
yīng ér chē
  • stroller;pram;baby carriage;buggy
  1. 在平常的工作日里,在斯德哥尔摩、哥德堡以及其他瑞典大城市总能看到众多的爸爸们一手推着婴儿车、一手端着EspressoHouse或是Wayne'sCoffee的咖啡杯在街头漫步。

    Scores of dads can be seen during typical business hours strolling the streets of Stockholm , Gothenburg and other big cities pushing a stroller with one hand and nursing a cup from Espresso House or Wayne 's Coffee in the other .

  2. 布鲁克生前一直都是躺在婴儿车里,被大人们推来推去。

    Brooke has been pushed around in a stroller all her life .

  3. 我想知道是谁在瞎摆弄这辆婴儿车。

    I 'd like to know who 's been messing about with the pram .

  4. 他们把劳拉·简放在婴儿车里带来了。

    They brought along Laura Jane in a pram

  5. 橱窗外面有一大群人,推婴儿车的那位年轻妇女无法过去。

    There was such a crowd outside the shop window that the young woman with the pram couldn 't get by .

  6. 一定要把孩子牢牢地拴在婴儿车上

    Make sure that the child is strapped tightly into the buggy .

  7. 她把孩子放在婴儿车里坐着。

    She sat the baby up in the pram .

  8. 装有阳伞的婴儿车

    a child 's buggy fitted with a sunshade

  9. 事实很可能是,朝鲜把放射性玩具从婴儿车里扔出来,是为了引起巴拉克奥巴马(BarackObama)的注意。

    The likelihood is that North Korea is throwing its radioactive rattle from its pram in an effort to grab the attention of Barack Obama .

  10. 与此同时,这是十岁的罗密欧负责16个月的Harper,被看到推着婴儿车走着。

    Meanwhile , it was Romeo , ten , who took charge of little 16-month-old Harper and was spotted pushing her stroller .

  11. 尽管成人尺寸的婴儿车近期不会上市,但婴儿产品公司Kolcraft已研制出巨型款ContoursBliss婴儿车,其尺寸足够父母试坐。

    While adult-sized baby strollers won 't be hitting the market any time soon , the Kolcraft baby products company has created a giant version of its Contours Bliss stroller that is big enough for parents to try out .

  12. 广场上满是中国游客,在他们眼里,我们一家人一定很新奇--人们坚持要跟我金发碧眼的丈夫合影,还把我5岁的女儿塔莉娅(Talia)从她的折叠式婴儿车上拉过来多拍了几张照。

    The square was thick with Chinese tourists , and to their eyes my family must have been a novelty -- people insisted on taking photos with my blond husband and pulled my 5-year-old daughter , Talia , from her stroller for more shots .

  13. 我真正需要买的是辆婴儿车。

    What I really need to buy is a baby carriage .

  14. 为推婴儿车的人扶门;

    Hold the door open for a person pushing a stroller .

  15. 他们将婴儿车改装成火箭,直奔太空!

    Turn their pram into a space rocket ! Smart babies !

  16. 婴儿车、玩具、游戏及运动货品

    " baby carriages , toys , games and sporting goods "

  17. 迈克:你还没买婴儿车?

    Mike : You haven 't bought a baby carriage yet ?

  18. 菲儿推的婴儿车有一个轮子被什么东西夹住了。

    Phyl got one wheel of the pram caught in something .

  19. 噢你选得婴儿车不错我喜欢你的品位

    Oh , yeah , I like your taste in strollers .

  20. 儿子:我不需要婴儿车。

    Son : I don 't need a baby carriage .

  21. 我昨晚看到她推着一辆婴儿车走过格林小道。

    I saw her last night wheeling a pram along green lane .

  22. 想要自己尝试一下驾驶这款适合父母大小的婴儿车吗?

    Want to test drive this parent-sized pram for yourself ?

  23. 一位推着婴儿车的妈妈在婴儿车上也放了好几个。

    One woman was seen loading up a baby carriage .

  24. 用婴儿车推着孩子乘坐拥挤的公交

    Riding acrowded bus with a child in a stroller

  25. 现在必须找个人教我做一个婴儿车。

    Somebody has to show me how to do a cartwheei right now .

  26. 她抱怨这个商店漫不经心地对待推婴儿车的人们。

    She complained about the shop 's cavalier treatment of people with prams .

  27. 品牌字样印在该婴儿车上。

    The brand name is printed on the stroller .

  28. 如果你不多加小心的话,会把那辆婴儿车弄翻的。

    You 'll have that pram if you don 't take more care .

  29. 她婴儿车里推的什么?

    What 's she got in the baby carriage ?

  30. 婴儿车里的小婴儿在笑。

    The baby in the baby carriage was smiling .