
  • 网络Breathing hole;blowhole;spiracle
  1. 如一些哺乳动物(鲸等)一样从呼吸孔中喷出的潮湿的气。

    Spout moist air from the blowhole , as of some marine mammals .

  2. 海豚用头顶的呼吸孔呼吸。

    Dolphins breathe use the blowhole .

  3. 硬盘使用,以平衡内外压力HDA的呼吸孔。

    HDD uses Breath hole to equalize pressure inside and outside HDA .

  4. 唯一的途径空气进去HDA的是通过呼吸孔。

    The only way for air to go inside HDA is through the breathing hole .

  5. 而位于下方的呼吸孔的呼吸过滤器。

    And the breath hole located right under the breath filter .

  6. 潜水装备的新式呼吸孔

    A new breather in the diver 's equipment

  7. 呼吸孔的称这个洞。

    This hole called Breath hole .

  8. 为避免在睡眠时溺水,海洋哺乳动物保持对呼吸孔的控制至关重要。

    To avoid drowning during sleep , it is crucial that marine mammals retain control of their blowhole .

  9. 油箱顶部加油口盖有一空气呼吸孔不能被杂件堵塞。

    The air hole of the oil box 's top can not jam by the sundries or dirty thing .

  10. 它们巧妙地在淤泥中构筑泥屋,仅在相应的地方开一个呼吸孔,这。

    They are in ably silty in build slimy house , open a spiracle in corresponding place only , this .

  11. 呼吸孔是一个被认为能在动物自动控制下开启和关闭的皮肤风口片。

    The blowhole is a flap of skin that is thought to open and close under the voluntary control of the animal .

  12. 这个春季,海洋生物学家们驾驶一架无人机飞越加利福尼亚湾,采集从蓝鲸头顶的呼吸孔喷射出的液体标本。

    This spring marine biologists flew a drone over the Sea of Cortez to capture samples of the fluid sprayed from the blowholes of blue whales .

  13. 当选择(1)方式作为呼吸孔功能时则请装置消音器,由于没有建压,因此增压速度可能会稍微慢一点点。

    When you choose ( 1 ) for the Breather , please install a silencer and because no pressure push it so maybe cause the intensify delay time a little .

  14. 由内而外的呼吸过滤器呼吸孔关闭,使空气清洁和干燥。

    From the inside Breath hole closed by Breath filter to make air clean and dry .

  15. 对于呼吸,水经过一个小的呼吸孔被灌入鳃腔与越过鳃达成气体交换。

    For breathing , water is pumped into the gill cavity through a small spiracle and across the gills for gas exchange .