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  1. 魔术师约翰逊谈到贝勒这样说道:“他做了一些连J博士,乔丹,科比和我本人都难以做到的事。我一直在努力去做。我根本不可能滞空那么久。”

    Said Johnson of Baylor , " You did some things that Dr. J , Michael Jordan , Kobe and myself couldn 't do . And I tried to do it . I just couldn 't hang that long in the air . "

  2. 比最好的还要更好,滞空时间更长,性能表现更佳,甚至更有价值。

    The best just got better , more hangtime , more performance and even more value .

  3. 研究了弹载条件下气球滞空平台的技术难题,给出了解决方法并设计了相应的装置。

    The technical problem of the balloon air-staying platform loaded in the shell is studied , and the corresponding method and equipments are proposed .

  4. 由于跳投技术要求运动员须有较好的身体素质和滞空能力,以及较全面的投篮技术。

    These skills demand players to have a body of good quality , so that they can jump , hold themselves in the air , and shoot accurately .

  5. 如果在战场上平均每支箭滞空时间为3秒的话,那么在任意时刻,仅有一半射手的箭在空中。

    If an arrow 's average time over the battlefield is three seconds , then about 50 percent of all archers have arrows in the air at any given time .

  6. 系留气球作为信息平台,具有使用成本低、滞空时间长和隐身性能好等特点,近年来已成为各国研究热点。

    Mooring balloon as an information platform has many advantages , such as low use-cost , long hang time and good invisible properties , having become a researching focus in recent years .