
wén huà chā yì
  • cultural difference;cultural variation
  1. Malinowski的功能主义不能解释文化差异,这被人们所诟病。

    The major objection to Malinowski 's functionalism is that it cannot readily account for cultural variation .

  2. 文化差异对非言语交际影响的研究

    A Study on the Influences of Cultural Variation on Nonverbal Communication

  3. 100多年前,美国社会学家W·E·B·杜波依斯担心种族正在被用来从生物学层面解释他所理解的不同人群之间的社会和文化差异。

    More than 100 years ago , American sociologist W. E. B. Du Bois was concerned that race was being used as a biological explanation for what he understood to be social and cultural differences between different populations of people .

  4. 这两种社群之间的文化差异

    cultural differences between the two communities

  5. 我们真的需要下一个世代能够专注在大问题上:气候改变、经济失衡、大量文化差异。

    And we really need this next generation to be able to focus on some big problems : climate change , economic disparity , massive cultural differences .

  6. 文化差异在国际新闻传播中的影响

    The Influence of Cultural Difference on the Spread of International News

  7. 文化差异表现在社会生活的各个方面。

    Cultural difference is revealed in every aspect of social life .

  8. 略谈汉语音译词的地域文化差异

    On the Regional and Cultural Differences of Transliteration of Loan Words

  9. 先秦诸子散文中两种文化差异成因之浅探

    Differences on the Cultural Reasons were Explored among Pre-Qin Dynasty Proses

  10. 我国地域辽阔,地域文化差异较大。

    Our country vast in territory has geographical and cultural difference .

  11. 文化差异是影响电视新闻翻译质量的重要因素。

    Cultural differences can greatly influence the quality of TV news translation .

  12. 动态联盟成员企业文化差异研究

    Investigation on Cultural Difference among Member Enterprises of Dynamic Alliance

  13. 现代公司运行中的文化差异管理

    Managing the Cultural Differences in the Operation of Modern Companies

  14. 在建筑美的尺度表现上,中国与西方因社会文化差异而不同。

    Expression of architectural beauty in China is different from western countries .

  15. 英汉语言的文化差异与语用问题

    Cultural Differences and Pragmatic Problems About English and Chinese Language

  16. 中外食品企业遭遇文化差异的挑战

    Chinese and foreign food companies meet with the challenges of cultural difference

  17. 汉英谚语中的文化差异与翻译策略

    Culture Differences and Translation Strategy of Chinese and English Proverbs

  18. 从文化差异看合作原则与礼貌原则

    On Cooperative Principle and Politeness Principle on the Basis of Cultural Difference

  19. 从中西文化差异的角度看翻译等值的限度

    On Limitation of Translation Equivalence & from a Cultural Perspective

  20. 英汉夸张习语的文化差异与翻译策略

    Cultural Differences between English and Chinese Hyperbole Idioms and Their Translation Strategies

  21. 俄汉身势语的语用功能和文化差异

    Pragmatics function of body language and cultural difference between russian and Chinese

  22. 进行中英语言翻译时必须特别注意文化差异,必须在外国文化和本国文化中找到一个切合点。

    The cultural difference is specially concentrated on international business English translation .

  23. 浅析德英两种语言的差异社交语用失误与中德文化差异

    Socio-pragmatic Failure and the Difference Between Chinese and German Culture

  24. 文化差异与听力教学

    Cultural Differences Cultural Differencs and Teaching of English Listening

  25. 由于文化差异,译者无法做到译文完全忠实于原文。

    Due to cultural diversity , the translator cannot produce absolutely faithful translations .

  26. 试论中西饮食文化差异及其对厨具设计的启示

    Differences Between Chinese and Western Dietetic Culture and Their Implications for Kitchenware Design

  27. 论中美谈判过程中文化差异对跨文化谈判变量的影响

    The Impacts of Cultural Differences on Cross-Cultural Negotiation Variables in Sino-US Business Negotiations

  28. 国际营销战略的文化差异研究

    The Study on Cultural Differences of International Marketing Strategy

  29. 中英委婉语之间存在着等值现象,也存在着文化差异。

    There are equivalent phenomenon and cultural discrepancy between Chinese and English euphemism .

  30. 从英汉文化差异看英语教学中的文化互动

    Cultural Interaction in English Teaching Seen From Cultural Differences Between English and Chinese