
dànɡ àn zhěnɡ lǐ
  • archive arrangement
  1. 谈档案整理归档中正件与附件问题

    About Text " and Enclosure " in Archival Arrangement Filing

  2. 我会在星期五以前把这些档案整理好。

    I will get this files organized by Fiday .

  3. 档案整理技巧在执行《规则》时的灵活运用

    Flexible Use of Archival Arrangement Skill in Carrying out the " Regulations "

  4. 公路工程质量监督档案整理收集研究

    The Study on Arrangement and Collecting of Files for Highway Engineering Quality Supervision

  5. 暂时停止打字因为档案整理工作更重要。

    Leave off from typing for now because the filing is more important .

  6. 以教研室为单位进行教学档案整理的做法与体会

    Procedure and experience on teaching file reorganization which take the single-discipline department as the unit

  7. 古代档案整理思想是解决古代档案混乱状况的关键。

    The ancient file sorting thought is the key that solves an ancient file to disorder condition .

  8. 文章指出了高校人事档案整理中存在的问题,并针对问题提出解决对策。

    The problems in arranging personnel archives in higher education institutes are pointed out and the corresponding solutions are produced .

  9. 到了现代,随着社会的发展、科技的进步,档案整理又有了新的发展。

    Today , with the development of society , the progress of science and technology , archives arrangement and a new development .

  10. 这不仅极大的提高了互提资料规范性、时效性,也大大减少了历史成果借阅重用时间,还省去了大量琐碎的档案整理工作。

    This not only greatly improves the normalization and timeliness , but also largely reduces the cost of borrowing historical information and saves huge trivial drawing archive reorganization work .

  11. 但是她补充道,在盒式磁带录像机退出市场后,也许人们出于档案整理等原因依然会想播放盒式磁带的内容,从而形成盒式磁带录像机的小众市场,这或许将成为缅怀盒式磁带录像机的一种方式。

    However , she added that a niche market for accessing VHS content , perhaps for archival purposes , would probably mourn the loss of VCRs if they became unavailable .

  12. 除了职员的日常工作如档案整理及打字外,亦兼做部分行政工作如安排会议及处理人事档案。

    Besides the general duties of a clerk such as typings and filing , I have also provided administrative support for the department such as arranging meetings and maintaining personnel records .

  13. 希望可以通过对档案整理工作演变的研究,找到一些规律,以便更好的适应快速变化的社会给档案整理工作带来的挑战。

    Hope can through to file finishing work study the evolution of the find a few patterns , in order to better adapt to the changing social to file the challenge of finishing work .

  14. 改进档案馆整理编目工作的一点建议

    A Suggestion to Improve Archival Arrangement and Cataloging in Archives

  15. 负责财务档案的整理装订,按要求归档。

    Responsible for the collation of binding financial records , as required filing .

  16. 开展干部档案审核整理工作对医院发展的促进作用

    The Role of Cadres ' Files Auditing and Sorting in Promoting Hospital Development

  17. 建设工程档案如何整理

    How to Arrange Archives of Constructing Project

  18. 日常采购档案的整理,定购单及付款单的发票及文件收集。

    Daily purchasing files , invoices and documents collection about purchasing order , payment , etc.

  19. 档案的整理和利用是清史编纂工程的基础。

    The systematisation and the subsequent utilisation of archives necessarily form the basis for the compilation of Qing history .

  20. 依据交通部质监总站质监公字〔2005〕10号发布的《公路工程质量监督检查办法》第十六条规定,对公路工程质量监督档案的整理收集、立卷等工作进行了探讨。

    According to the regulations , the paper discussed the arrangement and collecting etc. of files for highway engineering quality supervision .

  21. GB/T9852.1-1988全国海岸带和海涂资源综合调查档案标准整理规则

    Standards for the archives of the national multipurpose investigation of the coastal zone and tidal wetland resources & Regulations on the physical arrangement

  22. 通过对浙江省1988~2002年的森林火灾报表和1991年以来的森林火灾档案表整理分析预测浙江省森林火灾的发生发展趋势:一是浙江省森林火灾发生的次数总体呈下降趋势;

    Analysis on forest fire records from 1988 to 2002 in Zhejiang province demonstrated trends of follows : the occurrence of forest fire has decreased ;

  23. 该论文试图解释明清档案的整理细节,探讨这一整理活动的作用和重要性。该文包括六部分。

    This thesis wants to expound the process and details of the arrangement , and explore the effect and significance of the activity , and the content of this article is divided into six parts .

  24. 文章的第一部分对中国古代多载体时代的档案的整理工作做以介绍,从中可以看出中国早在古代就有了档案分类整理的萌芽。

    The first part of your article about Chinese ancient times more than the carrier do to file finishing work , from which we can see China introduced in early ancient had archives to sort of germination .

  25. 对民国档案文件级整理工作的思索

    Ideas About Arrangement of Archival Documents of Republic of China

  26. 汤尼∶你需要用档案夹来整理你的资料。

    Tony : What you need are file folders for your stuff .

  27. 干部档案按件整理的探讨

    A Discussion on the Individual Management of Cadre Archives

  28. 安全档案必须定期整理;

    Safe records should be tidied up regularly .

  29. 山西防震减灾档案的收集整理与研究

    Collection , Arrangement and Analysis for Archive of Protection against Earthquake and Disaster Reduction of Shanxi

  30. 至于档案的内容整理,则是通过对文献的汇编,进行整理。

    As for file content arrangement , it is through the assembly of literature , finishing .