
  • 网络MultiMedia File;multimedia documents
  1. InternetExplorer中的媒体栏使得播放音乐、视频或多媒体文件更容易。

    The Media bar in Internet Explorer makes it easy for you to play music , video , or multimedia files .

  2. 在本文中,我将通过一组PHP页面来使用AmazonS3托管多媒体文件。

    In this article , I use Amazon S3 to host multimedia files using a set of PHP pages .

  3. 多媒体文件在Powerpoint中引用地址问题的解决方案

    Methods of solving the problem of reference address in the Power Point for the multimedia documents

  4. 并且利用GIS软件和商业数据库建立了系统数据库。数据内容包括空间数据文件、属性数据库、文本文件库、多媒体文件库、模型库。

    Software of GIS and commercial database are used in the establishment of the database .

  5. 流媒体技术利用这种方式使多媒体文件实现了在Internet上的实时传输、按需播放,对于用户和网络负载来说都是大大的解放。

    In this way , streaming media files achieve a real-time transmission on the Internet and on-demand play . That means a great liberation for the load of users and the network .

  6. 用扩展RDBMS实现多媒体文件存储和查询

    Storage and Retrieval of Multimedia Data by Extended RDBMS

  7. 基于网络环境的视觉传达设计的内容包括:图片设计、多媒体文件设计、flash文件设计以及文字形象设计等。

    Internet Environmental Visual Communication Designs content includes : picture design , multimedia document design , Flash document design and character visualization design , etc.

  8. 在Powerpoint97中播放MPG多媒体文件的方法

    A way to play multimedia file of MPG in PowerPoint 97

  9. 流媒体又称流式媒体(streammedia)允许浏览者一边下在一边观看、收听,而不需要等到整个多媒体文件下载完成后就可以进行收看。

    Streaming Media called Stream Media in the side while allowing surfers to watch , listen , without having to wait until after the completion of the entire multimedia documents can be downloaded for viewing .

  10. 统一资源标识符(UniformResourceIdentifiers,URI)为标识Web中的资源定义了一种标准系统,这些资源包括HTML页面、XML文档、图像、多媒体文件等等。

    Uniform Resource Identifiers ( URIs ) define a standard system for identifying resources on the Web , including HTML pages , XML documents , images , multimedia files , and more .

  11. 多媒体文件是以数据包形式在Internet上传输的,应先对多媒体文件以一定的格式(例如H.263格式)进行编码,压缩成数据包,传送到网络上。

    The first of all , the multimedia files transmit on the Internet by datagrams capsulated . Therefore , encode these multimedia data according to some formats such as H.263 , H.261 , etc.

  12. 大型流媒体文件是很昂贵的,但微软将(可选)东道国Silverlight的多媒体文件和应用。

    Streaming large media files is expensive , but Microsoft will ( optionally ) host Silverlight media files and applications .

  13. MPEG-4编码标准压缩的多媒体文件在保证高质量的同时,文件需要的存储空间和流传输时的发送速率都很小。

    The advantage of MPEG-4 coding standard is that the multimedia files using MPEG-4 coding need less storage space and network transporting bandwidth than other MPEG coding standards .

  14. 附件可以是一个PDF或DOC文件、一个XLS电子表格、一幅二进制图像,或一个视频或音频多媒体文件。

    The attachment can be a PDF or a DOC file , an XLS spreadsheet , a binary image , or a voice or video multi-media file .

  15. 根据多媒体文件的逻辑特性,论文采用了一种UDFS(UniformDescriptionFileStripingMethod)方式对MPEG-4文件进行分片处理。

    According to the logical character of multimedia files , This article uses a UDFS ( Uniform Description File Striping Method ) strategy to strip MPEG-4 files . This method strips file after analyze the inside logic of this file .

  16. 本文介绍了DirectShow的体系结构,用C++类对其基本接口进行了封装,并结合实例讨论了多媒体文件播放的实现细节。

    The architecture of DirectShow is introduced in this paper . A C + + class encapsulates the basic interfaces of DirectShow . The implementation details of playing back multimedia files are discussed .

  17. 在方案中,提出三种机制来得到最大的文件传输成功率和最小的传输延迟,即它使得多媒体文件在基于DTN的P2P网络下可以可靠快速传输到接收端。

    In this scheme , the proposed three mechanisms enable the highest file delivery rate and the lowest transmission delay . That is this scheme can make multimedia files to be sent to the receiver fast and reliably in wireless mobile P2P networks over DTN .

  18. 系统以按多媒体文件特征设计的高效媒体文件系统(MFS)为基础,通过自适应创建资源副本服务器来保证服务质量,降低网络带宽消耗。

    DMSS is based on media file system ( MFS ), which is designed by the characteristics of multimedia files . In DMSS , replication servers are built automatically to improve QoS and reduce network bandwidth consumption .

  19. 本文针对声音文件(WAV)的特点,给出了一种基于多媒体文件概念模型的声音文件的存储方法,提出了解决声音文件连接的处理技术,给出了其设计原理的理论依据。

    Through the character of sound documents ( WAV ) , this article gives out a sound document storage method based on conceptual modeling of multimedia documents . Put forward how to solve related dealing technique of sound documents and theory basis by using of designing principle .

  20. MultimediaMCI控件为多媒体文件的播放提供了一个标准界面。

    The Multimedia MCI control provides a standard interface for playing multimedia files .

  21. 多媒体文件欢迎度的分析和预测

    Analysis and Prediction of Multimedia Popularity in VoD Systems

  22. 你将在下一章学到更多关于多媒体文件扩展名的知识。

    You will learn more about media file extensions in the next chapters .

  23. 集成多媒体文件系统的建模与实现

    Modeling and Implementation of Integrated Multimedia File System

  24. 上述文件描述了三种多媒体文件。

    The file above describes three multimedia files .

  25. 浅谈多媒体文件的格式

    Briefly introducing the storage forms of multimedia files

  26. 集成多媒体文件系统模型研究

    A Layer Model for Integrated Multimedia File System

  27. 苹果公司创建的多媒体文件格式。

    A multimedia file format created by Apple .

  28. 完成多媒体文件的播放程序

    Finished the program to play media files

  29. 网络多媒体文件模型研究

    Research of Web Multimedia Document Model

  30. 基于C/S模式多媒体文件分组上传系统的设计与实现

    Design and Realization of Multimedia Files ' Batch Uploading System Based on C / S Model