
huǒ qiāng
  • Firearm;firelock;shotgun;flintlock;roer
火枪 [huǒ qiāng]
  • [flintlock; firelock] 一种旧式枪支,以火药、铁砂为弹药

火枪[huǒ qiāng]
  1. 火药装得太多的旧火枪爆裂了。

    The overcharged old musket burst .

  2. 他们收起火枪和号角安定休息了

    They 've packed away the firearms the trumpets lay to rest

  3. 19世纪火枪被来复枪取代。

    The musket was replaced by the rifle in the19th century .

  4. 火枪手们。我们要去救公主。

    Musketeers , we 've got a princess to rescue .

  5. 他摇了摇头,掮上那支生锈的火枪。

    He shook his head , shouldered the rusty firelock .

  6. 是的,所有的猎人都能使用火枪。

    Yes , guns will be available to all hunters .

  7. 那卫兵被杀伤力大的火枪击毙了。

    The guard was killed with a high-powered rifle .

  8. 我是第五诺森伯兰火枪团的约翰·华生

    I 'm John Watson , Fifth Northumberland Fusiliers ,

  9. 少校,拜托,我是约翰·华生,诺桑伯兰第五明火枪团军医,

    Major , please ! I 'm John Watson , Fifth Northumberland Fusiliers ,

  10. 他们的其中两个跪在窗前,跟著火枪在他们身边!

    Two of them knelt at her casement , with muskets at their side !

  11. 不,长官,我是约翰·华生上尉,诺桑伯兰第五明火枪团。

    No , sir , I 'm Captain John Watson , Fifth Northumberland Fusiliers .

  12. 火枪第一次出现在公元10世纪。

    Fire lances , the first incarnation , emerged sometime in the 10th century .

  13. 约翰·华生上尉诺桑伯兰第五明火枪团

    Captain John Watson , Fifth Northumberland Fusiliers .

  14. 突火枪射出的有毒烟雾会导致呕吐和抽搐。

    The toxic smoke induced vomiting and convulsions .

  15. 最早的火枪是不能穿透它的。

    The first firearms can not penetrate , the longbow , crossbows , Spears swords etc.

  16. 他正在等待火枪队执行死刑。

    He was awaiting the firing squad .

  17. 不先生我是约翰·华生上尉,来自第五诺森伯兰火枪团。-

    No , sir , I 'm Captain John Watson , Fifth Northumberland Fusiliers . -

  18. 这些火枪的先驱者可以射出穿透盔甲的致命齐射。

    This forerunner of the musket is capable of firing deadly volleys that can pierce armour .

  19. 一切开始于化学战,死亡射线和火枪甚至扼杀了夜晚。

    It began with chemo war , death rays and fire guns even killed the night .

  20. 最后插座刺刀装上了火枪,然后锁在一个桶吊耳里。

    Finally the socket bayonet slides onto the musket and then locks on a barrel lug .

  21. 士兵士兵,你背着火枪,吹横笛敲大鼓,是要娶我吗?

    Soldier , soldier , won 't you marry me with your musket , fife and drum ?

  22. 历史学家通常将其称为突火枪,但是这种表述也不是特别恰当。

    Historians usually call this weapon a flamethrower , but that description doesn 't quite do it justice .

  23. 我在那里读完了我的课程以后,立刻就被派往诺桑伯兰第五明火枪团充当军医助理。

    Having completed my studies there , I was duly attached to the Fifth Northumberland Fusiliers as assistant surgeon .

  24. 这种火枪被称之为手炮,以区别于其他支架火枪,属于最早的手持火器。

    Called " hand guns " to distinguish them from cannons , these are the earliest form of personal firearm .

  25. 本实用新型公开了一种淬火装置,具体地说是一种气焊火焰淬火枪,属于机械技术领域。

    The utility model discloses a quenching device , specifically to a gas-welding flame quenching gun , belonging to mechanical technical filed .

  26. 一个须眉花白的瑶族老人站在门前,手里提着一杆明火枪,肩上扛着一袋米。

    He was standing in front of the door with an airgun in hands and a bag of rice on the shoulder .

  27. 萨默塞特右有德恩贝格的德国轻骑兵,左有特利伯的比利时火枪队;

    On the right , Somerset had Dornberg with the German light-horse , and on his left , Trip with the Belgian carabineers ;

  28. 欧洲曾一度将黑火药用于军事目的,最先是用在火箭,后来用于火炮和火枪。

    Once in Europe , the black powder was used for military purposes , first in rockets , then in canons and guns .

  29. 尽管火枪作战技巧极易掌握,但士兵们仍须多学习一些装填和发射以外的知识。

    Though fielding troops armed with crude muskets is quite manageable , the men that wield these weapons are typically taught little more than how to fire and reload .

  30. 与此同时,树林里又一次传来了枪声,一颗子弹呼啸着从门外飞来,把大夫的火枪打成了碎片。

    At the same moment , the fire was once more opened from the woods , and a rifle-ball sang through the doorway , and knocked the doctor 's musket into bits .