
  • 网络baby boom;babyboom;Baby Boomer;baby booming
  1. 我是婴儿潮早期出生的那一代人。像许多同龄人一样,我的第一台车是一台大众甲壳虫(VolkswagenBeetle)。

    Like many members of my early baby boom generation , my first car was a Volkswagen Beetle .

  2. 应享权益支出必须随“婴儿潮”一代的退休人员数量的增加而增长。

    Entitlement spending is bound to increase as the baby boom generation retires .

  3. 尽管布莱尔在很多方面反映出他属于典型的战后婴儿潮一代,他身上却也有着些许遗世独立的气质。

    Although in many ways Blair has lived a quintessential baby boomer 's life , there is an air of loneliness and detachment about him .

  4. 婴儿潮一代将开始到达退休年龄,公司必须准备好应对劳动力的大量减少。

    The baby boomer generation is beginning to hit retirement2 age , and companies must prepare for what could be a major exodus3 .

  5. 千禧一代的数字智能搭配X一代和婴儿潮一代的情商。

    millennial DQ for Gen X and boomer EQ.

  6. 最近的一次调查分析显示,与婴儿潮世代的人相比,X世代的人对宗教更为忠诚。

    A recent survey analysis reveals that gen-Xers are more likely than baby boomers to remain loyal to religion .

  7. 然而,今朝这一X代人和婴儿潮一代正在无声得拒绝走上老失牙的中年危急之路。

    But now , some Generation Xers and younger baby boomers are quietly refusing to have their midlife crises the old-fashioned way .

  8. 但是首先,除了年轻,还有什么能把千禧一代和老去的沉默一代、头发花白的婴儿潮一代和步入中年的X一代区分开来呢?

    But first , what besides youth sets millennials apart from their elders - the wizened silent generation , the graying boomers , the midlife Gen-X'ers ?

  9. 就像美国婴儿潮一代(babyboomers)的年轻人一样,她们认为到处都在涨工资。

    Like American baby boomers in their youth , they assume a pay rise is around every corner .

  10. 不过,老一代的人们也不甘落后:80%的X代人(1961年到1981年出生)会在厕所使用手机;婴儿潮一代(1946年至1965年出生)有65%;沉默一代(1925年至1945年出生)则有47%。

    Eighty percent of Gen X reported using the phone in the bathroom , as did 65 percent of Baby Boomers and 47 percent of the Silent Generation .

  11. 但他们晋升管理层的道路上还挡着出生于婴儿潮时期的老员工,后者中的许多人如果退休就无力生活,因此许多X世代在事业发展上都遇到了挫折。

    But many are frustrated in their career ambitions by older baby boomers ahead of them in the management pipeline , many of whom can 't afford to retire .

  12. 人数超过8000万的婴儿潮一代或许应该现在就大批退休,为像你这样的X一代腾出发展空间。

    Almost 80 million strong , this generation was supposed to be retiring in droves right about now , opening up lots of opportunities for Gen X up-and-comers like yourself .

  13. 一项研究表明,约有12%的千禧一代称自己是“忠实的素食者”,而只有4%的X一代和1%的婴儿潮一代会这么说。

    An estimated 12 percent of millennials say they are " faithful vegetarians , " compared with 4 percent of Gen X'ers and 1 percent of baby boomers , according to one study .

  14. 现在职场上有四类不同的人:Z一代(实习生)、Y一代(普通职员)、X一代(管理者)和婴儿潮一代(高管)。

    There are now four distinct generations in the workforce : Gen Z ( interns ), Gen Y ( employees ), Gen X ( managers ), and Baby Boomers ( executives ) .

  15. 麦肯锡(McKinsey)估计,随着婴儿潮一代的退休,在2005年至2015年之间,美国公司将需要填补3400万个净职位空缺。

    McKinsey estimates that US companies will need to fill 34m net jobs between 2005 and 2015 as baby boomers retire .

  16. 18至29岁的年轻人中,有84%表示他们会与同事约会,而30至45岁的X一代为36%,婴儿潮一代(45至65岁)则仅有29%。

    Consider : 84 % of 18-to-29-year-olds say they 'd date a coworker , versus 36 % of Gen Xers ( ages 30 to 45 ) and only 29 % of Boomers ( 45-65 ) .

  17. 随着上百万婴儿潮时期出生的人到达退休年龄,这就对SSA带来了更大的压力、提出了更高的要求。

    As millions of baby boomers reach retirement age , the demands on the SSA will only get more pressing .

