
dànɡ àn ɡuǎn lǐ yuán
  • archivist;filing clerk
  1. 纽约――哈莱姆区朔姆伯格黑人文化研究中心(CourtesyofLuoSiling)的二层,档案管理员在一摞盒子里偶然发现了这份文档。

    NEW YORK - The archivist stumbled across the file in a stack of boxes on the second floor of the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture in Harlem .

  2. 在和一位档案管理员进行过艰苦的交涉之后,我与母亲再度重逢。

    My re-encounter with my mother involved painstaking negotiation with an archivist .

  3. 发现这些信件的档案管理员克里斯蒂娜·麦凯(ChristineMcKay)说,浏览这些文件的时候,她不由得想到那个儿子。“我觉得如果总统能看看自己父亲亲笔写的东西就太好了,”她说。

    Christine McKay , the archivist who discovered the letters , said she could not help but think about that son as she pored over the pages . " I thought it would be great if the president could see his father 's words , " she said .

  4. 现在只是办公室后勤的档案管理员。

    Now I 'm a file clerk at an office supplies place .

  5. 档案管理员:管理所有小组收集和原创的文件。

    Archivist : Manages all documents collected and created by the team .

  6. 赛门:我是赛门,这里的档案管理员。

    Simon : I 'm Simon , the filing clerk .

  7. 作为公民档案管理员,你们对什么样的项目感兴趣呢?

    As a citizen archivist what kind of projects are you interested in ?

  8. 什么样的公民档案管理员的项目是可行的呢?

    What types of citizen archivist projects are possible ?

  9. 你可能还是理想的档案管理员,场馆管理员,或者博物馆技术人员。

    You also might just be an ideal archivist , curator , or museum technician .

  10. 通过公民档案管理员项目,我们能够获得更多工作的公共知识并激励下一代的档案工作者。

    Through citizen archivist projects , we can increase public knowledge of our work as well as inspire future generations of archivists .

  11. 除了让他们帮助我们完成大量的工作任务外,也使致力于公民档案管理员的公众帮助我们实现重要的公共教育目标。

    In addition to helping us accomplish sizable tasks , engaging the public as citizen archivists can also help us achieve important public education goals .

  12. 簿记员、出纳员、数据录入员、档案管理员和打字员等办公室职员岗位的数量一直下滑,说明其出现结构性下降。

    The number of clerical workers such as book-keepers , tellers , data entry keyers , file clerks and typists has been falling , pointing to structural decline .

  13. 档案管理员们的出现,再次证明了知识的强大力量。他们不仅为拯救庇护所世界而战,还背负着守护历史知识的重任。

    Proving once and for all that the pen is indeed mightier than the sword , the archivist fights not only to save Sanctuary 's future , but its past as well .

  14. 这要求档案管理员在结构上进行优化配置,在性别、年龄、学历、职称等各方面实施有针对性的管理培训,从而激发高校档案管理人员工作热情和科研能力。

    This requires optimal allocation on the structure of the file manager , and implement targeted for management training methods on gender , age , education and other aspects to inspire enthusiasm for the work of records management and research capacity .

  15. 这件事情是由女王档案图书管理员和助理保管员OliverUrquhartIrvine的纪录片的面世才被揭开。

    The story was unearthed for the documentary by Oliver Urquhart Irvine , the librarian and assistant keeper of the Queen 's Archives .

  16. 本文对地震台档案管理工作的主体&档案管理员应该具备的素质进行了探讨。

    The article is about the basic qualities a librarian-the person in charge of document management in seismic stations & should have .

  17. 编码档案著录标准(EAD)是档案管理员为改善著录和利用馆藏的方式而开发的一种标准,始于20世纪90年代。

    EAD is a standard that archivists have been developing to improve description of and access to their holdings . The development of Encoded Archival Description ( EAD ) began in 1990s .

  18. 常驻牛津的怀尔德认为,在英国博物馆、图书馆和档案馆委员会(后并入英国艺术委员会),自己是一个“卑微的角色”,这令他确信档案管理员有必要找到更广泛的受众。

    For the Oxford-based Mr Wild it was his " lowly role " at the UK 's Museums , Libraries and Archives Council ( later incorporated into the Arts Council ) that convinced him of the need for archivists to find a wider audience .