
  • 网络wuhan government
  1. 1927年初李大钊的外交活动,对于武汉国民政府争取外交上的主动,策应北伐战争的进行,有着重大的意义。

    Li 's diplomatic activities in early 1927 is of great significance for Wuhan Government to attain diplomatic initiative and support Northern Expedition ( 1926 - 1927 ) .

  2. 广州、武汉国民政府时期的革命外交(1923-1927)

    " Revolutionary Diplomacy " in the Times of GuangZhou 、 WuHan National Government ( 1923-1927 )

  3. 对武汉国民政府时期湖北妇女运动的背景、发展概况、特点作了初步探讨。

    This paper preliminarily discusses the background of women 's movement , the development review , the characteristics and the significance in Hubei in Wuhan National Government period .

  4. 根据这一材料我们可以看出李大钊为武汉国民政府进行外交活动的一个侧面和李大钊在英、美、法和日本外交使团中所作的外交努力。

    From this report we can see that what Li did for the Wuhan National Government in diplomacy and his efforts in dealing with the diplomatic corps of Britain , America and Japan .

  5. 同时,该部分还将重点关注因学制变化而带来的学校更名;校长人选的商定;教育经费的筹措;武汉国民政府时期的教育改革;师生的革命活动。

    Meanwhile , this part will also focus on the changes brought by educational system renamed school ; Principal for negotiation ; Education funding financing ; Wuhan national government period education reform ; the teachers ' and students ' revolutionary activities .

  6. 他后来做了广东和武汉的国民政府主席,还是兼了第二军军长。

    Even when he became President of the National Government first in Canton and then in Wuhan , he was concurrently the commander of the Second Army .