
  • 网络San Jose;sjo;SJC
  1. 这是外国,与圣何塞很不一样。

    This was a foreign country , so unlike San Jose

  2. 洛克·陈(LocTran)是北加州圣何塞州立大学(SanJoseStateUniversityinNorthernCalifornia)校园里的名人。

    Loc Tran is a big man on campus at San Jose State University in Northern California .

  3. IBM于12月的第一周在加利福尼亚圣何塞计算机发展研讨会上发表了这一研究结果。

    IBM presented its findings the first week of December at the Symposium on Computing for Development in San Jose , California .

  4. 去年秋天,圣何塞州立大学(SanJoseState)使用了MIT电路与电子学的入门网络课程和互动练习。

    Last fall , San Jose State used the online lectures and interactive exercises of M.I.T.s introductory online Circuits and Electronics course .

  5. 该项目于2010年在加州山景城(MountainView)发起,此后扩展到了洛杉矶、纽约、波士顿、旧金山、伯克利和圣何塞。

    Launched in 2010 in Mountain View , California , the programme has since expanded to Los Angeles , New York , Boston , San Francisco , Berkeley and San Jose .

  6. 基尼一家后来从圣何塞(SanJose)搬到了宾夕法尼亚州的米堤亚(Media)。她现在在当地的一家顺势治疗产品公司从事消费者体验专员的工作。

    The Keaneys moved from San Jose to Media , Pa. , where Ms. Keaney now works as a consumer-experience specialist for a homeopathic products company .

  7. 特别感谢JoeDeCarlo,他在加利福尼亚圣何塞,领导IBM的RUPforSystemz项目。

    A special thanks to Joe DeCarlo , who led the RUP for System z residency project at IBM in San Jose , California .

  8. 20世纪70年代,《圣何塞水星报》(SanJoseMercury)的分类广告版面上,科技类的招工广告最多时曾达到60页。

    At peak times during the 1970s , the classified section of the San Jose Mercury carried up to sixty pages of technology help-wanted ads.

  9. 他在介绍自己学历时承认,在学校就读的时候满脑子里装的都是其他事。他1995年勉强从山景城高中(MVHS)毕业,后来从圣何塞州立大学(SanJoseStateUniversity)辍学。

    By his own admission in listing his education -- barely graduating from MVHS in 1995 and dropping out of San Jose State University -- he had other things on his mind .

  10. TonNgo是位于加利福尼亚圣何塞的一名云解决方案架构师和高级开发人员。

    Ton Ngo is a cloud solution architect and senior developer at the IBM Silicon Valley Lab , San Jose , California .

  11. 他们发现,圣何塞的西门购物中心(WestgateShoppingCenter)正在招募大学生,要他们穿上戏服逗小孩子玩。

    They discovered that the Westgate Shopping Center in San Jose was seeking college students who could dress up in costumes and amuse the kids .

  12. 该团队说,其目标市场是大学和企业,以美国最健康的城市之一的圣何塞(SanJose)为首发地。

    The team said its target market would be universities and corporations , with San Jose named one of the healthiest cities in the United States an initial venue .

  13. 不在圣何塞总部工作的员工可以通过思科网真(TelePresence)视频会议系统和电视直播参与聊天。

    Those not located in its sunny San Jose headquarters can join the chat via Cisco TelePresence locations and TV broadcasts .

  14. 这些兔子为圣何塞州立大学的名誉退休教授BettyChu所有,作为北加州安哥拉协会的一部分,这些兔子巡游整个州,出现在各式各样的节目中。

    Bred and coiffed by Betty Chu , professoremeritus at San Jose State University , the rabbits tour across the state fordisplay in shows as part of the Northern California Angora Guild .

  15. 本文中的代码示例引用了CARPOOL表,该表记录旧金山和圣何塞两地关于合伙用车的信息。

    Code samples in this article refer to the CARPOOL table , which tracks carpool information for San Francisco and San Jose .

  16. 三星的律师们,试图扭转8月的裁决,希望在圣何塞法院听证时Koh法官能审视一下她的同僚的判决。

    Samsung 's lawyers , trying to get the August ruling reversed , will be hoping Judge Koh looks closely at her colleague 's findings when battle resumes in San Jose .

