
  • 网络Retarding reservoir;detention reservoir;Retention reservoir
  1. 水库现状主要建筑物包括主坝、副坝、东西堤、泄洪闸、滞洪水库进水闸等。

    The main structures of the reservoir are the main dam , the auxiliary dam , levees , flood gate , inlet gate of the retarding reservoir , and so on .

  2. 滞洪水库退水闸沉降问题的分析

    Analysis on the settlement of escape gate in Detention Reservoir

  3. 滞洪水库工程施工对粉细砂碾压特性的探讨

    Discussion on sand fill material compaction characteristics in Flood Detention Reservoir Project

  4. 论文研究成果可为滞洪水库建筑物设计和调度运用提供重要依据。

    The research result provides solid foundation for the hydraulic constructions'design and operation of YDFRR .

  5. 平面二维水沙数学模型在永定河滞洪水库设计中的应用

    Application two - dimensional water - sediment mathematical model in the design of the detention reservoirs of Yongding River

  6. 永定河滞洪水库工程由于其特殊的运用和当地条件,以中细砂料为填料和地基。对这种一般水工上十分忌讳,因而也比较生疏的材料,工地不得不作相当多的试验研究。

    Fine and medium sand is used as fill and foundation material in Flood Detention Reservoir Project because of the project 's special mode of application and local situation .

  7. 大宁水库建于1985年,设计防洪库容3600万m~3,为中型水库,是永定河的滞洪水库之一。

    Daning reservoir was built in 1985 , and the design flood storage capacity is 36000000 m3 , which is a middle size reservoir , one of the retarding reservoirs of Yongding river .

  8. 滞洪型平原水库的洪水资源调控

    Regulation of flood resources in detention plain reservoir

  9. 文章根据滞洪型平原水库的功能特征,探讨了洪水资源调控的计算方法。

    The paper discusses calculation method of flood resources regulation on the basis of function for detention plain reservoir .

  10. 对滞洪型平原水库建立了洪水回补地下水的计算模型,根据影响因子,说明了平原水库水面蒸发计算方法;

    This paper set up the calculation model about the flood complements the groundwater of the plain reservoir as flood detention ;