
  1. 国家综合档案馆接收破产企业档案的思考

    A thought on national comprehensive archives accepting the archives of bankrupt enterprises

  2. 市县两级综合档案馆不宜接收长期卷

    It is Not Suitable for General Archives toth County and City to Accept Documents Retention for Long Period

  3. 转出个人档案需档案接收单位出具转出个人档案的介绍信。

    Letter of introduction for moving out personal files written by the receiving unit is required for moving personal files out .

  4. 档案馆对现行机关档案接收工作的程序与内容

    Process and Content in Receiving Contemporary Official Files in Archives

  5. 通过该系统,能减轻纸质档案数字化工作量,有利于档案馆开展电子文件档案的接收,促进星级达标工作,加强电子文件档案规范化管理。

    Through this system , digital work might have reduced paper files , and archives of electronic files received , promote star compliance work , strengthening the standardized management of electronic files .