  18. 增长最快的两个群体分别是55岁以上的人和所谓的回声潮一代人(EchoBoomers),即婴儿潮一代人的孙辈。

    The two groups of the population that are growing fastest are the over-55s and the so-called echo boomers , the grandchildren of the baby-boom generation .

  19. 由于X一代的人数太少,难以填补婴儿潮一代退休(每天有10000人会达到65岁)所留下的空缺,所以许多千禧一代纷纷开始走上管理岗位。

    Since the number of Gen Xers is too small to fill all the corner offices vacated by retiring boomers who are turning 65 at a rate of 10,000 a day many millennials like you are stepping into management jobs .

  20. 随着道琼斯工业股票平均价格指数(DowJonesIndustrialAverage)从2007年10月9日到2009年3月6日下跌53%,很多婴儿潮一代在即将退休的时候看到自己的投资组合大幅缩水。

    Many of them , just on the cusp of retirement , saw their investment portfolios pounded , as the Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 53 % from Oct. 9 , 2007 , to March 6 , 2009 .

  21. 如今,随着“婴儿潮”一代人们开始领取社保,那个自由爱情的叛逆想法就好像CherryGarcia牌冰激凌一样美国。

    Today , as the Baby Boomers begin collecting Social Security , the once-rebellious ideal of free love has become as American as Cherry Garcia ice cream .

  22. 加州州立大学弗雷斯诺分校(CaliforniaStateUniversityinFresno)家族企业学院的院长乔治・沃兹克斯(GeorgeVozikis)表示,很多婴儿潮一代都被这次的经济衰退打了个措手不及,退休计划也受到了影响。

    Baby boomers , in many cases , were blindsided by the recession and its effect on their retirement plans , says George Vozikis , director of the Institute for Family Business at California State University in Fresno .

  23. 马萨诸塞州律所InfinityLawGroupLLC离婚律师GabrielCheong说,由于上述原因,婴儿潮一代更加急于保住一切留下来的东西。

    As a result , boomers have become more anxious to hold on to whatever they have left , says Gabriel Cheong , a divorce attorney with Infinity Law Group LLC in Quincy , Mass .

  24. 没错,这种别担心,开心点之类的建议几乎都是出自耳目闭塞的婴儿潮一代人之口,他们不发文本信息,不上Facebook,讨厌电子邮件,也从没想过要拥有智能手机。

    True , these Don 't Worry , Be Happy suggestions are almost always issued by out-of-the-loop baby boomers who do not text , are not on Facebook , hate email and would never dream of owning a smartphone .

  25. Outsell研究公司的肯博士认为Kindle对那些习惯于看纸质报刊杂志,在婴儿潮时期出生的人来说,较有吸引力。

    Ken Doctor of Outsell , a research firm , reckons that the Kindle appeals to baby-boomers who would otherwise read a paper magazine or newspaper .

  26. 再次说说东汉普顿,所罗门也许正把同年龄段的婴儿潮一代人(babyboomer)带入科技为依托的家租新时代,但他不会在上述网站上招租自家的小岛豪宅。

    Back in East Hampton , Solomon may be leading fellow baby boomers into a new dawn of technology-enabled home rental , but that is one site that he won 't be using to list his island .

  27. 婴儿潮一代担心身体寿命长于大脑寿命,他们拥有的财富超过了胡安·庞塞·德莱昂(JuanPoncedeLeón)的财富。他们对大脑不老泉的追求创造了一个价值10亿美元的产业。

    The quest for a mental fountain of youth , pursued by baby boomers who fear that their bodies will outlive their brains , and who have deeper pockets than Juan Ponce de Le ó n , has created a billion-dollar industry .

  28. F.C.亲爱的F.C.:相比其他年龄段的员工,尤其是婴儿潮一代,千禧一代(80后、90后)跳槽的频率确实更高。

    Dear F.C. : It 's true , Millennials are quicker to jump ship than any other generation of employees , especially Baby Boomers .

  29. 在欧洲和美国,除了受到这种一次性冲击之外,由于婴儿潮一代人(baby-boomer)开始退休,人口结构的压力也加大了预算压力。

    In both Europe and the US this one-off shock is compounded by demographic pressures that are increasing budgetary pressures , as the baby-boomers begin to retire .

  30. 对婴儿潮一代也是如此。CeridianLifeWorks为其员工提供灵活的办公时间,慷慨的员工援助计划,以及针对老人看护者的其他支持,虽然对于一家福利行业的公司来说,这并不令人感到意外。

    Not surprisingly for a company in the benefits business , Ceridian LifeWorks offers its employees flextime , a generous EAP , and other support for caregivers .