
  • 网络Polygon;Poly;polygon modeling;Edit Poly
  1. 而后还利用OpenGL对船体和海浪进行了三维建模,讨论了多边形建模方法以及一致网格法,开发出船舶在海浪中的实时三维动画仿真系统。

    The OpenGL is also used to model the hull and waves , and the polygon and regular gridding method are discussed . The real-time 3D animated simulation system on the ship in waves is developed .

  2. 提出一种基于物理和多边形建模相结合的方法。

    A physics-based and polygon models method is presented .

  3. 挤压工具(EKEY)对于多边形建模来讲是非常重要的。

    One tool of paramount importance for working with Meshes is the Extrude command ( EKEY ) .

  4. 对于建模部分,我使用了多边形建模技术。

    For the modeling part , I used the " poly by poly " technique .

  5. 完成多边形建模方法结合粒子系统实例化来对于恐龙群体建模。

    Finish the polygon method and combining with the particle system instantiation to for dinosaur group modeling .

  6. 根据柔性物体变形运动建模的基本思想,提出基于物理和多边形建模相结合的方法模拟鱼的真实外观、形态、运动和行为。

    This method emphasizes the motion synthesis approach simulate the appearance , locomotion and behavior of fish based on the main ideas about deformable virtual objects ' physical-based modeling in virtual reality .

  7. 在多边形建模,通常从一个多边形网格对象,然后修改它,例如,加入边,焊接点,细分多边形,等等。

    In polygonal modeling , you generally start with a polygon mesh object and then modify it , for example , by adding edges , welding points , subdividing polygons , and so on .

  8. 利用多边形建模工具建立了多套三维场景,即实验场场景、高速公路场景、城市道路场景。

    Through above-mentioned research , the work of this dissertation is focus on these as follows : ( 1 ) Several virtual scenes are built up , such as urban transport scene , experimental ground and high way .

  9. 根据车削加工工件的几何外形和成形特点,提出了包含加工误差信息的回转体类工件半剖轮廓多边形建模方法和记录、组织加工误差信息的刀具轨迹法。

    The part represented by the polygon of the half section profile in its axis plane and cutter 's trajectories for recording and arranging machining errors data are presented based on the analysis of the geometrical characteristics of the part and machining in turning process .

  10. 结合储层建模结点数据的特点,提出了一种对多边形区域内建模结点数据进行快速三角剖分的算法。

    A fast algorithm is put forward that is used to triangulate stochastic reservoir modeling data in a polygonal domain .

  11. 针对球面等边多边形包覆拼接建模及出现拼接重叠等问题,分析了心射球面投射原理和共球面等边多面体的结构特征,提出了共球面等边多面体作心射球面投射的方法。

    An approach is first posed by using gnomonic projection , based on the problem remaining unresolved , which is about the coating joint modeling and the joint overlap of spherical equilateral polygon .

  12. 本文主要介绍了多边形(Polygon)建模和NURBS建模两种建模方法,并用两个实例来说明两种建模技术的区别。

    The author mainly introduces Polygon and Nurbs in this the sis , and uses two instances to explain the differences between the two methods .