
kuà yīn sù
  • transonic speed
跨音速[kuà yīn sù]
  1. 跨音速翼型的非线性颤振特性研究

    An Investigation of Airfoil Nonlinear Flutter Characterstics at Transonic Speed

  2. 在跨音速时,波阻系数也与上翘角有关,上翘角增加会导致波阻系数进一步加大。

    The wave drag coefficient also increases with increasing upswept angle at transonic speed .

  3. B1型超跨音速压气机第一级工作叶片设计试验和应用

    B_1 type transonic axial-flow-compressor 1st stage rotor blade design , test and Application

  4. 二维非定常Euler方程的守恒迹线格式跨音速非定常流动的Euler方程隐式解

    An implicit difference scheme of Euler equation for unsteady transonic flow

  5. 跨音速大迎角Euler方程数值分析

    A numerical solution of transonic Euler equation at high angles of attack

  6. 二维跨音速Euler方程分区并行算法

    2D Multiblock and Parallel Method to Solve Transonic Euler Equations

  7. 计算机翼跨音速绕流的加罚Galerkin有限元法

    A penalty-galerkin finite element method for calculating transonic flow over wings

  8. Euler方程与边界层积分方程耦合求解跨音速翼型绕流

    Transonic airfoil analysis based on the interaction of Euler and integral boundary-layer equation

  9. 基于基因算法与博奕论的翼型跨音速Euler方程气动优化

    Transonic Euler Equation Airfoil Aerodynamic Optimization Based on Genetic Algorithms and Game Theory

  10. 振动翼型跨音速非定常Euler方程数值解方法

    Numerical method for solving the Euler equation for unsteady transonic flows over oscillating airfoilss north-western Polytechnical University

  11. 采用Hopf分叉分析方法,对跨音速操纵面嗡鸣问题进行了研究。

    Hopf bifurcation analysis is employed to investigate the problems of the control surface buzz .

  12. 二阶STC格式及其对跨音速湍流流动的数值模拟

    Numerical simulation of transonic turbulent flows using second-order STC scheme

  13. 基于Volterra级数的跨音速非定常气动力建模

    Volterra series based transonic unsteady aerodynamics modeling

  14. 讨论一种基于N-S方程、欧拉和速势方程加混合附面层修正的跨音速流动准确控制方程逆解法,及其在跨音速翼型和机翼设计中的应用。

    A transonic airfoil and wing design software is presented based on the solutions of the N S equations , Euler and potential equations . plus mixed boundary layer methods .

  15. 利用该方法,并基于N-S方程研究了二维跨音速叶栅流动。

    Using the improved method a two dimensional viscous transonic flow in turbomachinery is studied .

  16. 在此基础上建立了可用于跨音速非定常流动的Euler方程隐式求解法。

    And with this method , an implicit difference equation for solving the unsteady transonic flow with Euler equations is established .

  17. 跨音速操纵面嗡鸣Hopf分叉分析及结构参数对嗡鸣特性影响的研究

    Hopf bifurcation analysis of transonic control surface buzz and investigation of the influence of structural parameters on buzz characteristics

  18. Schwarz多重网格法在跨音速流场计算中的应用

    The application of schwarz-multigrid for computing transonic flows

  19. 它使得NASA可以为大型运输航天飞机创造出运行条件,以每小时1440公里的跨音速飞行。

    It enables NASA to create the operating conditions for large transport aircraft flying at transonic speeds of up to1,440 kilometers per hour .

  20. 使用FLUENT软件对某型跨音速涡轮叶栅的导叶进行了S1流面的粘性流动计算。

    The present paper computed the viscous flow of S1 flow surfaces in some transonic turbine vane cascade by using the computational software FLUENT .

  21. 轴流压气机跨音速双圆弧(DCA)叶型的研究&叶型设计计算

    Investigations on transonic double circular arc ( dca ) profiles of axial flow compressor & calculations of profile design

  22. 由此气动设计程羊、TAU程序以及相应的接口程序建立了跨音速多升力面气动反设计软件系统。

    Using the improved inverse aerodynamic design code , TAU code and interface codes , the transonic multi-lifting aerodynamic design software system is founded .

  23. 此时证明的关键是利用Euler方程组自身的特点,通过将之适当的微分和线性组合,把跨音速激波问题化为四个耦合的子问题。

    The key point now is to decompose the original problem into four coupled sub-problems by suitable differentiations and linear combinations of the Euler equations by utilizing their special structures .

  24. Kirchhoff公式和K-FWH公式均能够预测跨音速旋翼声场,并且具有较高的精度;

    Both Kirchhoff formula and K-FWH formula can predict the nonlinear noise generated by transonic rotor ;

  25. NASA位于维吉尼亚州的国家跨音速实验室的101兆瓦驱动和135000马力同步电机是世界上最大和最强大的变速驱动系统。

    Air Force.The101 MW drive and135,000 hp synchronous motor at NASA 's National Transonic Facility in Virginia is the biggest and most powerful variable speed drive system in the world .

  26. 用上述方法对旋翼跨音速流场的高速脉冲(HSI)噪声进行了预测,计算结果与实验数据一致;

    A rotor high-speed impulsive ( HSI ) noise is calculated and a comparison with available experimental data is made , and good agreement was demonstrated .

  27. 特别是随着材料及制造工艺的发展,向心式蒸汽透平的开发越来越受到人们的重视。本文针对某MW级塔式太阳能光热发电系统设计了一种部分进汽的跨音速向心式蒸汽透平。

    With the progress of materials and manufacturing technology , radial inflow steam turbine is drawing increasing attention . A high-loaded radial inflow turbine with partial admission used in a MW class tower solar power plant is designed in this thesis .

  28. 结果表明,Volterra级数方法得到的非定常气动力模型能够反映一定的跨音速气动特性,颤振计算与CFD-CSD(CFD-ComputationStructureDynamics)的计算结果吻合很好。

    The results show the aerodynamics model educed by the Volterra series approach can reflect the features of transonic aerodynamics . The Volterra series approach coincides with the CFD-CSD ( computation fluid dynamics-computation structure dynamics ) method in flutter analysis .

  29. 然后采用IFFT算法和自适应数值积分算法计算二维积分,得到了低音速、跨音速和超音速移动荷载作用下动力响应的数值结果。

    Coupled IFFT algorithm and adaptive quadrature algorithm was employed to compute double integrals in the analytical solutions . All the subsonic , transonic and supersonic cases were computed .

  30. 采用时空二阶精度NND显式差分格式求解三维Euler方程,对跨音速压气机级中动静叶排相干形成的非定常流动进行了数值分析。

    A numerical method for solving three-dimensional Euler equations by using second-order accurate NND explicit finite difference scheme is presented to simulate the unsteady flows induced by rotor / stator interaction inside a compressor stage .