
  1. 基于支持向量机SVR的黄河凌汛预报方法

    Yellow River ice flood prediction based on SVR

  2. 中巴地球资源一号02星在黄河凌汛监测中的应用

    Application of CBERS-02 on ice flood monitoring of Yellow River

  3. 历史上的黄河凌汛灾害及原因

    Ice jam disasters in the Chinese history and reasons

  4. 黄河凌汛及其预报研究

    Forecasting Research on Ice Run of the Yellow River

  5. 四星三源模式监测黄河凌汛的研究与实践

    Monitoring Ice Flood of Yellow River with " Four-satellite and Three-resource " Model

  6. 系统非线性组合预测方法及在黄河凌汛预测中应用

    Application of non-linear combination forecast method of system to ice flood prediction of the Yellow River

  7. 通过分析凌汛期河流综合糙率及冰盖下输水、输沙的具体特点建立针对黄河凌汛期实际的水文预报数学模型。

    A numerical model has been formed on the ground of particular analysis of general roughness and ice-covered water / sediment transportation in Yellow River during icy periods .

  8. 控制流冰量减轻黄河下游凌汛威胁的设想

    An idea of reducing the threat of ice flood on the lower Yellow River by controlling the ice discharge

  9. 黄河下游凌汛期艾山以上河段封冻槽蓄及开冻泄流特性分析

    Analysis on characteristics of storage in channel and flood discharge in ice flood period in lower reaches of yellow river

  10. 对黄河下游凌汛期河道水流演进计算方法进行了论述分析,并对不同典型年在不同条件下的出流过程进行了演算。

    This paper analyzed the river water flow evolution method in ice flood season in the downstream of Yellow River , also calculated the flowing procedure under the different typical years and different conditions .

  11. 近13a来黄河宁夏段凌汛分析

    Analysis on Ice Flood in Ningxia Section of Yellow River in Last 13 Years

  12. 2002/2003年度黄河山东河段凌汛特点分析

    Ice Jam Flood in the Section of Shandong Province of Yellow River during 2002 / 2003 Winter

  13. 黄河内蒙段凌汛成因分析及封开河日期预报模型研究

    Factor Analysis for Ice Flood and Model Research for Freeze-up Time and Break-up Time in the Inner Mongolia Reach of the Yellow River

  14. 2002/2003年度黄河山东段凌汛的主要特点是:下游首封时间早、封河流量小、冰盖低、封河范围大,这给预报调度增加了很大难度。

    The characteristics of ice jam flood in the section of Shandong Province of Yellow River during 2002 / 2003 winter are that freeze-up date was early in lower section , lower discharge when river frozen up , and lower ice cover elevation and ice cover extend .

  15. 黄河宁蒙河段凌汛特征及成因分析

    Characteristics and Causes of Ice Flood in Ningxia-Inner Mongolia Section of the Yellow River Valley Yong ' ning Phonology

  16. 近年来,黄河沿岸地区人民的生命和财产安全都因黄河凌汛灾害而饱受巨大损害和严重威胁,防凌工程迫在眉睫。

    In recent years , the lives and property of people in the region along Yellow River suffered from great damages and serious threats because of the ice flood disaster , so it is time to take the Engineering of Ice Flood Prevention .