
  • 网络yellow river wetland
  1. 河南省黄河湿地生态旅游资源的开发与保护研究

    Protection and Exploitation of Yellow River Wetland Eco-Tourism Resources in Henan Province

  2. 兰州市城区黄河湿地资源调查与保护利用研究

    Study on the Yellow River Wetland Resources and Protection Utilization in Lanzhou

  3. 郑州黄河湿地生态特征及保护利用研究

    Study on Wetland Ecological Properties and Protection of Zhengzhou Yellow-river

  4. 陕西省黄河湿地冬季鸟类群落初步研究

    Winter Avian Community of Yellow River Wetland in Shaanxi

  5. 黄河湿地洽川

    Qiachuan : A Wetland on the Yellow River

  6. 三门峡黄河湿地植物和鸟类资源现状与保护

    Status and Protection of the Plants and Birds Resources at Yellow River Wetland in Sanmenxia

  7. 陕西合阳黄河湿地土壤颗粒体积分形特征研究

    Research on the Soil Volume Fractal Characteristics of Yellow River Wetland in Heyang of Shaanxi

  8. 当日,山西省运城市雪过天晴,在运城平陆黄河湿地越冬的数千只白天鹅或结群嬉戏,或振翅飞翔,尽享阳光。

    Thousands of swans which flied here to get through the winter enjoy sunshine after snowfall .

  9. 同时提出了黄河湿地生态保护措施。

    At the same time , the paper puts forward the Yellow River wetland ecological protection measures .

  10. 对黄河湿地公园规划实施后的社会效益、生态效益及经济效益进行了评价。

    For the wetland park planning and implementation of the social and ecological and economic returns of the evaluation .

  11. 拟定了三门峡黄河湿地公园规划的指导思想、原则,对湿地公园的功能区进行了区划。

    Draw up sanmenxia the wetland park planning guidelines and principles of wetland park in the ribbon . the zoning . 3 .

  12. 2009年三门峡市被评为国家园林城市后,三门峡在十二五规划中拟将三门峡库区湿地国家级自然保护区建成三门峡黄河湿地公园。

    2009 sanmenxia was recognized as the national park in the city , sanmenxia in the planning to build national reserves sanmenxia wetlands sanmenxia the wetland park .

  13. 人类活动对黄河湿地鸟类生态栖息地影响&以三门峡黄河白天鹅观赏园建设为例

    The Human Activity Influences on the Yellow River Wetland and Birds ' Ecological Habitat & For Example with the White Swan Garden of the Yellow River of Sanmenxia

  14. 珍惜黄河湿地这片带露的绿叶&对黄河兰州段湿地情况的调查及保护建议

    To Treasure the Yellow River Wetland & a Dewy Green Leaf : A Survey on Wetland along the Lanzhou Section of Yangtze River and a Strategy for Protection

  15. 最后从旅游功能分区、旅游开发、旅游管理、旅游线路设计、旅游环境监测、区域旅游联合、加大宣传力度等方面提出了河南黄河湿地生态旅游资源开发的对策。

    The paper put forward some countermeasures on how to exploit and protect Yellow River wetland eco-tourism resources from tourism function sub area , route designing and management etc.

  16. 为更好地保护黄河湿地资源,2003年6月国务院批准建立了河南黄河湿地国家级自然保护区,以三门峡、孟津和吉利3个湿地自然保护区为基础。

    Sanmenxia the wetland park planning and construction and efficiency evaluation to better protect the wetland resources , the state council approved in june 2003 , establish a national reserves .

  17. 依据这一主导思想,将郑州黄河湿地划分为生态保护区、生态恢复区、游览活动区、发展利用区等四类功能分区。

    Based on this ideology , we should divide Zhengzhou Yellow River wetland into four type zones , such as ecological reservation , ecological restoration , tourist area , development of production areas .

  18. 通过社会、经济因素分析,对郑州市趋河发展作了预测;并指出郑州市趋河发展与黄河湿地的互动关系。

    Through the analysis of social and economic factors , the paper forecasts the the trend of the cross-Yellow River development of Zhengzhou City , and points out the interactive relationship of its development and Yellow River wetland .

  19. 根据自然保护区的资源保护需求、自然条件、社会因素、经济可行性和有关法律法规及方针政策,确定三门峡黄河湿地公园建设和发展的总目标和总体规划。

    According to the protection of natural resource requirements and natural conditions and social factors and economic viability and relevant laws and regulations and policies to determine the sanmenxia the wetland park construction and development of the general objectives and the overall planning .

  20. 运用科克兰(Cocnran)Q检验法,将黄河流域湿地分为河道湿地型、河滨湿地型、河口型3类。

    Based on Cochran-Q Test , wetlands of Yellow River valley could be divided into three types : channel wetland , riparian wetland and estuary wetland .

  21. 以水盐为主导生态因子,分析了黄河下游湿地芦苇(Phragmitesaustralis)种群形态变异的水平与格局。

    In this paper , the level and pattern of morphological variation of Phragmites australis in the Yellow River downstream wetland has been studied when water and salinity were considered as dominant ecological factors .

  22. 陕西省黄河中游湿地冬季鸭科鸟类群落结构

    Anatidae Bird Community of the Yellow River Wetland in Shaanxi Province

  23. 豫东黄河故道湿地生态旅游开发探析

    East of Henan province Yellow River old course wetland eco-tourism development probing

  24. 山东黄河流域湿地信息提取及动态变化分析

    Wetland Information Extraction and Dynamic Changes Analysis of the Yellow River Basin in Shandong Province

  25. 黄河下游湿地景观特征及其对来水来沙的响应

    Landscape Characteristics of Wetland in Lower Yellow River Basin and Feedback to Runoff and Sediment Load

  26. 豫北黄河故道湿地保护区生态地质环境分析与防治对策

    Analysis of the Eco-geological Environment and control countermeasures of the Wetland Protective Region in Old Channel of the Yellow River in North Henan

  27. 研究气候变化和人类活动影响下黄河下游湿地生态系统的变化,对于保护和修复湿地具有重要意义。

    It is great significant for protect and restore wetland to study the impact of climate change and human activity on wetland ecosystem in the lower Yellow River .

  28. 1997~1999年对豫北黄河故道湿地鸟类自然保护区的鸟类进行了调查,共记录鸟类119种,隶属16目37科。

    From 1997 to 1999 , we carried out an investigation on the bird fauna of wetlands along the Old Yellow River Course Nature Reserve in northern Henan Province .

  29. 因此,根据黄河下游湿地芦苇形态变异规律和分化特点,建议将该地区芦苇分为盐生芦苇、淡水芦苇、巨型芦苇3个形态类型。

    According to the pattern of morphological differentiation , the P. australis populations in investigated area could be divided into three ecotypes , including saltwater reed , freshwater reed and giant reed .

  30. 基于AHP法的黄河三角洲湿地生态环境质量评价

    The Environmental Quality Appraisal of the Wetland on the Yellow River Delta by AHP Method