
hū xī yùn dònɡ
  • Respiratory movement;respiratory exercises
  1. 深呼吸运动有助于放松自己。

    Deep breathing exercises will help you relax .

  2. 健康成年人膈肌呼吸运动的动态MRI初步研究

    Preliminary Observations of Diaphragm in Healthy Adults with Dynamic Breathing MRI

  3. 中枢组胺H3受体对哮喘豚鼠呼吸运动的影响

    The effect of central histamine h_3 receptor on breathing activity of asthmatic guinea pigs

  4. 16排CT扫描克服了腹部呼吸运动伪影的影响,明显提高了三维图像质量。

    Thin-slice and high-speed character of 16 slice CT overcame abdominal respiratory movement artifacts and apparently improved 3D image quality .

  5. 目的研究呼吸运动对三维CT成像的影响和运动伪影的规律。

    Objective To investigate the influence of physiological motions on three-dimensional ( 3D ) CT images and the rules of motion artifacts .

  6. 本文的结果证实了多源数字合成X射线体层成像在动态重建中的有效性,对于进一步改善心脏和呼吸运动成像质量具有积极的实际意义。

    The paper confirmed the effectiveness of multi-source tomosynthesis in dynamic reconstruction which were practical and meaningful to improve cardiac imaging and respiratory imaging .

  7. 但由于慢阻肺呼吸运动机械阻力增加、通气量的提高,将促使机体代谢率上升,可抵消兴奋呼吸所起的缓解缺氧和CO2潴留的积极作用,甚至适得其反。

    Nikethamide still had the effect of stimulation of respiratory center and enhancement of ventilation even though chronic pulmonary obstruction with CO_2 retention was present .

  8. 结论呼吸运动伪影是PET/CT显像中常见的现象,对右上腹病灶定位有疑问者应加做常规屏气CT扫描。

    Conclusions The respiration artifact is usually observed in PET / CT scan . When mis-localization of right abdominal lesions is suspect , ordinary CT with breath-holding must be added .

  9. 结论Hb可能参与呼吸运动的调节及OSAS的发生。

    Conclusions Habenular nucleus might participate in the regulation of respiratory movement and development of OSAS .

  10. 另一个因素是的,特别是不利于呼吸运动定量成像是:在这两个议案的PET和CT扫描,以及两者之间的不匹配。

    Another factor that 's particularly detrimental to quantitative imaging is respiratory motion : both motion during the PET and CT scanning , as well as mismatches between the two .

  11. 呼吸运动引起较大幅度的胸腹部器官运动,造成传统CT图像上的运动伪影,影响放疗精确度及效率。

    Respiration induces significant movements of thoracic and abdominal organs , which lead to motion artifacts on conventional CT images and distorted target volume , and degrade the efficiency and accuracy of radiotherapy .

  12. 目的:探讨下丘脑室旁核(paraventricularnuclei,PVN)微量注射P物质(SubstanceP,SP)对豚鼠呼吸运动的影响及其作用机制。

    Objective TO investigate the effects and mechanisms of microinjection of substance P ( SP ) into the hypothalamic paraventricular nuclei ( PVN ) on respiration in guinea pigs .

  13. 现综述与非小细胞肺癌(NSCLC)精确放射治疗相关的正电子发射断层显像术-计算机断层摄影术联合扫描(PET-CT)技术的应用以及呼吸运动的控制等方面的研究进展。

    This paper critically review the value of PET-CT and breathing control in precise radiotherapy for non-small-cell lung cancer ( NSCLC ) .

  14. 结论动物术前准备、术中呼吸运动的控制、对比剂的适当应用、滤过材料的选择、术后图像的后处理等对保证动物实验中的DSA图像质量具有重要的意义。

    Conclusion The key points to assure DSA image quality in animal experiments are ample preparations , effective breath control , proper anesthesia and excellent postprocessing of the acquired data .

