
zhì zhēn
  • sticking of needle
滞针[zhì zhēn]
  1. 滞针刺法治疗肩关节周围炎疗效观察

    Observations on the Efficacy of Sticking of Needle in Treating Shoulder Periarthritis

  2. 滞针抽提术对缺血性中风偏瘫患者肢体肌力的影响

    Effect of Stuck-needling Contracting-lifting Technique on Myodynamia of Hemiplegia Patients due to Ischemic Apoplexy

  3. 滞针法治疗免疫性不育症79例的临床观察

    Clinical Observations in the Treatment of Immune Infertility by a Needle - sticking Method

  4. 多向滞针提拉刺法治疗颈型颈椎病53例体会

    The experience of block needles and pulling acupuncture therapy to treat 53 cases of cervical spondylosis

  5. 滞针法治疗风寒湿阻型类风湿性关节炎临床观察

    Clinical observation on needle - sticking method for treatment of rheumatoid arthritis of wind - cold - damp retention type

  6. 目的观察比较头针滞针法久留针与常规头针法治疗中风偏瘫的疗效差异。

    Objective To observe the different effects between needle retaining therapy and the common therapy of scalp acupuncture on apoplectic hemiparalysis .

  7. 平刺滞针弹拨法治疗肩背腰部肌筋膜炎102例疗效观察

    Observations on the efficacy of horizontal needling with sticking of needle and flicking for treating 102 patients with scapular , dorsal and lumbar myofascitis