
  • 网络CHRISTMAS ISLAND;Kiritimati
  1. 除此之外,钓鱼比赛在圣诞岛也非常普遍。

    Game fishing on Christmas Island is also popular .

  2. 1777年的今天,又被称作“圣诞岛”的基里巴斯被詹姆斯·库克船长发现。

    1777-Kiritimati , also called Christmas Island , was discovered by James Cook .

  3. 圣诞岛红蟹的甲壳和圆形的肩甲包裹着它们的肺和鳃。

    The Christmas Island red crabs'carapace is round shouldered and encloses their lungs and gills .

  4. 观鸟也非常受欢迎,尤其在圣诞岛,会有成千上万的鸟来回飞翔。

    Birdwatching is popular , especially on Christmas Island where millions of birds swarm everywhere .

  5. 现在,我们在圣诞岛上将拥有一个帐篷城市。

    " We are now going to have a tent city on Christmas Island ," he said .

  6. 澳大利亚移民部门确认,圣诞岛拘留中心设施人数已经超过限制。

    Australia 's Immigration department has confirmed that facilities at the Christmas Island detention center have been stretched beyond their limits .

  7. 圣诞岛红蟹在生长的初期阶段定期脱壳来使之符合自己的身体大小。

    The Christmas Island red crabs moult their shells regularly during their early growth phases to match their increasing body size .

  8. 圣诞岛现在已经人满为患,这些绝望的人们将在圣诞岛的帐篷里度过夏季炎热的几个月。

    Christmas Island is now overcapacity and these desperate people will be spending the hot summer months on Christmas Island under tents .

  9. 该船只被押送到圣诞岛,处在印度洋澳大利亚比较偏远的领土,主要用于移民处理。

    The vessel is being escorted to Christmas Island , a remote Australian territory in the Indian Ocean , for immigration processing .

  10. 额外的临时建筑设施已经运往圣诞岛,以缓解目前的住宿危机,并应对更多到来者。

    Additional temporary buildings are being shipped to the Christmas Island facility to alleviate the accommodation crisis and in anticipation of more arrivals .

  11. 印度-太平洋:东印度洋的圣诞岛到夏威夷与社会群岛,北至琉球群岛,南至东加与拉罗东加。

    Indo-Pacific : Christmas Island in the eastern Indian Ocean to the Hawaiian and Society islands , north to the Ryukyu Islands , south to Tonga and Rarotonga .

  12. 圣诞岛红蟹一旦到达海边的交配地点时,雄性就会挖洞以抵御掠食者。

    Once Christmas Island crabs arrive at their beachside mating spots , males dig burrows and defend them from marauders , study co-author Turner said ( file photo ) .

  13. 印度-西太平洋:斯里兰卡,然后包括可可群岛-基灵群岛与圣诞岛,到泰国日本,凤凰岛与马绍尔群岛与美属萨摩亚群岛,也斐济。

    Indo-West Pacific : Sri Lanka , including Cocos-Keeling Islands and Christmas Island , to Thailand then Japan , the Phoenix and Marshall Islands and American Samoa , also Fiji .

  14. 据圣诞岛国家公园网站介绍,作为圣诞岛上的14种蟹类之一,圣诞岛红蟹是最为常见的。

    Of Christmas Island's14 crab species , the Christmas Island red crab ( above , crabs migrating in an undated picture ) is the most easily spotted , according to the Christmas Island National Park website .

  15. 圣诞岛上一些囚犯被安排在大型帐篷内。此举促使保守反对派再次呼吁政府遣送这些船只回国,以缓解目前的危机。

    Some inmates on Christmas Island are now being housed in large tents , a move which has prompted the conservative opposition to renew its call on the government to send back the boats to relieve the crisis .

  16. 你得回去圣诞老人岛。

    You 're gonna go back to Santa land .