessation of the breath so that one simply asphyxiates .

  24. 科学家说,呼吸停止后,体内有足够维持几分钟的氧气残留。

    Scientists say there is enough oxygen remaining in a person 's system for several minutes after breathing stops .

  25. 她曾遭受心脏和呼吸停止为她被麻醉的美容手术,它说。

    She had suffered cardiac and respiratory arrest as she was being anesthetized for the cosmetic surgery , it said .

  26. 结论高氧液能提高心跳呼吸停止患者的心肺脑复苏成功率,可提高Ⅲ、Ⅳ级复苏的生存率。

    Conclusion Hyperoxia liquid can improve the success rate of cardio-pulmonary-cerebral resuscitation and improve the survival rate of Group ⅲ,ⅳ resuscitation .

  27. 那是一个说话声,一个令人毛骨悚然、呼吸停止、冰冷恶毒的说话声。

    It was a voice , a voice to chill the bone marrow , a voice of breathtaking , ice-cold venom .

  28. 作为一种神经系统乙酰胆碱酯酶的抑制剂,沙林可导致抽搐、呼吸停止和死亡。

    As an inhibitor of the nervous system enzyme acetylcholinesterase , sarin can cause convulsions , stoppage of breathing and death .

  29. 现在她瞧着瑞德,内心的感受也完全像当时那样:呼吸停止,不省人事,恶心。

    Now , as she looked at rhett , she felt the same way she had felt then , breathless , stunned , nauseated .

  30. 结果:6例死于术后颅内出血,5例死于下丘脑损伤,1例死于突发呼吸停止。

    Results : 6 cases died from postoperative intracranial hemorrhage ; 5 cases died from hypothalamus injury ; 1 cases died from sudden respiratory arrest .