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  1. 这个解释终于使婴宁又高兴了起来,接著她又开始傻笑了。

    The explanation finally made Yinling cheerful and she started to giggle again .

  2. 婴宁的天真烂漫使得黄章爱她更为深刻。

    Yinling 's naivety made Huan Zang want to love her more deeply .

  3. 于是他把她紧紧地抱在怀中而婴宁也傻笑个不停。

    Then he hugged Yinling tightly in his arms while Yinling giggled continuously .

  4. 一个小人物一种大精神&论婴宁形象的独特性

    A Small Character , A Great Spirit

  5. 终于,黄章的父亲决定去拜访婴宁的母亲。

    Finally , Huan Zang 's father decided to pay Yinling 's mother a visit .

  6. 一年后,婴宁生了个双胞胎,一个男孩一个女孩。

    A year later , Yinling gave birth to twins , a boy and a girl .

  7. 如今很清楚地说明了婴宁的母亲一定就是这位名董的堂姐。

    Now , it was clear that Yinling 's mother must be his female cousin Dong .

  8. 然后,婴宁告诉黄章她是生在她那已经死了的母亲的棺材里的。

    Yinling then told Huan Zang that she was born at the coffin of her dead mother .

  9. 到家后,他把婴宁介绍给他的父母,并告诉他们与婴宁的表兄妹关系。

    Upon returning home , he introduced Yinling to his parents and told them about the cousin relationship .

  10. 婴宁说她难过因为从此以后她再也没有机会看到她的母亲了。

    Yinling said she was sad for she would never have a chance to see her mother again .

  11. 但是这位名董的堂姐早已过世了,他怀疑婴宁可能也是个鬼。

    As cousin Dong had already died , he suspected that Yinling might be a ghost , too .

  12. 孤独中人性的回归&《百年孤独》中雷梅苔丝的象征意义以及和《婴宁》的比较

    The Regression of Humanity in Solitude A Comparative Analysis of the Symbolic Significance between Remedios of One Hundred Years of Solitude and Ying Ning

  13. 婴宁的纯真和她与王子服的自由婚恋体现了她对剥夺女性正常生活权利的传统礼教的反叛。

    Ying Ning 's purity and her free love with Wang Zhifu reflect her rebel against feudal ethical code that deprives of her normal female rights .

  14. 既然黄章和婴宁看上去确是个美好的一对,而他们两个又是如此地相爱,一个婚礼很快便举行了,这对恋人便正式成为夫妻。

    Since Huan Zang and Yinling seemed to be a good match and they loved each other deeply , a wedding ceremony was soon held for the pair of young lovers .

  15. 儒道互补的人物形象塑造&浅析《婴宁》中婴宁的性格转变凯西的性格在她妈妈再婚后有了奇怪的转变。

    A Life Attitude with the Combination of Confucianism and Taoist & Analysis of Ying Ning s Characteristic Change in Ying Ning ; Kathys personality took a bizarre twist when her mother got married again .

  16. 黄章连忙请董姑母不要为此事发愁,“我的父母没有女儿,我敢肯定他们一定会疼爱婴宁也会爱听婴宁的笑声的。”

    Huan Zang quickly asked Aunt Dong not to worry about that . " My parents do not have daughter . I 'm pretty sure they will love Yinling and love to hear her giggle , too . "

  17. 本文从人物形象刻画手法和形象内涵两个方面入手,分析《婴宁》中女主人公婴宁这一鲜明、独特的人物形象。

    Proceeding from the portrayal of character and the creation of image , this paper analyses the vivid and distinctive character , the leading heroine in " Y1NG NING " which is a ghost story written by Song - ling Pu .