
  • 【通信】call center
  1. 例如:她在一家呼叫中心做电话员的工作,专门打推销电话卖人寿保险。

    She had worked as a call center operator1 making cold calls to sell life insurance .

  2. Web呼叫中心路由和排队策略研究

    A Research of Web Call Center Routing and Queuing Algorithm

  3. Web呼叫中心解决方案研究

    On the Solutions to Web Call Center Systems

  4. 以呼叫中心为基础的Internet话音服务的扩散模型

    Call-center-based Internet Voice Service Diffusion Model

  5. 最后本文探讨了IP呼叫中心的规划问题及下一步的发展方向。

    Finally , the author discusses the development direction of WEB call center in future .

  6. 基于J2EE通用呼叫中心运营平台的研究与应用

    Research and Application of J2EE-based Universal Call Center Application Platform

  7. 基于SIP的融合型呼叫中心IP子系统的设计

    Design of the IP Subsystem for the Integrated Call Center Based on SIP

  8. 在Internet呼叫中心系统的建立中,Java语言因其具有的跨平台性、安全性和快速开发性而倍受青睐,正在被越来越多的信息系统所使用。

    When building the Internet call center system , Java language , with its cross-platform , security and rapid development is admired .

  9. 呼叫中心(CallCenter)是把个人计算机和电话这两种应用非常广泛的信息设备协调地结合起来运行,从而提高企业的服务质量并且为企业产生巨大价值的客户服务系统。

    Call Center is the client service system which utilizes PC and telephone , improving the service quality and hinging great value for enterprise .

  10. 客户关系管理(CRM)足客户呼叫中心的进一步商业化。

    Custom relationship management ( CRM ) makes custom 's call center more commercial .

  11. VOIP技术在金融行业呼叫中心业务中的实现

    Implementation of VOIP Technology in the Call Center of Financial Industry

  12. 应用CTI技术实现传统呼叫中心与Internet融合的研究

    The Research of Implementation for the Mergence of Traditional Call Center and Internet by CTI Technique

  13. 基于LDAP的IP电话分布式呼叫中心设计

    LDAP-based IP-Phone Distributed Callcenter Design

  14. 电力故障报修管理系统利用电力呼叫中心的平台,结合GIS优秀的空间管理和定位功能、GPS的车辆定位能力,扩展了电力报修功能。

    Based on the geographic information system , call center , SCADA and GPS , and electrical fault management system is improved .

  15. 本论文分析了该呼叫中心的设计实现,说明了以Web服务为基础的该呼叫中心的系统结构、功能界面以及数据流程等。

    The thesis analyses the design and realization and describes system structure , functional interfaces and data flows of the above mentioned Call Center based upon Web Services .

  16. 探讨了Internet呼叫中心实现的技术方法,并在此基础上设计Internet呼叫中心。

    At last the implement ′ s method of internet call center is researched , and on the basis of this , internet call center software is designed .

  17. 构建一个企业集团的IP分布式呼叫中心,其成本、安全性、稳定性和高效性是必须考虑的重要因素。

    The cost , security , stability , and efficiency are important factors when designing a distributed IP call center for an enterprise .

  18. 最后本文结合工商部门呼叫中心系统来具体阐述基于XML的新一代呼叫中心系统方案在行业中的具体应用。

    With a case in the department of industry and business , some applications of the new call center system in different fields are discussed .

  19. 基于MAS架构的呼叫中心系统的实现

    Implementation of MAS Frame Based Call Center System

  20. 我国CTI、呼叫中心和CRM技术的发展和应用

    The Development and Application of CTI , Call Center and CRM Technology in China

  21. 传统呼叫中心升级到IP网络呼叫中心,往往采用H.323协议。

    When traditional call center transfers to IP call center , it always makes use of H.323 protocol .

  22. 基于ActiveX的呼叫中心软电话控件

    Soft-phone Component Based on ActiveX in Call Center

  23. 最后对NGN平台技术的法院呼叫中心应用进行总结。

    Finally , sums up the application of call center using NGN platform technology .

  24. 基于H.323网守的呼叫中心模型设计

    The Design of Call Center Model Based on H.323 Gatekeeper

  25. 构建基于H.323的新一代呼叫中心

    Building the Call Centers Based on the H. 323 Protocols

  26. 本文通过对呼叫中心的理论和Web呼叫中心进行研究,同时研究了协同(Collaboration)的发展和Web呼叫中心中的协同信息技术。

    This paper studies the theory and industry of call center , web call center , the development of collaboration and the technology of collaboration at web call center .

  27. 呼叫中心接入PSTN信令方式改造研究与实现

    Research and Realization of Reconstructing Signaling Type for Call Center Based on PSTN

  28. 根据使用的通道(如呼叫中心、Internet和业务合作伙伴)不同,IBM有时候会让客户觉得像独立操作的多家公司。

    Depending on the channel used , such as call center , Internet , or business partner , IBM sometimes appears to customers as multiple companies operating independently .

  29. 基于CTI开放平台的呼叫中心的设计和实现

    Design and Implementation of Calling Centers Based on the Open CTI Platform

  30. 基于CTI技术的交通呼叫中心解决方案

    A Solution to Traffic Callcenter Based on CTI Technology