
  • 网络Archival Storage;file storage
  1. 差错校验功能提供统计上认可的保证,即任何一次在档案存储模块内部进行的数据转移都不会造成档案信息包成分的损失。

    The Error Checking function provides statistically acceptable assurance that no components of the AIP are corrupted during any internal Archival Storage data transfer .

  2. 接收数据功能还选择媒介类型、准备设备和容积并将实体对象转移到档案存储模块中。

    This function will select the media type , prepare the devices or volumes , and perform the physical transfer to the Archival Storage volumes .

  3. 关于电子档案存储载体的思考

    Thinking on Deposit Carrier of Electronic Archives

  4. 对于信令的固定信息部分,采用档案存储而减少传输量,以精简共通信令。

    Store the fixed information of the signaling to reduce the transinformation and simplify the common signaling .

  5. 针对电子档案存储载体寿命短及所依赖的计算机技术快速发展等问题,提出相应的对策。

    The relevant strategies concerning the short expectancy of the e-file storage devices and the rapid development of the computer technology relied upon are proposed .

  6. 传统方式采用纸质档案存储,花费成本较高,查询客户信息与更新客户信息操作不便捷。

    It is not convenient to query customer information and update customer information , and the cost is higher with a traditional way of paper records storage .

  7. 文中对网络档案虚拟存储的研究对今后网络档案的建设有一定的指导意义。

    Research in NAVSS will be beneficial to the development of network archives .

  8. 档案的存储周期短,操作方面准确,档案信息传输及时。

    File storage period is short , operation accurate , timely file information transmission .

  9. 基于光盘库的电子档案光盘存储归档管理系统的分析与设计

    Based on CD-ROM Database the Electronic Records Archive Storage Management System Analysis and Design

  10. 由于错误,档案跳过存储区。

    Archive skips store due to error .

  11. 网络环境下文档一体化面临着一系列的技术性问题亟待解决,主要表现在文件、档案电子存储格式的不统一;子系统结合不紧密,没有真正实现渗透融合;

    There are some technical questions need to resolve for documents integration in network environment , such as not uniform on file formats .

  12. 论文介绍了网络档案虚拟存储的基本概念和技术优势,设计了网络档案虚拟存储模型,同时描述了虚拟存储设计的相关问题。

    This paper introduces the basic conception and technical superiority of storage network archives virtualization storage , designs the model of Network Archives Virtualization Storage System ( NAVSS ), while describe the related problem about designing the model .

  13. 备份,档案,或者存储数据。

    Backup , archive , or restore data .

  14. 符号化不仅虚拟了信息,使得档案信息的存储与利用变得简便与自由,而且也虚拟了人类自身,使得人类社会日益丰富多彩。

    Symbol not only virtualizes information to make the archive storage and utilization of information easy and free , but also virtualizes human itself and make human society become rich and colorful increasingly .

  15. 笔者着重叙述CDJukebox光盘库因其可安全永久地归档大量信息数据,成为我公司不计其数的设计图纸数据存储及档案管理不可或缺的存储设备。

    Because CD Jukebox can store a large amount of data safely and permanently , it become essential in design drawing data storage and archive management in our company .

  16. 如此说来,我们的博物馆和国家档案馆都需要存储大量文件,而此记忆水晶的问世之后,它们将成为真正的受益者。

    Who want to preserve information or places like the national archives where they have huge numbers of documents , would really benefit .

  17. 完成转移后,该功能会给摄入功能模块发送存储确认信息,包括档案信息包的存储识别信息。

    Upon completion of the transfer , this function sends a storage confirmation message to Ingest , including the storage identification of the AIPs .

  18. 因为电子健康档案中数据的存储与交换由智能的个人健康数据构成,其中的每一项功能需要对特定的安全与登录管理条件进行考虑与执行。

    Since storage and communication of data in an EHR comprises sensible personal health data , each of those functions needs specific security and access management requirements to be considered and implemented .

  19. 档案馆是社会档案信息资源的存储中心,是提供利用档案信息资源的基地。

    Archives are the storage center of social file information resources , and are the base to provide archival information resource .

  20. 随着档案信息化的逐步深入,大部分档案数据存储于计算机系统之中,任何操作错误、硬盘损毁、电脑病毒、自然灾难等都可能造成数据的丢失,给档案馆造成不可估量的损失。

    With the advancement of Archive informatization , the majority of Archive data are stored in computer systems . Any operation mistake , hard disk damage , computer virus , and natural disaster is likely to cause the loss of the data , resulting in inestimable toll on the archives .

  21. 本文的研究对象为档案学界过去很少研究的数字化档案信息的存储问题。

    This thesis takes storage of digital archives as research object .

  22. 使用计算机输入、贮存、处理、检索、输出、传递档案信息,实现档案自动编目和检索,对档案存储环境进行监测和控制,以及对档案行政管理数据进行处理等等。

    The use of computer input , processing , storage , retrieval , output , transmission of archives information , realizing automatic cataloguing and retrieval of files , file storage environment monitoring and control , as well as on archives administrative data processing and so on .

  23. 随着档案资料的增加,工作人员劳动强度增大,档案资料的存储、查询等工作与办公高效率的要求矛盾日渐突。

    Along with the reference material increase , the staff work load increases , file storage , query , such as office work and high-efficiency requirements have become increasingly prominent contradictions .