
wén jǐnɡ zhī zhì
  • enlightened administration of the Han emperors Wen and Jing
  1. 一个偶然到来的繁荣社会&文景之治及其终结

    Became a Flourishing Society by Chance

  2. 汉初,由于国力所限,对匈奴推行妥协退让的和亲政策,这客观上就为文景之治的出现提供了比较宽裕的时间和外部环境。

    Early Han national strength are limited , the Huns implementation of compromise and concessions and the pro-policy provides ample time and the external environment for the emergence of " Wenjingzhizhi " .

  3. 文景之治:文帝和景帝统治时期,进一步改善政策,减轻人民的负担,使社会经济由恢复而发展。史称“文景之治”。

    The Reign of Emperors Wendi and Jingdi : During the reign of Emperors Wendi and Jingdi , they improved policies further , which alleviated the people 's burdens and made economy evolve from restoration to development .

  4. 历时近半个世纪的吴氏长沙国,创造了自战国时的楚国后的湖南第二次繁荣,是文景之治中最亮的一部分。

    During the period of near half century , Changsha State became the second prosperity of Hunan since Chu State of War Dynasty , and it was the brightest part of Administration of Wen and Jing Emperor of West Han Dynasty .