
fèi tōnɡ qì
  • pulmonary ventilation
  1. 心率是了解人体心血管系统机能的一种简单易行的指标,在一定范围内心率的变化与运动的速度和强度,与肺通气量和摄氧量指标直接相关的。

    Heart rate is a traditional index to evaluate cardiovascular function . The change of heart rate within a certain range has directly relative to the sports velocity , intensity , pulmonary ventilation capacity and oxygen uptake .

  2. 稳定期COPD病人不同时间的肺通气功能测定结果比较

    Comparison of the pulmonary ventilation function results measured at different time on the patient at stable stage of COPD

  3. 氧增强MR肺通气成像的基础研究

    Basic Research of Oxygen-Enhanced MR Ventilation Imaging in Lung

  4. B组17例保护性肺通气治疗。

    However , 17 patients from group B were performed by protective lung mechanical ventilation .

  5. 单肺通气时监测P(ET)CO2的研究

    A study of the monitoring p_ ( et ) co_2 during one-lung ventilation

  6. CO2激光灸对哮喘患者肺通气功能的作用

    The Effect of CO_2 Laser Moxibustion on Pulmonary Ventilation of Asthmatic Patients

  7. 维生素K3对哮喘患者气道高反应性和肺通气功能的影响

    Effect of vitamine K_3 on airway reactiveness and lung function in asthma patient

  8. 气道阻塞区在MR肺通气成像中的缺损区域小于核素肺通气成像。

    The defect range of airway obstruction in MR ventilation image was smaller than that in ventilation scintigraphy .

  9. 肺通气MRI研究进展

    Progress of MRI study on lung ventilation

  10. 对照组(C组)双肺通气2h;

    The control group performs two-lung ventilation for 2 h.

  11. 通过吸纯氧前后的图像减影可获得氧增强MR肺通气图像。

    The oxygen-enhanced MR ventilation imaging was introduced by subtracting the images of pre - and post - inhaled pure oxygen .

  12. 哮喘患者TH亚群的失衡及与相关细胞因子、肺通气功能改变的相关性研究

    The study of T helper cell subsets and relationship to relative cytokines and ventilatory function in asthmatic patients

  13. 结论全麻机械通气下开胸前体位对呼吸力学影响较大,双肺通气时体位由平卧位变为侧卧位时CT降低,气道压力增加;

    Conclusion There is significant increase in Ppeak and decrease in CT from supine to the lateral position during both lung ventilation .

  14. 对北京某化工厂112名PA作业工人及90名非PA接触的正常人进行肺通气功能测定。

    The lung functions of 112 workers exposed to phthalic anhydride were studied .

  15. 吸入支气管舒张剂对COPD肺通气功能的影响

    Effect of inhaled bronchodilators on patients with COPD

  16. FM与男性肺通气功能呈负相关,而与女性肺通气功能不相关。

    FM correlates negatively with ventilatory function in males , but not in females .

  17. 方法103例高危病例均行心电图、动脉血气分析、胸部X片、血清D-二聚体、核素肺通气/灌注扫描和肺螺旋CT检查。

    Methods 103 high risk patients have been examined by electrocardiogram 、 arterial blood gas , chest x-ray film , D-Dimer , V / Q and sCT .

  18. 目的探讨氧增强MR肺通气成像联合肺灌注成像诊断气道阻塞和肺栓塞(PE)病变的可行性和价值。

    Objective To show the feasibility and value in the diagnosis of airway obstruction and pulmonary embolism with MR oxygen-enhanced ventilation combined with pulmonary perfusion imaging .

  19. 结果:在临床症状、肺通气功能及运动耐力方面,两组间有非常显著性差异(P<0.01)。

    Result : There is a very remarkable difference ( P < 0 . 01 ) between two groups in the sides of clinical symptoms , pulmonary function and endurance of exercise .

  20. 结论保护性肺通气策略联合山莨宕碱对实验性ALI动物模型具有协同治疗效果。

    Conclusion combination of lung protective ventilation and anisodamine have cooperative effect on animal model of acute lung injury .

  21. 舒利迭可以改善COPD患者肺通气功能、缓解症状、提高生活质量。

    Seretide can improve patients with COPD lung ventilation function , to alleviate the symptoms , and improve the quality of life .

  22. 目的:研究单肺通气时血管紧张素和IL-8的变化及其临床意义。

    Objective : This study investigated the changes in plasma Ang ⅱ and IL 8 of one lung ventilated patients .

  23. 方法:120例择期行开胸手术,术中需要单肺通气的胸部肿瘤患者,ASA分级I ̄II级。

    Methods : One hundred and twenty ASA I ~ II patients who underwent thoracic operation and required one lung ventilation ( OLV ) were studied .

  24. 化疗后肺癌病人单肺通气时氧自由基、IL-6、IL-8和TNF-α的变化和乌司他丁的保护作用

    The Effects of Ulinastatin on Oxygen Free Radical and IL-6 、 IL-8 、 TNF-a During One Lung Ventilation after Chemotherapy to Patients with Lung Cancer

  25. COPD患者痰中主要的炎症细胞是中性粒细胞,与肺通气功能呈负相关,可以反映COPD严重程度。

    Patients with COPD phlegmy in inflammatory cells are mainly neutrophils , and pulmonary ventilation function was negatively correlated , can reflect the severity of COPD .

  26. 目的探讨肺通气灌注(VQ)显像结合血浆D二聚体(dimer)分析在肺栓塞(PE)诊断中的临床价值。

    Objective To investigate the clinical diagnostic value of ventilation-perfusion scintigraphy combined with plasma D-dimer assay in diagnosis of pulmonary embolism ( PE ) .

  27. 采用喉罩通气,用于60例腹腔镜胆囊切除术麻醉,观察CO2气腹对循环和肺通气的影响及高CO2血症。

    To observe the influence of artificial pneumoperitoneum with carbon dioxide on circulation , lung ventilation and hypercapnia , 60 patients underwent laparoscopic cholecystectomy were anesthetized with ventilation of laryngeal mask .

  28. 女性FMI与肺通气功能的指标均不相关。

    No correlation was found between the ventilator function indices and FMI in females .

  29. Bain环路对单肺通气时血气值及肺分流量的影响

    Influence of Bain Circuit on the Blood Gas and Q · s / Q · t during One lung Ventilation

  30. 肺通气功能检查表明FEV1(第一秒钟最大呼吸量)与sIL-2R呈负相关,其相关性在哮喘发作时明显。

    The pulmonary ventilation test showed that FEV1 and sIL-2R were negatively correlated , especially during an acute attack .