
hū jiào zhuǎn yí
  • call forwarding
  1. 这些功能有许多在别处也可以见到vonage等大多数网络电话服务都提供呼叫转移功能,许多服务提供廉价的国际通话。

    Many of these features are available elsewhere most VoIP services , such as Vonage enable call forwarding and many services offer low-cost international calls .

  2. 呼叫转移为何不像邮件转发那么容易?

    Why isn 't call forwarding as easy ase-mail forwarding ?

  3. 最后实现了网关的呼叫转移、SIP消息的加密、注册时摘要认证等功能,通过测试验证了设计方案和开发流程的合理性。

    Finally , realize the gateway functions , such as calling transfer , encryption , digest - authentication .

  4. H.323系统中呼叫转移的研究与实现

    Research and Implementation of Call Transfer in H.323 System

  5. googlevoice的大多数功能它都有,包括一个免费的voxox号码(或转移一个既有号码)、来电显示以及按顺序呼叫转移。

    It provides most of the features of Google Voice , including a free voxox number ( or transfers an existing number ) , call screening and sequential call forwarding .

  6. 本建议规定明确呼叫转移(ECT)补充业务的第二级。ECT补充业务使来话或去话呼叫两个呼叫的一用户连接至该两个呼叫的其他用户。

    The ECT supplementary service enables a user who has two calls , each of which can be an incoming or an outgoing call , to connect the other users in the two calls .

  7. 本建议规定了在N-ISDN用户-网络接口上用于明确呼叫转移(ECT)补充业务的DSS1信令要求。

    This Recommendation specifies the DSS1 signalling requirement on the N-ISDN user-network interface for the Explicit Call Transfer ( ECT ) supplementary service .

  8. 最突出的例子是谷歌(Google)的GoogleVoice,这是一种需要邀请的服务,能提供免费的网络电话号码,可将呼叫转移到被呼叫者选择的任何地方,并具备可视语音邮件、呼叫筛选和转录等功能。

    And it 's arriving . The most prominent example is Google 's ( GOOG ) Google Voice , an invitation-only service that offers a free Internet telephone number that forwards calls wherever its owner chooses and delivers features like visual voicemail , call screening and transcription .

  9. 我出门的时候总是设定好呼叫转移的。

    I always forward my phone when I leave the house .

  10. 查到了,不过她们好像激活了呼叫转移

    Yeah . But it looks like they 've got call forwarding enabled .

  11. 同时为系统管理员提供接口,允许对呼叫转移的使用加以控制。

    A interface is also provided for the administrator to control the call forwarding .

  12. 我用了呼叫转移。

    I used the call transfer function .

  13. 《爱情呼叫转移》是一部探讨爱情真理的电影。

    《 Love Call Transfer 》 is a film to explore the truth of love .

  14. 首先,将呼叫转移到固定电话的成本近来有所下降,像3jam这样的新创企业比较负担得起。

    First , it recently became more affordable for startups like 3jam to forward calls to landlines .

  15. 大多数移动通信运营商提供呼叫转移服务,使我们可以把我们的电话从电话到另一个。

    Most mobile communication operators provide call forwarding service so we can forward our call from a phone to another .

  16. 现状与声音表现出色的管理特点包括智能电话拨号,快速拨号,电话会议和呼叫转移。

    State of the art voice performance with outstanding call management features including smart dialling , speed dialling , conference calling and call forwarding .

  17. 针对传统呼叫转移存在的缺陷,本文提出了一种新型增值业务:个性化呼叫转移。

    According to the defects of the traditional call transfer , this paper proposes a new value-added service which is called customized call transfer .

  18. 目前电信、移动都有自己的秘书台,但这些秘书台的功能很单一,只能完成留言、呼叫转移、短信通知等,无法满足用户对于秘书功能的需求。

    Currently , China Telecommunication and China Mobile have their own secretary system . However , the function of the system is very simple which including message , call transfering , sms noticing , etc. which cannot meet the request of clients .

  19. ECT补充业务能使具有两个呼叫的用户转移到一个呼叫中去。

    The ECT supplementary service enables an ISDN user who has two calls , into one call .

  20. 网上呼叫中心呼叫转移功能的实现

    Realization of Call Diversion by Internet Call Center

  21. 不过,baird已决定将部分病人呼叫中心的工作转移回美国,以利用当地的知识。

    However , Baird decided to shift some patient call centre jobs back to the us to take advantage of local knowledge .

  22. 程控数字电话交换机诞生后,开始有了呼叫等待、呼叫转移之类新的业务功能。这些业务功能可以认为是早期的智能化业务。

    After the birth of program-controlled digital telephone exchange , telephone began to have the new class of business functions , such as " call waiting " and " call transfer " . These new functions were considered to be the early intelligent business .

  23. 通过分析SIP会话状态,采用有限状态机设计呼叫处理模块,同时结合设计中所采用的呼叫状态转移图对呼叫控制模块具体的实现进行说明。

    Through session states analysis , a finite state machine ( FSM ) is adopted to design of the signaling processing model .

  24. 另外,平台将提供全网络单级的呼叫控制,自动通过网络重新安排在不同站点之间的业务代表呼叫转移。

    In addition , the platform will offer a unique level of network-wide call control , with intersite call transfers between agents rearranged automatically through the network .