
duō mǐ nuò
  • domino
  1. 一名银行业内部人士警告称,如果银行业问题变成系统性问题,这可能会引发多米诺效应(dominoeffect)。

    One banking insider warned that this could lead to a domino effect if banking problems became systemic .

  2. 多米诺(Domino)电路是一种新型的动态CMOS电路,因为具有良好的性能,应用日益广泛。

    Domino circuit is a new type of dynamic CMOS circuit .

  3. 多米诺尼博士将相机放在筑巢箱里来追踪睡眠模式,他说睡眠不足可能对鸟类的健康有害。

    Dr Dominoni , who is putting cameras inside nesting boxes to track sleeping patterns , said lack of sleep could put the birds ' health at risk .

  4. 多米诺尼博士说:"在我居住的格拉斯哥,海鸥是个严重的问题,有人来找我说‘你是鸟类专家’。"你能帮我们杀死这些海鸥吗?"

    Dr Dominoni said , " In Glasgow where I live , gulls are a serious problem . I have people coming to me saying ` You are the bird expert . Can you help us kill these gulls ? ' . "

  5. 动态CMOS多米诺逻辑电路的研究

    Trends The Research of Dynamic CMOS Domino Logic Circuits

  6. 性能糟糕的动态Web服务可以导致多米诺效应,导致其他Web服务(内部和外部)降到不可接受的地步。

    A poor-performing Dynamic Web service can cause a domino effect , bringing the performance of other Web services , internally and externally , down to an unacceptable level .

  7. 毕竟,多米诺(Domino)就在他们的App中使用了一名暖男的声音,他们将它命名为Dom。

    After all , for their app , Domino 's went with an affable-sounding dude-voice , which they dubbed Dom .

  8. 由于轮轴-辐条系统的演变以及多米诺骨牌效应的推动,现行的世界范围内的FTA格局被形容为意大利面碗。

    Because of the development of Hub-and-Spoke System , the current FTA pattern in the worldwide is described as the Spaghetti-Bowl Phenomenon .

  9. 按Davis的话说,开会晚到5或10分钟会引起“多米诺”效应。

    People who show up 5 or 10 minutes late for a meeting cause a " domino effect , " Davis said .

  10. 但愿阿里巴巴和纽约证交所(NYSE)都为交易冲刺做好了准备,这样的话,阿里巴巴就将是带动更多IPO的多米诺骨牌,而不是堵塞其它公司上市之路的巨石。

    Alibaba and NYSE have hopefully prepared well for the trading onslaught , so that Alibaba can be a domino rather than a boulder .

  11. 在外国对华实施技术性贸易壁垒措施的过程中存在三类博弈,即WTO规则与反倾销收益、多米诺效应与起诉成本、实施与制衡机制。

    In the process of making China implement TBT , there are three games : the regulations of WTO and the profit of antidumping , domino effect and suing cost , and implementation and balancing mechanism .

  12. 在前人研究基础上,我们通过密度泛函理论(DFT)研究了单一的Cu(Ⅰ)催化多米诺反应合成吲哚的反应机理。

    Based on previous works , we have studied the synthesis of indole reaction mechanism with single Cu ( I ) - catalyst by density functional theory ( DFT ) .

  13. 投资者对雷曼丧失信心看起来可能会引发多米诺骨牌效应,可能会拖垮美林、摩根士丹利(MorganStanley),甚至还有高盛(GoldmanSachs)等竞争对手。

    The loss of investor confidence in Lehman looked likely to trigger a domino effect that could have wiped out rivals such as Merrill , Morgan Stanley and even Goldman Sachs .

  14. 通过相关模型的运用评价了在LPG储罐区发生火灾爆炸后,相邻危险源发生多米诺事故的可能性,并对安全间距作了着重的分析。

    The possibility of domino accidents happening because of the related hazard sources is evaluated by using the related models when fire happens in LPG tank area and especially analysis is conducted on safety distance .

  15. 介绍一种全部由PMOS休眠管实现的双阈值电压多米诺逻辑电路。

    One new domino logic circuit whose architecture is based on full PMOS sleep transistors and a dual threshold voltage CMOS technology is introduced .

  16. 在Brφnsted酸催化的多米诺反应中,底物的活化依赖于部分质子化或者与催化剂形成严格定向的氢键。

    In Br φ nsted acids-catalyzed domino reactions , the activation of the substrate relies on the partial protonation or the formation of a strictly directed hydrogen bond by the catalyst .

  17. 主要对导致动态CMOS多米诺电路失效的原因进行详细的描述,并讨论了解决电路失效问题的若干方案,从而有效地提高了动态CMOS多米诺逻辑电路在实际应用中的可靠性和稳定性。

    The thesis mainly describes the factors which make dynamic CMOS domino circuits out of action and discusses several solutions on solving disabled problem of circuits , Consequently reliability and stability of dynamic CMOS domino logic circuits have been improved effectively in practical applications .

  18. 中国国际在线报道,7月31日,德国Weida体育场,一项人体多米诺床垫活动创造新的世界纪录。

    According to the CRI Online , on July 31 , a new world record was set for the most human dominoes at Weida stadium , Germany .

  19. 剪切带中部变形较强,发育不对称褶皱、S-C组构、σ型及δ型旋转碎斑以及多米诺骨牌等;

    Rocks in the central part are deformed intensely , in which asymmetric folds , S-C fabrics and σ - and δ - type rolled porphyroblasts , as well as domino structure of plagioclase are developed ;

  20. 第二天,我又读到了PhilandoCastile被杀案的新闻;第三天,达拉斯“黑人的命也是命”游行活动中发生警察被枪杀事件,暴力事件就像多米诺骨牌一样接连不断的侵袭,我彻底被惊呆了。

    Then after reading about the killing of Philando Castile the next day , and the shooting of police at a Black Lives Matter protest in Dallas the day after , the domino effect of violence left me paralyzed .

  21. 文中详尽论述了新型的增强型多输出多米诺逻辑(EMODL)及其n-MOS赋值树的尺寸优化方法,并用它实现了高速低功耗20×20bit流水线乘法器。

    A novel Enhanced Multiple-Output Domino Logic ( EMODL ) ~ () and the sizing optimization of its n-MOS ( evaluation ) tree are covered in detail in this paper . It is utilized to implement a fast 20 × 20 bit pipelined multiplier with low power consumption .

  22. 指出群锚整体破坏形态存在传递多米诺效应。

    Domino effect occured while the anchor cable group was destroyed .

  23. 多米诺效应风险评价技术应用研究

    Study on the Application of Risk Assessment Method Domino Effect Considering

  24. 一个在玩多米诺牌的年轻犯人怒视着他。

    One of the domino playing gangbangers glares at Martin wells .

  25. 基于多米诺效应的油品储罐区个人风险研究

    Research on individual risk of tank area based on domino effect

  26. 就像多米诺骨牌的世界,只有前进,没有后退

    Like dominoes the world , only forward , not back

  27. 这种多米诺骨牌效应会极大影响译员的工作表现。

    This domino effect will greatly hinder the performance of the interpreters .

  28. 多米诺,多米诺,别再耍双节棍了。

    Domino , domino , give the goddamn numchucks a rest already .

  29. 多米诺:正面,活下去;反面,就得死。

    Domino : heads , you live ; tails , you die .

  30. 就等着看多米诺骨牌倒下了。

    Now we just watch the dominoes begin to fall .