
yīng ér sǐ wáng lǜ
  • infant mortality rate
  1. 美国在婴儿死亡率方面排名第20。

    The United States ranks 20th in its infant mortality rate .

  2. 该国的婴儿死亡率已降至历史最低水平。

    The nation 's infant mortality rate has reached a record low .

  3. 婴儿死亡率是社会经济状况的可靠指标。

    Infant mortality is a reliable barometer of socio-economic conditions .

  4. 区域卫生改革试点项目为降低婴儿死亡率、增加人口预期寿命作出了贡献。

    Regional pilot health reform project contributes to decrease in infant mortality , increase in life expectancy .

  5. 文章利用调研所搜集到的1996-2002年数据,运用PANELDATA对中国各地区婴儿死亡率的影响因素进行实证分析。

    This article analyzes some factors impacting the infant mortality in different areas by using collected data from 1996 to 2002 and panel data .

  6. 人均GDP、总和生育率和出生率是少数民族婴儿死亡率的主要影响因素。

    The infant mortality rate is correlative with the average GDP , the total fertility rate and the crude birth rate .

  7. 确凿的证据表明,除了能提振就业和国内生产总值(GDP),教育还能抑制营养不良、孕产妇和婴儿死亡率、以及艾滋病。

    As well as boosting jobs and gross domestic product , the evidence is clear that education combats malnutrition , maternal and infant mortality and HIV / Aids .

  8. x死亡统计为基础,反映居民健康水平的指标有一般死亡率、婴儿死亡率、平均期望寿命、标准化死亡率等。

    There are several indices of the health status of a country or a region based on death statistics , such as crude death rate , infant mortality , life expectancy , standardized death rate etc.

  9. 在阿富汗(en),世界银行支持该国政府在短短三年内把婴儿死亡率和五岁以下儿童死亡率分别降低了22%和26%。

    In Afghanistan , the Bank supported the government to reduce the death rate of infants and children under five by22 % and26 % , respectively , in just three years .

  10. 忻州市PQLI最低为86.31,婴儿死亡率最高(25.81‰),识字率最低(91.19%);

    The lowest PQLI was 86.31 in Xinzhou , the highest infant mortality was 25.81 ‰ and the lowest literacy was 91.91 % .

  11. 采用婴儿死亡率指数(IMI)及可预防性死亡指数(PDI)来评价、分析179例城乡0~4岁儿童的死亡原因与死亡率水平。

    Children 's death cause and level was evaluated and analysed in 179 children under 5 years , old from city and rural area by Infant Mortality Index ( IMI ) and Preventable Death Index ( PDI ) .

  12. 基于支持向量机的婴儿死亡率预测模型

    A Support Vector Regression Model for the Predicting of Infant Mortality

  13. 常规报告系统与抽样调查所获婴儿死亡率之间的比较

    Compare with infant mortality between routine report system and sample survey

  14. 婴儿死亡率能够充分反映社会经济状况。

    Infant mortality is a highly sensitive barometer of socio-economic conditions .

  15. 意识到它可以减低婴儿死亡率并增加预期寿命。

    recognizing that it reduces infant mortality and increases life expectancy .

  16. 婴儿死亡率和贫穷之间有明显的联系。

    There is a definite correspondence between infant mortality and poverty .

  17. 新平县婴儿死亡率下降40.09%,元江县下降23.04%,死亡儿童死前到医院就诊比重逐年上升,未就诊者逐年下降。

    The infant mortality reduced 40.09 % and 23.04 % .

  18. 福建省婴儿死亡率影响因素的灰关联分析

    Grey Relation Analysis for the Factors Affecting Infant Mortality Rate in Fujian

  19. 卫生Ⅷ项目地区婴儿死亡率影响因素的多水平分析

    Multi-level Analysis on Determinants of Infant Mortality in Health ⅷ Project Areas

  20. 婴儿死亡率的曲面拟合探讨

    Study on curved surface fitting of the neonatal mortality rate

  21. 用最小&乘法预测婴儿死亡率

    Forecasting the infant mortality by the method of least multiplication

  22. 孕产妇和婴儿死亡率正在急剧上升。

    Rates of maternal and infant mortality are rising sharply .

  23. 一是出生的时候,因为婴儿死亡率高

    are the year you 're born , because of infant mortality ,

  24. 这城市最令人震惊的统计数字是其婴儿死亡率。

    The city 's most shocking statistic is its infant mortality rate .

  25. 我国区域城乡婴儿死亡率影响模式的多视角研究

    A Study on the Factors Associated with Infant Mortality Rates in China

  26. 社会经济发展对中国各省婴儿死亡率的影响

    Effect of society and economy development on infant mortality rate in China

  27. 中国贫困地区县级婴儿死亡率的多因素多水平分析

    Cross-County Analysis on Infant Mortality in Remote and Poverty-Stricken Areas in China

  28. 婴儿死亡率下降了10倍。

    Childhood mortality has come down a factor of 10 .

  29. 1986年的婴儿死亡率为生育成活率的千分之二十。

    Infant mortality was20 deaths per thousand live births in1986 .

  30. 减低婴儿死亡率和使儿童得到健康的发育;

    Reduce infant mortality and ensure the healthy development of the child ;