
  1. 成都一家人工智能公司的CEO林辉表示,这个机器人将参加高考的数学、语文和文科综合(包括历史、政治、地理)共三场考试。

    The robot will sit three exams , namely math , Chinese and a comprehensive test of liberal arts , which includes history , politics and geography , said Lin Hui , CEO of an artificial intelligence company in Chengdu .

  2. 提高文科综合高考复习效率初探

    Improving Review Efficiency for Comprehensive College Entrance Examination of liberal Arts

  3. 关于2001年文科综合考试(天津卷)历史试题的商榷

    My Opinion of 2001 Arts Comprehensive Ability Test on Tianjin Examination Paper

  4. 因此,文科综合课程被作为课程改革的重要方面提上日程。

    So the arts integrated curriculum emerges as an important aspect of curriculum reform .

  5. 因此,文科综合和理科综合都要涉及地理知识。

    Therefore , Geography knowledge is involved in comprehensive art subjects and comprehensive science .

  6. 然后,论述了文科综合课程广泛而深刻的理论源泉。

    Lastly discussing the wide and profound sources of theory on comprehensive courses of arts .

  7. 高校文科综合类学报的特色问题是人们议论得较多的一个问题。

    The problem of the characteristic of comprehensive university journal of liberal arts is frequently discussed .

  8. 文科综合课程作为新课改的一项重要内容已经试点铺开。

    Human and social integrated curriculum as an important element of the new curriculum has been carried .

  9. 第二部分则从课程的价值属性内涵方面详尽分析了文科综合课程的社会价值、个人价值以及学科价值。

    Part 2 first elaborating the social value , individual value and subject value of comprehensive courses of arts .

  10. 从2004年全国高考谈文科综合科目的协作

    Comprehensive date Discourse on the Collaboration of Comprehensive Subjects of Arts through the Inspiration of Matriculation Examination in 2004

  11. 高师院校文科综合班班级文化构建是多种因素整合的过程。

    The building of culture of comprehensive classes of liberal arts for middle school teachers is an integration of myriad factors .

  12. 大胆探索高校文科综合实验室建设对提高文科学生的综合素质势在必行。

    It is necessary and urgent to explore the complex laboratory construction of liberal arts in colleges and universities for improving students'qualities .

  13. 3+文科综合或理科综合高考方案的合理性因素分析

    Factor Analysis of the Right of College Entrance Examinations Method of Three and the Integrated Curriculum of Arts or the Integrated Curriculum of Sciences

  14. 面对新高考模式的几点思考&从2000年高考文科综合能力测试卷谈起

    What to Do for the New Model of National Entrance Exam to University : Reflection on the Year 2000 Comprehensive Exam Paper for Liberal Arts

  15. 加快文科综合课程的改革实验与推广,建立从形式到内容都具有综合性、实践性的文科综合课程势在必行。

    To accelerate the experiment and spreading of comprehensive courses of arts , establishing comprehensive and practical courses from formality to content is imperative and necessary .

  16. 因此,如何把现代信息技术融合到文科综合课程和教学中去,已成为摆在我们面前的一项需要深入研究的课题。

    Therefore , how to integrate modern information technology into Human and social integrated curriculum and teaching has become a need for an in-depth study of the topic .

  17. 2003年高考文科综合第Ⅱ卷地理试题答题评析及教学对策

    Geography Test of the Liberal Art Integration Test Paper ⅱ for College Entrance Examination ( Year 2003 ): Analysis of Students ' Answers and the Corresponding Countermeasures in Teaching

  18. 把握高考改革方向注重地理能力和价值观的培养&从2001年高考文科综合能力测试(天津卷)地理试题谈起

    The Reform of Matriculation Paper and Geography Teaching in Schools & From the Synthesized Ability Test of 2001 Matriculation ( Tianjin Test Paper ) to View the Geography Test Paper

  19. 指出了编制文科综合课程教材应该运用的一些原则:如何确定本课程应该综合的学科范围;

    And this paper points out some principles which should be used in the drawing up of this teaching materials : how to define the subject scope that this integrated curriculum should synthesize ;

  20. 本论文以初中文科综合课程教学中信息技术的整合为研究切入点,力图找到一条信息技术与课程教学整合的有效途径。

    The paper study to junior high school classroom teaching human and social integration for the research pitching , Trying to find a teaching courses in information technology and the integration of effective ways .

  21. 文科综合考试对历史学科综合能力的要求,就是对历史现象联系能力的要求。主要表现为对历史现象的横向联系、纵向联系和学科联系的能力要求。

    The liberal art synthetic examination requires the history synthesis ability , namely the ability of link with the historical phenomenon , mainly showing crosswise connection , longitudinal connection and the connection with other subject .

  22. 迄今,很多学者从不同角度对文科综合课程进行了研究,但是对如何将地理融入文科综合课程教材的研究却鲜有涉及。

    Many scholars have studied human and social integrated curriculum from different point hitherto , but there is seldom study point at how to contain geography in the teaching material of human and social integrated curriculum .

  23. 重点是通过案例分析论证了文科综合课程的教学对学生思维的发展、学习能力和实践能力的提高具有积极的促进作用。

    It mainly analyzes the comprehensive courses of arts by giving examples , and it elaborates the positive of the comprehensive courses of arts on which improves the thought , learning and practical abilities of students ' .

  24. 应用能力是文科综合测试中较高层次的能力要求,历史学科的应用能力测试目标主要包括基本观点、主体能力和现代意识等。

    The application ability is a task with higher level in history in mixed-arts test . The test aims of the application ability of history mainly include basic opinions , subject ability , modern consciousness and so on .

  25. 随着社会的发展,以考查学生运用多门学科知识分析、解决实际问题能力为重点的文科综合考试势在必行。

    With the progress of society , the examination of comprehensive subjects of arts to highlight the checking of students ' ability to analyze and resolve actual issues through the knowledge of multiple subjects is just like arrows on strings .

  26. 好的教材可以培养优秀的人才,所以文科综合课程教材的编制是能否达到实施文科综合课程预期目的的关键。

    The good teaching material can educate the excellence 's talented person , therefore the compilation of the teaching material of the integrated curriculum of arts is the hinge which affects the expect purpose of carrying out the integrated curriculum of arts .

  27. 随着社会的发展,一些综合性社会问题的出现,社会对综合性人才的需要,开设文科综合课程成为世界范围内课程改革的一个重要趋势。

    With the social development , some comprehensive society problems are emergent , and the society demands comprehensive talented person . So setting up an integrated curriculum of arts becomes an important tendency that is in the curriculum reform of the world scope inside .

  28. 有人认为,相比起数学来说,语文和文科综合可能会对机器人有一定的挑战。因为数学都是有具体答案的客观题,而其他的学科,更多的是像阅读理解和写作这样的主观题。

    It 's believed that Chinese and a comprehensive test of liberal arts , rather than maths , will pose challenges to the robot , since questions in maths are objective with specific answers , while in the other test subjects , there are some subjective questions , such as the reading comprehension and essay-writing .

  29. 对加强初中文科教学综合性的认识

    An Understanding to Strengthen the Comprehensibility of Liberal Arts Teaching in Junior Middle School

  30. 我国在教育课程改革中,也增设了社会实践综合活动课,并且在各地出现了中学的综合文科和综合理科。

    During the reform of education in our country , we also add a course called social practice , and in most part of our country , we offer comprehensive liberal arts and science department .