
  • 网络cross-platform
  1. 随着Web技术的不断发展,基于XML的WEBService技术在软件重用性和跨平台应用中起着日益重要的作用。

    With the development of technology based on WEB , Web Service based on XML plays an important role in software reuse and flexible cross-platform support .

  2. 基于ICU的复杂文本布局引擎设计与跨平台应用研究

    Study on Design of CTL Based on ICU and Its Cross-platform Application Engine

  3. AUTOCAD数据文件的跨平台应用模式

    AUTOCAD Data Files Independent Platform Application Method

  4. 跨平台应用的另一促成因素是一个嵌入式虚拟机监控程序,它支持web应用程序在任何智能手机上运行,而无需知道底层架构。

    Another enabler for cross-platform applications is an embedded hypervisor , which allows a web application to run on any smart phone without being aware of the underlying architecture .

  5. 这种一致的输出使cairo非常适合GUI工具集编程和跨平台应用程序开发。

    This consistent output lends itself exceptionally well for GUI toolkit programming , or cross-platform application development .

  6. 由于构建在Mono之上,因此它最终成为了一个跨平台应用,可以运行在Linux及MacOSX(从1.4版开始)上,同时在今年的夏末秋初之际它将能够运行在Windows上。

    Built on Mono , it ended up being a cross-platform application running on Linux , Mac OS X ( starting with v.1.4 ) and by the end of this summer on Windows .

  7. 对实时性、可移植性、跨平台应用等方面的特殊要求,按照面向对象的方法设计实现了它的专用GUI和军标符号库。

    Associated with the Military Tactical Wireless Information Terminal project , the paper brings forward an new design of special GUI and Symbol Lib based on military criterion , which is to satisfy rea .

  8. 通过引入最小数据集的概念,对这些疾病的模板进行约束和定义,设计适合卫生信息系统的,易于管理的、可以跨平台应用的XML界面模板表示方法。

    These diseases templates are restricted and defined by introducing the minimum data sets conception . Then , the author designs the XML expression of the template which is suit to health information system , easy to managed and can cross the computer platform .

  9. 传统元数据系统在用户界面的设计、系统集成、跨平台应用等方面存在很大的缺陷,而计算机技术和GIS技术的发展为这些问题的解决提供了新思路和新方法。

    Traditional metadata information system is limited in users ' interface , system integrating , crossing-platform application and so on , but with the development of computer technology and GIS technology , there has been a new thought and a new method to resolve these problems .

  10. Rhomobile目标是支持多种不同的移动电话平台,所以他们选择了构造Rhodes跨平台应用程序架构。

    Rhomobile aims to support many different mobile phone platforms , so they chose a way to build the cross platform applications Rhodes framework .

  11. 系统实现使用了能够跨平台应用的ACE中间件技术,减少服务器的设计和实现难度,同时系统服务器中使用了消息分发机制,使系统具有非常好的扩展性和伸缩性。

    System implementation uses ACE middleware technology to achieve cross-platform application , which reduces the difficulty of design and implementation of the server . At the same time the system server using message distributing mechanism , so that the system has good scalability and flexibility .

  12. 基于网络的跨平台应用程序共享技术

    Sharing Technology for Application Between Different Platforms Based on Networks

  13. Qt-跨平台应用程序框架,可以同时开发应用与界面。

    Qt – Cross-platform application framework that lets you develop applications and user interfaces simultaneously .

  14. 随着跨平台应用软件的广泛应用,文中运用的跨平台的设计思想和方法,能作为跨平台软件开发的一个有效的解决方案。

    With the widely applying to cross-platform software , the ideas and methods which designed cross-platform software in the thesis can be a effective solution to cross-platform software development .

  15. 微软似乎有意把Silverlight打造为一个针对移动设备的跨平台Web应用程序框架。

    Microsoft seems to be pushing Silverlight into a cross-platform web application framework for mobile devices .

  16. “Fulcrum”项目:跨平台的应用开发,在Windows上运行Studio并将应用部署在MacOSX上。

    Project " Fulcrum " - cross-platform application development , running the Studio on Windows and deploying applications on Mac OS X.

  17. 地理信息服务目前已经成为跨平台GIS应用系统的主流技术,并越来越普及到社会各领域,大大增强了地理信息的共享性和开放性。

    Geographic Information Services has become the mainstream technology of GIS cross-platform applications . It increasingly spreads to most areas of society and greatly enhances the sharing of geographic information .

  18. Lucene几乎适合于任何需要全文检索的应用,尤其是跨平台的应用。

    Lucene can be employed almost in every application which need it , especially cross-platform .

  19. 指出两层C/S的分布式远程故障诊断专家系统的优势是十分成熟、易于实现,缺点是客户端包括应用逻辑与用户界面,难以与Internet技术相结合、难以实现开放性、跨平台的应用功能;

    Indicate the merit of C / S is mature and easy to realize , the demerit is client-end concludes application logic and user interface , and difficult to combine with Internet , to realize the application of opening and cross-platform ;

  20. 随着Internet的快速发展,跨平台运行应用程序需求的不断增长,诸如VBScript和JavascriPt等解释运行的脚本语言得到了广泛应用。

    With the rapid development of Internet , the need to run applications on heterogeneous platforms grows , the interpreting script languages such as VBScript and JavaScript are employed very widely .

  21. 在测控平台的实现过程中使用了WEBService技术,不仅实现了为B/S和C/S提供服务的接口的统一,简化了系统,还为以后跨平台的应用打下了基础。

    In the process of realizing that platform the Web Service technology is used . It not only provides unified service interfaces for the B / S and C / S network structures , simplifies the system , but also lays the foundation for future cross-platform applications .

  22. 用这种方法,您还可以编写跨平台的应用程序。

    You also have the ability to write cross-platform applications this way .

  23. 移植到节省成本、跨平台的应用程序开发策略

    Moving to a cost-effective , cross-platform application development strategy

  24. 用于保险信息系统的跨平台安全应用协议

    Cross-platform secure application agreement for the insurance information system

  25. 跨数据库平台应用系统移植中间件的研究与开发

    Research and Development of Middleware about Application Software ′ s Transporting in Heterogeneous Databases

  26. 配置管理解决方案必须能够协调这些跨平台的应用类型。

    Configuration management solutions must be able to coordinate these types of applications across platforms .

  27. 然而编写跨平台的应用程序,你必须使用支持平台无关性的标准库。

    However to write a portable applications , you should use those standard libraries , which provide platform-independent APIs .

  28. 这就意味着研发要在两个不同的地方进行,两地要保持同样的过程并且在跨平台的应用上要协调一致。

    This meant that development would occur at two separate locations and they needed to maintain the same process in both locations , and coordinate the releases of these cross platform applications .

  29. 软件部分详细介绍了专用梯形图的实现、通信规约的实现以及脚本编译器的实现,最终实现了采用符合国际标准的梯形图作为开发语言的的跨平台软件应用的通信管理装置。

    Software part detailed introduces the realization of special ladder diagram , communication protocols and script compiler , and finally achieves cross-platform software applications of communication management device using ladder diagram accord with international standard as development language .

  30. 但从当前防汛工作需要和水利现代化建设目标来看,还存在着防汛信息缺乏有效共享、无法实现跨平台的应用集成、应用软件可复用性低等一些亟待解决的问题。

    However , from the current flood prevention work and the water conservation modernization goal , there are still the lack of effective flood information sharing , cross-platform applications can not achieve integration , low-application software that need urgent solution .