
  • 网络Efficiency management;productivity programs
  1. 因此在药品供应链中,质量管理和效率管理至关重要。

    Therefore , quality management and efficiency management are significant .

  2. 现场管理与效率管理任务;

    The task of scene & efficiency management for works and production ;

  3. 加强审判执行质量效率管理。

    Enhance the quality and efficiency of adjudication and enforcement .

  4. 本部分,首先介绍了商业银行经营管理中的效率管理和风险管理。

    This part first introduces the efficiency management and the risk management .

  5. 深化劳动人事制度改革实现医院全员效率管理

    Deepening the Reform of Hospital Labour and Personnel System to Facilitate Efficiency Management

  6. 师生课堂互动过程与学校效率管理

    The Social Interaction in the Classroom and School Effectiveness

  7. 试析云南文化艺术职业教育集团效率管理模式

    Analysis of Efficiency Management Model for Vocational Education Group of Culture and Arts in Yunnan

  8. 冷藏食品&时间链的效率管理

    Improving Efficiency Management of Time Chain

  9. 向效率管理要效益&对当前企业劳动定员定额工作的思考

    Efficiency management creates benefit & The thought in the work of manpower authorization and labour quota

  10. 本文为高速发展的高科技企业进一步加强职能管理部门的工作效率管理,在理论和实践上都提供了一个有益的尝试和坚实的基础。

    The paper provides a strong theoretical and practical basis for the efficiency management of fuction department in high-tech companies .

  11. 道路交通管理总体上应分为安全管理、效率管理、能耗管理三个方面,提高通行效率是交通管理的最高境界。

    Generally speaking , road traffic management can be divided into such three parts as traffic safety management , traffic efficiency management and traffic environment management .

  12. 并从运营效率管理、安全管理和枢纽运输组织3个方面探讨了直管站段体制下编组站运营组织管理技术。

    This paper discusses organization and management techniques under direct - management section in the operational efficiency management , security management and transport hub organizations three aspects .

  13. 本文认为,订单拣选作业作为标准仓储中心花费最大的一项活动,是仓储运作效率管理的重要环节。

    The author points out that order-picking is the most costly activity in a standard warehouses center , and it has great significance for the efficiency management of the warehouses center .

  14. 其中,在对投资管理方法的研究过程中,论文提出了根据智力资本价值增值过程进行投资方向、力度以及效率管理的思想。

    In the fourth chapter , it elaborates process management methods of circulation management and investment management in detail , and it also puts forward the ideas of engaging in the orientation , dynamics and efficiency of investment of intellectual capital .

  15. 从定员定额管理与人工成本控制相互关系及其影响效应研究出发,阐明了效率管理对人工成本进行有效控制的科学观点,同时就其方法的可操作性以及相关的配套措施进行了深入的论述。

    〕 Started out from the relations between fixed number of staffs , quota management and artificial cost control and its effect , this paper clarifies the scientific view of efficiency management for artificial cost and deeply discusses its methods , operational ability and related matching measures . 〔

  16. 主机内部硬件RAID又比主机外部硬件RAID具有更高的运行效率和管理能力。

    Host-based RAID has higher operation efficiency and better management capability than SCSI-to-SCSI RAID .

  17. 为了适应企业信息化建设的发展,提高办公效率和管理水平,邯钢集团在企业内部实施了办公自动化(OA)系统。

    We are implementing the office automation ( OA ) system in Handan Iron and Steel Group for adapting the development of enterprise information constructing and improve efficiency .

  18. 通过技术溢出,FDI可以使我省的技术水平、组织效率和管理技能不断提高,帮助我省走上内生化的增长道路。

    Through the the technical spillover effect , FDI can improve technical level and organizational efficiency and manage technical in Hunan province , it also can help enterprises to lead an inner-developing road .

  19. 通过对这些系统的整合,提高系统的集成度,从而有利于提高PPP项目中政府主管部门的管理效率和管理水平。

    By conformity of these modules , it can improve the system integration level , the management efficiency and management level of government departments in PPP .

  20. 本文通过实际GIS前端数据处理中所应用的技术和方法,探讨和说明将矢量数字地图数据采集、整理、建库一体化解决的方案,以提高数据生产效率和管理共享水平。

    This paper will discuss and account for an integrative scheme of data collecting 、 machining and database building by practical technology and method in GIS forepart data managing , to the effect that provide the data producing efficiency and universal purpose .

  21. 设计目标是能够真正实现实时、交互式的管理方式,满足e化管理的需要,提高工作效率和管理自动化程度,节约人力资源管理的时间和成本。

    Its design goal is that can really realize the real-time , interactive management way , meeting the need of e-management , in order to improve working efficiency and mechanography degree , economize the time and cost of the human resources management .

  22. 结果经过在我院放射科2年多的应用与磨合改进,进一步完善了医学影像学科网络版的中文RIS系统,显著提高了科室的工作效率与管理水平。

    Results After 2 years of application and continuous improvement , the network radiology information system was successfully developed . The system improved the administration and work efficiency of the medical imaging department .

  23. 更加有效率地管理你的定制的产品信息参数!

    Manage your customized product information preferences even more efficiently !

  24. 现代编目中的定额管理与效率系数管理

    Modern Cataloguing Quota Management & Efficiency Coefficient Management

  25. 一些产品旨在帮助企业内部法务部门更有效率地管理他们的工作。

    Some products are designed to help in-house legal departments manage their work more efficiently .

  26. 网络中心管理自动化对提高网络中心的运行效率、管理水平和维护水平十分重要。

    Automatic network center management improves the network system efficiency , management and maintenance level .

  27. 该系统对保险公司提高管理效率和管理水平做出了贡献。

    The AMIS has contributed to the insurance company to improve management efficiency and management level .

  28. 它提高了医院的工作效率和管理水平,增加医院的竞争力。

    It increases working efficiency , competition ability and improves the level of management in hospital .

  29. 泵效的高低是反应抽油设备利用效率和管理水平的重要指标。

    The efficiency of pump is the important parameter which indicates how we operate and manage equipment .

  30. 以设备管理为龙头,实现全员、全系统、全效率企业管理目标

    Hit the Target of Full Member , Full System and Full Efficiency in Running Corporation Based on Equipment Management