  17. 艾达在主人圣何塞州立大学退休教授BettyChu的照料下,作为北加利福利亚安哥拉协会的一员参加了在该州的巡回展览演出。

    Bred and coiffed by Betty Chu , professor emeritus at San Jose State University , the rabbits tour across the state for display in shows as part of the Northern California Angora Guild .

  18. 他是学校电子竞技队的顶级玩家,今年6月帮助圣何塞州立一路过关斩将,最终击败加州州立大学富勒顿分校(CaliforniaStateUniversity,Fullerton),赢得了一项赛事的冠军。这次比赛有近9万人在网上观战。

    He is a top player on the school 's competitive video game team , helping San Jose State claw its way to victory in June over California State University , Fullerton , in a tournament watched online by nearly 90000 people .

  19. eBay于去年八月推出了eBayNow移动应用程序,目前旧金山、纽约以及圣何塞已经开通了这项服务,另外芝加哥和达拉斯将于今夏开通该服务。

    EBay launched its eBay now mobile app last August and is currently available in San Francisco , New York , and San Jose , with service to Chicago and Dallas coming this summer .

  20. 加州圣何塞的虚拟触觉技术开发商ImmersionCorp.表示,未来九个月份,三家移动运营商将推出其开发的应用软件,用户可以以非语言的形式沟通感情。

    Immersion Corp. , a haptics developer based in San Jose , Calif. , says that in the next nine months three mobile carriers will be launching applications it created that allow users to communicate emotions nonverbally .

  21. 上月,苹果说服美国圣何塞的一家法庭暂时阻止三星galaxy智能手机和平板电脑在美国销售,等待法庭在7月底就专利主张举行全面庭审。

    Last month Apple persuaded a San Jose court to put a temporary block on sales of Samsung Galaxy phones and tablets in the US , pending a full court trial over patent claims at the end of July .

  22. 在这场旷日持久的全球专利战争中战斗最为激烈的一案中,法官露西科(lucykoh)及两家领先智能手机制造商的律师团队将于周四在加州圣何塞见面。

    Judge Lucy KOH and legal teams from the two leading smartphone makers will meet in San Jose , California on Thursday to consider arguments , in the most vigorously fought case in the long-running global patent battle .

  23. 阿格沃尔说EdX不会对圣何塞州立大学收取使用课程费用,但从本秋季学期起,EdX将面向所有加州大学,对翻转课堂收取使用费。

    Agarwal says edX didn 't charge San Jose State for the pilot program , but starting this fall , it will be offering the flipped course to all California State University campuses for a fee .

  24. 美国联邦巡回上诉法院(U.S.CourtofAppealsfortheFederalCircuit)周五审理的案子因早些时候苹果起诉三星案而起。2011年,苹果在圣何塞的联邦法院起诉三星,该案去年进行了审理。

    The case being heard Friday by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit , a specialized court that handles appeals of patent cases , arose from a earlier complaint that Apple filed against Samsung in federal court in San Jose in 2011 , which went to trial last year .

  25. 圣何塞州立大学(SanJoseStateUniversity)人因工程学教授安德烈(AnthonyAndre)称,由于触控全屏需增加拉伸的幅度,我们可能会开始看到越来越多由大型触屏电子设备引发的严重重复性劳损,例如对拇指的损害。

    As the stretch to reach all areas of the screen increases , we might start to see more serious repetitive stress injuries ─ likely to the thumbs ─ in larger touch-screen devices , ' says Anthony Andre , a professor of human factors and ergonomics at San Jose State University .

  26. 位于加利福利亚洲圣何塞的半导体制造商AtmelCorp.的触摸科技营销总监克里斯•阿德(ChrisArd)表示,所有的工作都集中在改进设备的速度、可靠性以及它们如何与人类互动方面。

    All the work is on improving the speed of devices , the reliability and how they interact with humans , ' says Chris Ard , director of marketing for touch technology at semiconductor maker Atmel Corp. , based in San Jose , Calif.

  27. 该公司位于加州圣何塞市,是一家新建的数据网络公司。

    , a starting data networking company in San Jose , Calif.

  28. 博伊西州(左)和圣何塞州大学啦啦队长。

    Boise State ( left ) and San Jose State University cheerleaders .

  29. 圣何塞正在修建美国足球大联盟球场。

    A Major League Soccer stadium is being built in San Jose .

  30. 我知道,圣何塞铜矿环境恶劣,所以我一直都提心吊胆。

    I knew it was a bad mine and I was always afraid .