
huǒ nú lǔ lǔ
  • Honolulu
火奴鲁鲁 [huǒ nú lǔ lǔ]
  • [Honolulu] 美国夏威夷州首府和主要港口。又名檀香山

  1. 在火奴鲁鲁会议召开前,曾分别于3月在华盛顿哥伦比亚特区、5月在蒙大拿州大天城(BigSky)和9月在加利福尼亚州旧金山举行了三次亚太经合组织部长级会议。

    The Honolulu meeting follows ministerial-level meetings in Washington , D.C. , in March ; Big Sky , Montana , in May ; and San Francisco , California , in September .

  2. 从马拉喀什(Marrakech)到火奴鲁鲁(Honolulu),这只头戴红色蝴蝶结的小猫在各种玩具展览中广受欢迎。

    From Marrakech to Honolulu , the ubiquitous red-ribboned cat now stands top-tier in any toy display .

  3. 位于火奴鲁鲁的人才保留管理咨询公司Nobscot的首席执行长兼总裁贝司•卡文(BethCarvin)表示,最糟糕的情况就是你试图辩解或者把责任推给别人。

    ' The worst thing you can do is to make excuses or put the blame on someone else , 'says Beth Carvin , CEO and president of Nobscot , a retention management consulting firm in Honolulu .

  4. 林杨,你在火奴鲁鲁住了多久?

    Lin Yang , how long have you lived in Honolulu ?

  5. 但是还不至于要把你载到火奴鲁鲁。

    But not bad enough to drive with you to honolulu .

  6. 首府和最大城市火奴鲁鲁(檀香山)。

    The capital and largest city of Honolulu ( Honolulu ) .

  7. 总统巡视的第一站是火奴鲁鲁。

    The president 's first stop on his tour will be honolulu .

  8. 哦,说到3美元的火奴鲁鲁特饮。

    Oh , speaking of $ 3 Honolulu wonder coolers .

  9. 在火奴鲁鲁,怀基基海滩是最好的海滩之一。

    Waikiki is one of the best beaches for surfing in Honolulu .

  10. 渐渐地,火奴鲁鲁对刚愎的老船长的火气消了。

    Later , Honolulu softened toward the resolute old captain .

  11. 火奴鲁鲁以流行的度假胜地著称。

    Honolulu is well-known as a popular vacation destination .

  12. 1850年的今天,夏威夷的火奴鲁鲁(檀香山)成为一座城市。

    1850-Honolulu , Hawaii , becomes a city .

  13. 火奴鲁鲁是夏威夷的首府,朱诺是阿拉斯加的首府。

    Honolulu is the capital of Haiwaii and Juneau is the capital of Alaska .

  14. 你老婆从火奴鲁鲁回来后,你要我怎么办?

    What do you want me to do when your wife comes back from honolulu ?

  15. 珍珠港是美国太平洋舰队的基地,在夏威夷的火奴鲁鲁市附近。

    The base of the Pacific Fleet of the U.S.A.near the city of Honolulu in Hawaii .

  16. 美国夏威夷欧胡岛中部偏南城市,火奴鲁鲁的居民区。人口32879。

    A city of south-central Oahu , Hawaii , a residential suburb of Honolulu . Population , 32,879 .

  17. 同时,据报告,若干艘美国船只在旧金山与火奴鲁鲁之间的公海上被水雷击中。

    In addition , American ships have been reported torpedoed on the high seas between San Francisco and Honolulu .

  18. 太平洋师火奴鲁鲁地区项目工程师、土建工程长官兼驻地工程师助理;

    Project Engineer , Chief of Civil Works , and Assistant Resident Engineer , Honolulu District , Pacific Ocean Division ;

  19. 尽管火奴鲁鲁马拉松很吸引人,但伯里尔说她并没有打算今年再跑。

    Burrill said she doesn 't plan to run the Honolulu Marathon again this year , although she 's tempted .

  20. 柯克说,他将在奥巴马总统和其他领导人抵达前,去火奴鲁鲁会见亚太经合组织各成员的贸易部长。

    Kirk said he will head to Honolulu to meet with APEC trade ministers before President Obama and other leaders arrive .

  21. 火奴鲁鲁电&92岁的格拉迪丝·伯里尔间或暴走,间或慢跑完成了火奴鲁鲁马拉松比赛。她根本没想到自己打破了世界记录。

    HONOLULU-Gladys Burrill wasn 't thinking about breaking a world record when she power-walked and jogged through the Honolulu Marathon at age92 .

  22. 火奴鲁鲁西北部1300英里的夏威夷群岛的一座环礁。

    An atoll in the Hawaiian Islands some 1300 mile northwest of Honolulu ; site of an important United States naval base .

  23. 在牛津,21%的成年人掉了至少6颗牙齿,而火奴鲁鲁的比率却只有6%,火奴鲁鲁是记分卡上医疗保健表现最好的地区。

    In Oxford , 21 percent do , compared with just 6 percent of adults in Honolulu , the best-performing community on the scorecard .

  24. 同样的事情也发生在长途类旅行的目的地之一&夏威夷,火奴鲁鲁。那里的美国游客近些日来逐渐减少。

    Prices are also down in Honolulu , Hawaii , a destination for the kind of lengthy vacations that mainlanders are cutting back on these days .

  25. 梅丽莎·芬努凯恩是火奴鲁鲁市的社会学家。她最近展开一项研究,旨在调查夏威夷农民和农场主如何应对环境风险。

    That 's Melissa Finucane , a Honolulu social scientist who recently conducted a on how farmers and ranchers in Hawaii perceive and act on environmental risks .

  26. 安高中毕业之后,她的父亲接受了一份在夏威夷的工作,然后举家迁移到他们最终的家&火奴鲁鲁城市。

    After Ann graduated from high school her father accepted a job in Hawaii and took his family to their final home , the city of Honolulu .

  27. 此前该项纪录的保持者是年龄为92岁零19天的格拉迪斯·伯里尔,她在参加2010年火奴鲁鲁马拉松时创下纪录。

    The oldest woman to previously complete a marathon was Gladys Burrill , who was 92 years and 19 days old when she completed the 2010 Honolulu Marathon .

  28. 我们的总部位于路易斯安那州曼德维尔,业务遍布全球各地,国内业务最远覆盖至夏威夷火奴鲁鲁。

    With our head office in Mandeville , Louisiana , our markets stretch the global arena and our Domestic operations are as far afield as Honolulu , Hawaii .

  29. 史密斯夫妇过去经常到火奴鲁鲁度假并住在山脚下的一个小旅馆里。

    Mr. and Mrs. Smith had always spent their summer holidays in Honolulu in the past , staying in a small hotel at the foot of a mountain .

  30. 大约一个小时以后,已故参议员丹尼尔·井上的悼念活动就将在火奴鲁鲁开始,井上于上周去世,终年88岁。

    In about an hour , memorial service is to begin in Honolulu for the late Senator Daniel Inouye who died last week at the age of 88 .