
  • 网络cultural phenomenon;Cultural Phenomena
  1. 去年12月,他在香港参加亚洲最具影响力设计大奖(DesignforAsiaAwards)颁奖礼时说,诚品书店是一种文化现象,它的真谛在于人、地域和文化。

    ' Eslite is a cultural phenomenon , ' he said in Hong Kong at the Design for Asia Awards last December . ' It 's all about the people , the place , the culture . '

  2. 美国私人网络媒体公司Buzzfeed对这个文化现象做了报道。

    American private Internet media company BuzzFeed reported on the cultural phenomenon .

  3. Fandom(就是fan加后缀dom,像kingdom和freedom一样)指由粉丝构成的一种亚文化现象,这些粉丝拥有共同的兴趣爱好并且彼此之间存在一种志趣相投的友情。

    Fandom ( consisting of fan plus the suffix with others who share a common interest .

  4. 音乐电视即MTV是20世纪末出现的一种文化现象。

    The emergence of MTV ( Music Television ) form can be regarded as a culture phenomenon in the end of 20th century .

  5. 以Kaplan理论为基础的传统对比修辞学认为,语言与写作是一种文化现象,而且受文化影响的思维与交际模式对于二语写作有干扰作用。

    The traditional views of Contrastive Rhetoric ( CR ) represented by Kaplan claims that language and writing are a cultural phenomenon , and that the thought and communication patterns influenced by culture will interfere with writing in the second language .

  6. 南音郎君文化现象新考察

    A New Probe in Cultural Phenomenon of South Music Lang Jun

  7. 凉山彝族的建筑文化现象其实投射出的是凉山彝族文化的本质。

    This phenomenon actually reflects the essence of Liangshan Yi culture .

  8. 校园副文化现象的成因与对策当代大学生人格障碍成因及其对策

    Countermeasures and Contributing Factors on Personality Obstacles Of Contemporary University Students

  9. 神判是一种古老的人类学现象,也是一种古老的法文化现象。

    The ordeal is an ancient phenomenon of anthropology and law culture .

  10. 非物质社会是后工业社会产生的文化现象。

    Non material society is a cultural phenomenon of later industrial society .

  11. 禁忌是人类社会的普遍的文化现象之一。

    Taboo is a common cultural phenomenon of human society .

  12. 足球迷现象是当代中国形成的一个特殊体育文化现象。

    Soccer fan has become a specific sport cultural phenomenon in China .

  13. 地名,从本质上讲,是一种文化现象;

    Place-name , in essence , is a kind of cultural phenomenon ;

  14. 商誉是一种经济现象、社会现象,也是一种文化现象。

    Goodwill is a phenomenon of economy , society , and culture .

  15. 禁忌是人类社会广泛存在的一种文化现象。

    Taboo is a worldwide cultural phenomena in human society .

  16. 词的组合显现一定历史痕迹和文化现象;

    Constitution of words expresses some historical and cultural mark ;

  17. 语言禁忌是中西方普遍存在的一种社会文化现象。

    Verbal taboo is a common phenomenon in Chinese and Western culture .

  18. 实际上,狂欢是一种特殊的社会文化现象,不论在何种文化中、何种社会状态下,它都能找到滋生的土壤,对于生活在过于单调或过于压抑的人来说更是如此。

    In fact , the revelry is a special social cultural phenomenon .

  19. 方言是语言现象,也是社会文化现象。

    Dialect is a language phenomenon , and also society and culture phenomenon .

  20. 禁忌是民众生活中极为常见的习俗现象和人类所具有的普遍的文化现象。

    Taboo is a cultural phenomenon in human life .

  21. 南通体育文化现象研究

    Analysis of the Phenomenon of Physical Education in Nantong

  22. 艺术作为一种文化现象总是与一定的媒介有关。

    Art , a form of culture , is always connected to media .

  23. 民间刺绣作为传统文化现象,有着丰富的民俗功能。

    As a traditional cultural phenomenon , folk embroidery has rich folk functions .

  24. 建筑与城市是物化的人类文明,也是一种文化现象。

    Architecture and city are materialized human civilization , and a cultural phenomena .

  25. 这是个很值得重视的文学、文化现象。

    Such literary and cultural phenomenon deserves our attention .

  26. 邪恶不是文化现象,而潜藏于人类之中。

    Evil is not a culture phonomenon , it is a human one .

  27. 新石器时代早期的陶器,文化现象就十分鲜明。

    The ceramics in the early stone age , cultural phenomenon was striking .

  28. 礼物馈赠是一种古老的文化现象。

    Gifts is a kind of ancient cultural phenomenon .

  29. 传媒批评是值得正视的文化现象。

    Media commentary is a kind of cultural phenomenon that must be faced .

  30. 人类的写作活动是一种极为复杂的文化现象。

    Writing activity is a very complicated cultural phenomenon .