  15. 本文简要介绍PET/CT有关的几个技术问题和临床应用方面的新进展,如晶体的选择、CT技术进展、放射治疗、衰减校正、呼吸运动及CT造影剂的影响等。

    Some new advances of research and clinical study on PET / CT were summarized briefly , including the choice of crystals , development of CT , radiotherapy plan , attenuation correction with CT , respiratory motion and CT contrast induced artifacts .

  16. 目的探讨电刺激大鼠缰核(Hb)对呼吸运动的影响及阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停综合征(OSAS)的可能机制。

    Objective To explore the effect of electrical stimulation to habenular nucleus of elderly rats on their respiratory and the possible mechanism of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome ( OSAS ) .

  17. 本文通过52例B超观察腹腔内脏随呼吸运动的活动度诊断腹腔内脏与腹壁粘连(AWA)。

    Viscera slide was observed in 52 subjects by realtime ultrasonography for diagnosis of abdominal wall adhesion ( AWA ) .

  18. 结论:PAWS导航回波触发的3DSSFP序列可以很好地控制冠状动脉MRA时的呼吸运动,但是需要提高成像效率以控制心脏运动。

    Conclusion : The PAWS navigator echo gated 3D-SSFP sequence could compensate the respiratory motion for coronary MRA , but it is essential to improve its efficiency to control the motion from the heart .

  19. 方法使用自行研制的二维运动平台系统及体模,模拟不同频率及幅度的呼吸运动,在不同运动状态下对体模进行PET-CT扫描,利用PET图像勾画GTV并计算其大小。

    METHODS : Twenty-eight kinds of respiratory motions were simulated by using a respiratory motion phantom system . The phantom was scanned by PET-CT machine under different motion conditions , then the PET images were obtained .

  20. 目的观察未足月胎膜早破(PPROM)孕妇胎儿呼吸运动并分析FBM变化是否可以预测早期宫内感染。

    Objective To observe the fetal breathing movement ( FBM ) in patients with preterm premature rupture of the membranes and analyse the correlation between FBM and early intrauterine infection .

  21. 为了更好验证该方法的有效性,本文还提出了使用RMCR(呼吸运动校正率)作为实验数据的定量分析方法。

    To better verify the effectiveness of correction method , RMCR ( respiration motion correction rate ) has been proposed in the paper .

  22. 结果SCT的图像质量与UGI、FG类似(Ρ>0.05),影响诊断的严重伪影(占5.8%)来源于多量储留液及患者的呼吸运动。

    Results Overall image quality of SCT , UGI , FG was considered similar by both observers (Ρ > 0.05 ) . Excess fluid remains in the stomach and patient respiratory movement during breath holds was the reason causing severe artifacts ( 5.8 % ) that influenced the diagnostic evaluation .

  23. 家兔呼吸运动及神经电生理研究,利用BL-410生物机能实验系统对给药前后家兔膈神经电活动及呼吸变化等进行记录,分析细辛毒性对膈神经电活动的影响。

    Experimental rabbits ' respiratory movement and neuroelectricit research : Taking the research records of comparison and analysis of the Asarum medicated and unmedicated rabbits ' phrenic nerve activities and Changes with the BL - 410 organism function experimental syste .

  24. 在七岁以前呼吸运动是腹式的。

    Until the age of seven , respiratory movement is abdominal .

  25. 振动声音刺激后胎儿呼吸运动的类型及其临床意义

    Clinical significance of fetal respiratory movement after vibratory acoustic stimulation test

  26. 体部肿瘤灌注成像受呼吸运动影响较大。

    Body tumors were liable to be interfered by breath movement .

  27. 肺部肿瘤在呼吸运动过程中三维实时位移曲线的建立探索

    Establishment of 3D Real-time Displacement Curve in Respiration of Lung Cancer

  28. 纪录呼吸运动的深度和速度的仪器。

    An instrument for recording the depth and rapidity of breathing movements .

  29. 甲醛对鲫鱼呼吸运动的影响

    Effects of formaldehyde on the respiratory movement of Crucian carp

  30. 呼吸运动对靶区受照剂量分布影响的研究

    The Study of the Influence of Respiratory Motion on Target Dose Distribution