
shènɡ hè lè ná dǎo
  • St. Helena Island
  1. 他作为英国的囚徒,于1821年死在圣赫勒拿岛。

    He died a British prisoner at St. Helena in 1821 .

  2. 他们把拿破仑.逐到圣赫勒拿岛。

    They exiled Napoleon to the island of St. Helena .

  3. 随后被立即送往圣赫勒拿岛,在此地度过余生,死于1821年。

    He was summarily dumped on Saint Helena , where he died in1821 .

  4. 拿破仑一世被流放到南大西洋的圣赫勒拿岛。

    1815 Napoleon I was exiled to island of St Helena in the South Atlantic .

  5. 各国的君主,身居统治地位而内心惴惴不安,由于圣赫勒拿岛的岩石出现在天边。

    The kings reigned , but ill at their ease , with the rock of Saint Helena on the horizon .

  6. 姚家族葡萄酒公司挂牌成立于2011年12月,最近在加州圣赫勒拿岛开了个品酒室。

    Yao Family Wines launched its inaugural brand in December 2011 and recently opened a tasting room in St. Helena , California .

  7. 英国在1815年第一次占领了这个岛屿,以免有人利用该岛作为营救在圣赫勒拿岛流放的拿破仑波拿巴的中转站。

    Britain first took possession of it in 1815 lest it be used as a staging post to rescue Napoleon Bonaparte from exile in St Helena .

  8. 拿破仑在被囚禁于圣赫勒拿岛期间学习英语的几张碎纸片将于周四在伦敦国立海事博物馆展出。

    Scraps of paper from his English lessons in captivity on the island of St Helena go on show at London 's National Maritime Museum on Thursday .

  9. 乔纳森身长45英寸(约1.14米),站立高2英尺(约0.6米),是塞舍尔送给圣赫勒拿岛督察的礼物。

    Jonathan , who is 45ins long and can stand up to 2ft tall , arrived on St Helena as a gift to the governor from the Seychelles .

  10. 乔纳森生活在南大西洋的英国前哨小岛——圣赫勒拿岛上,英国王室将于数周后访问该岛。于是,岛上的兽医乔霍林斯决定为乔纳森梳洗打扮一番,迎接访问。

    Dr Joe Hollins , the vet for the British outpost of St Helena in the south Atlantic where Jonathan lives , decided to give him a spruce up ahead of a royal visit in a few weeks ' time .

  11. 它已经在圣赫勒拿岛上见证了28任英国督察的更迭,经历了自乔治四世到伊丽莎白二世共八代英帝国君王的加冕,而唐宁街10号已然更换了51任英国首相。

    In his time on St Helena he has seen 28 British governors come and go . Eight British monarchs from George IV to Elizabeth II have been crowned during his lifetime and 51 British Prime Ministers have served at 10 Downing Street .

  12. 一位葡萄牙探险家于1506年首次发现了它,这个岛后来就成为了英国的海外领地,因为英国人担心法国人会将其作为营救拿破仑的出发地——拿破仑当时被流放到了圣赫勒拿岛。

    The island was first discovered in 1506 by a Portuguese explorer , and was later annexed by the British , who feared the French might use it as a point of departure to rescue Napoleon , who had been exiled to nearby St. Helena .

  13. 命运竟有如此的变幻,他正待坐上世界的宝座,却望见了圣赫勒拿①岛显现在眼前。

    Fate has these turns ; the throne of the world was expected ; it was Saint Helena that was seen .