
wén xué xué shì
  • bachelor of literature;bachelor of letters
  1. 他已成为文学学士。

    He has become a Bachelor of arts .

  2. 文学学士学位范围很广,包括多门不同学科。

    The BA is a vast degree covering a multiplicity of subjects .

  3. 最终,我以高分毕业,并拿到了两个文学学士学位。

    I finished college with a double major BA degree and high honors .

  4. 他获得了俄国文学学士学位。

    He got a degree in Russian literature .

  5. 毕业于浙江师范大学,获得文学学士学位。

    I graduated from Zhejiang Normal University and received the Bachelor of Arts degree .

  6. 我有英国文学学士及硕士两个学位。

    Both my Bachelor of Arts and Master of Arts degrees are in English literature .

  7. 詹拥有文学学士学位。

    Jen has a BA in literature .

  8. 你是文学学士吗?

    Are you a Bachelor of arts ?

  9. 我是耶鲁大学毕业生,我拥有文学学士学位。

    I am a graduate of Yale University , I have a Bachelor of Arts degree .

  10. 最低文科或理科学位是优等文学学士。

    The first degree in the arts or sciences is the Bachelor of Arts with honors .

  11. 张先生刚从南京大学毕业,获英语文学学士学位。

    Mr. Zhang recently graduated from Nanjing University with a bachelor 's degree in English literature .

  12. 我是哈佛大学的毕业生。我取得了文学学士学位。

    I 'm a graduate of Harvard University . I have a Bachelor of Arts degree .

  13. 1982年初毕业于安徽师范大学中文系,文学学士。

    In1982 he graduated from the Chinese Department of Anhui Normal University and got his bachelor 's degree .

  14. 今年六月我将从北京师范大学英语系毕业,并将获得文学学士学位。

    I will be receiving my Bachelor of Arts degree in English this June from Beijing Normal University .

  15. 孙扬元先生1996年毕业于南京艺术学院并获得文学学士学位。

    Thomas graduated from Nanjing Art College , Nanjing , with a bachelor degree in Art Design in1996 .

  16. 现在我在中国传媒大学学习,将来将以文学学士的身份毕业。

    I am currently studying at the Communication University of China and will graduate with a degree in literature .

  17. 我将于七月份从北京外国语大学毕业,并将获得英语文学学士学位。

    I 'm graduating from Beijing Foreign Studies University this July with a bachelor 's degree of English literature .

  18. 他们可以修得加州奥克兰市佩丁大学文科的一个联合文学学士学位认可的学分。

    They earn credits toward an associate of arts degree in liberal arts from Patten University in Oakland , California .

  19. 应利女士毕业于华东师范大学,获得文学学士学位,后来她又获得复旦大学法学学士学位。

    Lisa was a graduate of East China Normal University and also holds a graduate degree in Law from Fudan University .

  20. 有,先是文学学士学位,具体说是英国语言文学学士学位,后来又获得工商管理硕士学位。

    Yes . First , I received my Bachelor or Arts degree in English Literature , and then an MBA degree .

  21. 袁文启毕业于广东外语外贸大学,国际商务管理专业,获得文学学士学位。

    Andy yuan obtained his bachelor degree of art from Guangdong University of foreign studies , specializing in international business administration .

  22. 布朗大学是位于美国罗德岛的常春藤联校,沃特森毕业将取得布朗大学的英语文学学士学位。

    Watson will be graduating with a bachelor 's degree in English literature from the Ivy League university in Rhode Island .

  23. 1994年毕业于北京广播学院,大学本科学历,文学学士学位。

    Dong Xiaochuan , the deputy general manager , graduated from Beijing Broadcasting Institute with the Bachelor of Arts degree in 1994 .

  24. 1971年就读于美国威斯康辛大学,获得文学学士,于1975年获得医学博士学位。

    He graduated from Wisconsin University in USA with a BA in literature in1971 and got his doctor 's degree in medicine in1975 .

  25. 黎四奇英国语言文学学士、学博士,英国卡地夫大学访问学者。

    Li Si-qi , bachelor of British Language and Literature , doctor of law , academic visitor of Law School of Cardiff University .

  26. 林璎曾就读于耶鲁大学,1981年获文学学士学位,1986年获建筑学硕士学位。

    Lin studied at Yale University , where she received a Bachelor of Arts degree in 1981 and a Master of Architecture degree in 1986 .

  27. 马蒂森于1950年去世,生前在哈佛大学主管一个历史与文学学士学科。在哈佛大学期间,他的同性恋身份几乎不为人所知。

    Matthiessen , who died in1950 , chaired an undergraduate program in history and literature at Harvard , where he kept his homosexuality largely secret .

  28. 我1929年在威斯康星大学取得文学学士学位,在大学里主修英语,不问世事。

    I have a B.A. ( " 29 ) from the University of Wisconsin , where I majored in English without a care in the world .

  29. 公立学校对教师的资格要求一个学区与一个学区不同,但大多数小学教师必须有教育专业的文学学士学位。

    Eligibility requirements for public school teachers vary from school district to school district , but most elementary school teachers must have a bachelor of arts degree with a major in education .

  30. 最终,她选择与德里克o斯塔恩合作。斯塔恩获得了斯坦福大学国际关系专业文学学士学位,并拥有手机操作系统开发的专业知识,以及为风投工作的经验。

    Ultimately , she joined forces with Derrick Staten , who received a BA in International Relations from Stanford , but has expertise in mobile operating systems and experience in venture capital .