
  • 网络cultural exchanges
  1. 共同促进世界文明交流互鉴。

    Fourth , we must work together to facilitate exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations .

  2. 岭南自古便是中、西文明交流的窗口。

    Lingnan is a communicating window of the Chinese and west civilization from the old .

  3. 第三,加强文明交流,增进中俄人民友谊。

    Third , further enhancing cultural exchange to promote the friendship between Chinese and Russian peoples .

  4. 文明交流互鉴,是推动人类文明进步和世界和平发展的重要动力。

    Such exchanges and mutual learning form an important drive for human progress and global peace and development .

  5. 推动文明交流互鉴,需要秉持正确的态度和原则。我认为,最重要的是坚持以下几点。

    To promote exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations , we must adopt a right approach with some important principles .

  6. 历史和现实都表明,傲慢和偏见是文明交流互鉴的最大障碍。

    Both history and reality show that pride and prejudice are two biggest obstacles to exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations .

  7. 喀什地区是维吾尔族古老的交通、经济和文化中心,是东西方文明交流的十字路口。

    Kashi region was the ancient Uygur traffic , economic and cultural center , as well as the East-West civilization exchanges crossroads .

  8. 两国应该把良好政治关系转化为人文交流的动力,打造不同文明交流互鉴、友好合作的样板。

    On the basis of our excellent political ties , we should build a momentum of people-to-people exchanges and set a good example of mutual learning and friendly cooperation between different civilizations .

  9. 推动文明交流互鉴,可以丰富人类文明的色彩,让各国人民享受更富内涵的精神生活、开创更有选择的未来。

    Greater exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations can further enrich the colors of various civilizations and the cultural life of people , and open up still greater alternatives in the future .

  10. 我相信,上海世博会将书写中国人民同各国人民交流互鉴的新篇章,也将书写人类各种文明交流互鉴的新篇章。

    I believe that the Expo will add a new chapter to the annals of interactions and mutual learning between the Chinese people and people of other countries and between different civilizations .

  11. 应对共同挑战,呼唤各国同舟共济、密切合作,构建和谐世界,需要不同文明交流对话、理解包容。

    To tackle such common challenges , all countries need to stay together and work closely for a harmonious world and push for dialogues , exchanges and tolerance between and among civilizations .

  12. 不同文明交流借鉴、兼容并蓄,是社会进步的不竭动力。国家不分大小、强弱、贫富一律平等。

    Mutual learning and tolerance among different civilizations is an inexhaustible source of strength for social progress , and all countries , big or small , strong or weak , rich or poor , are equal .

  13. 自1945年成立以来,教科文组织忠实履行使命,在增进世界人民相互了解和信任、推动不同文明交流互鉴方面进行了不懈努力。

    Since its inception in 1945 , UNESCO has faithfully lived up to its mandate and worked untiringly to enhance trust and understanding among the worlds peoples and promote exchanges and mutual learning among the various civilizations .

  14. 与之前的调查相比,2019年版增加了文明交流互鉴的中国主张、新中国成立七十年来的中国国家形象评价等话题。

    previous surveys , the 2019 version adds topics including China 's advocacy of exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations and the general impression of China 's national image since the founding of the People 's Republic 70 years ago .

  15. 首先,我谨对博科娃女士再次当选教科文组织总干事,表示衷心的祝贺!对教科文组织为推动人类文明交流互鉴作出的卓越贡献,表示诚挚的敬意!

    Let me begin by offering Madame Bokova my heartfelt congratulations on her re-election as the Director-General of the Organization and paying my sincere tribute to UNESCO for the extraordinary contribution it has made for greater exchanges and mutual learning among human civilizations .

  16. 就基本性质而言,法律移植是法律的相对独立性的反映,是法律文明交流的重要形式,是创造性的法律实践活动,是法律的横向变迁和发展,是法律变革的重要途径。

    Abstract : As far as its nature is concerned , legal transplant is the reflection of relative independence of law , an important form of exchanging legal civilization , a kind of creative legal practice , cross development of law and an important way of legal change .

  17. 之后,中外文明交流互鉴更是频繁展开,这其中有冲突、矛盾、疑惑、拒绝,但更多是学习、消化、融合、创新。

    Thereafter , exchanges and mutual learning between the Chinese civilization and other civilizations became more frequent . There were indeed conflicts , frictions , bewilderment and denial in this process . But the more dominant features of the period were learning , digestion , integration and innovation .

  18. 两国文明的交流源远流长。

    The cultural exchange between the two countries has a long history .

  19. 文明因交流而多彩,文明因互鉴而丰富。

    Civilizations have become richer and more colorful with exchanges and mutual learning .

  20. 人们通过读写文本文字来获取知识、传承文明、交流互动。

    Through reading and writing text , people can obtain knowledge , inheritance civilization and exchange interaction .

  21. 各种文明相互交流和借鉴,是人类进步的动力。

    The exchange and mutual reference of different kinds of civilizations constitutes a motive force of human progress .

  22. 古埃及与地中海文明的交流&考古学所见的埃及与地中海世界的关系

    The Interflow between Ancient Egypt and Mediterranean Civilization ── The Relationship of Egypt and Mediterranean World Exemplified by Excavation

  23. 翻译在人类文明的交流和发展历史中起了重大的作用。

    Translation has been playing an important role in the development of human civilization and has helped communicate different cultures .

  24. 因此我们可以推断出翻译有利于人类文明的交流、推进和谐社会的构建。

    Therefore , we can infer that the translation is conducive to the exchange of human civilization , promoting harmonious society .

  25. 随着人类历史行程的推进,各民族文明的交流日趋加强,并呈现出一种汇融的态势。

    With the development of the human history , the exchange of various nations ' civilization is strengthened , which indicates a trend of fusion .

  26. 首先,世界多样文明的交流对话与人类社会和谐共生的理想,为孔子学院发展赋予了新使命。

    First of all , the exchanges and dialogues between civilizations and their harmonious coexistence have inspired us to undertake a new mission for Confucius Institutes down the road .

  27. 科学与人文同源同生,互通互动,相宜互补,两者交融则生绿。各种文明相互交流和借鉴,是人类进步的动力。

    GREEN is the same source of science and civilization , they are interaction and exchanging . The exchange and mutual reference of different kinds of civilizations constitutes a motive force of human progress .

  28. 翻译活动在人类文明和文化交流中发挥极其重要的作用。

    Translation plays a very important role in civilization spreading and culture communication of human beings .

  29. 我们要加强不同文明之间的交流与对话,防止文明对抗或冲突的发生。

    We should strengthen the exchange and dialogue between different civilizations , and prevent civilization confrontation or conflict .

  30. 40年来,中欧共同促进文明对话、交流互鉴。

    Over the past 40 years , China and the EU have worked together to promote dialogue , exchange and mutual leaning among civilizations .