
hū ɡé
  • vocative case
  1. 请立即传呼格林医生。

    Page Dr Green immediately .

  2. 在吸引听众策略上,丰富、具体的呼格使用使得奥巴马的演讲更具感染力。

    On audience-engaging strategies , Obama uses more specific and inclusive vocatives to make his speeches more appealing .

  3. 警方在抓获呼格吉勒的48小时之内拿到了他犯罪的证据,这也是他被判有罪的基础。

    Police got a confession from Qoysiletu after 48 hours of interrogation , and that became the basis of his conviction .

  4. 尽管之后官方称呼格吉勒的罪行缺少证据,并很有可能是一次不公正的判罚,但是并没有再一次进行审判。

    Although later official reviews concluded that Qoysiletu 's conviction lacked evidence and was likely an injustice , the case was never formally retried .

  5. 报道称呼格吉勒曾经在当地的烟草工厂工作,他与一名叫作岩峰的同事一起报了案。

    The reports said Qoysiletu , who worked a local cigarette factory , reported the case to police together with a colleague named Yan Feng .

  6. 国家媒体报道,法院一名官员向呼格吉勒图啜泣的父母道歉,他们从2006年起就一直向司法机关请愿要求重审案件。

    A court official apologized to Huugjilt 's sobbing parents , who had been petitioning judicial authorities since 2006 to re-try the case , state media reported .

  7. 内蒙古高等法院在11月20日称1996年的这起案件将要重新审理,当时判定呼格吉勒有罪。

    The High Court in the northern region of Inner Mongolia said on November 20 that the 1996 case involving an ethnically Mongolian man named Qoysiletu , who was found guilty of the crimes , will be reexamined .

  8. 呼格吉勒的父母因为不公向各部门和媒体进行了请求,但是于事无补,直到去年,内蒙古法院对呼格吉勒再一次进行了核实,并证实了这一情况。

    Qoysiletu 's parents had petitioned to various authorities and media outlets over perceived injustice in his conviction to no avail until last year when Inner Mongolia 's High Court completed a review of Qoysiletu 's case and concluded it had been mishandled .