
  • 网络water and sediment regulation;water-sediment regulation
  1. 黄河调水调沙对下游河道的影响分析

    Effect of water-sediment regulation of the Yellow River on the lower reach

  2. 调水调沙对黄河下游营养盐变化规律的影响

    Effect of the First Water-sediment Regulation on the Variations of Dissolved Inorganic Nutrients ' Concentrations and Fluxes in the Lower Main Channel of the Yellow River

  3. 正常高水位及死水位分别在980m和957m以下,汛期采用调水调沙运用时,可以保持2亿m~3以上的调节库容。

    The normal water level and dead level are below 980m and 957m respectively , therefore , more than 200 million cubic meter regulating storage can be kept if the operational mode of regulating water and sediment during flood season is adopted .

  4. 2003年黄河调水调沙试验

    Water and Sediment Regulation Test of the Yellow River in 2003

  5. 应科学对待调水调沙运用进入河口的泥沙问题。

    To treat the sediment entering the Yellow River estuary scientifically .

  6. 黄河调水调沙的巨大潜力&黄河调水调沙的根据、效益和巨大潜力之九

    Enormous Potentiality of a Regulated Discharge Regime of the Yellow River

  7. 多沙河流水库调水调沙研究与应用

    Study on Scheduling of Water and Sediment in Reservoir on Sediment-laden River

  8. 第一造床流量及输沙能力的理论分析&黄河调水调沙的根据、效益与巨大潜力之三

    Theoretical Analysis on First Bed-Forming Discharge and Sediment Transporting Capacity

  9. 2003年黄河第二次调水调沙试验效果分析

    Analysis of the Second Sediment-Runoff Regulation for the Yellow River in 2003

  10. 调水调沙是黄河不淤的关键措施

    Water and Sediment Regulation-A Key Measure for Solving Siltation of the Yellow River

  11. 基于空间尺度的黄河调水调沙

    Spatial Scale Based Yellow River Water and Sediment Regulation

  12. 调水调沙试验对小浪底水库水质影响研究

    Impact on Water Quality of Water and Sand Diversion Experiment in Xiaolangdi Reservoir

  13. 黄河调水调沙试验的社会与经济效益初步分析

    Analysis on the society economy benefit of the Yellow River Flow Sediment Regulation Experiment

  14. 黄河调水调沙

    Water and Sand Diversion in the Yellow River

  15. 论小浪底水库近期调水调沙在黄河下游河道冲刷中的作用

    Effects of water-sediment regulation by Xiaolangdi Reservoir on channel erosion in the Lower Yellow River

  16. 遥感监测调水调沙对黄河河口尾闾的影响粘住思念的河口

    Influences of water and sand regulation on Yellow River estuary reach monitored by remote sensing

  17. 2002年黄河调水调沙试验河口形态变化

    Regime variation of the Yellow River Estuary during 2002 ' water and sediment regulation test

  18. 黄河调水调沙试验对泥沙粒径变化影响分析

    Analysis on Impact of Yellow River Water and Sediment Regulating Experiment on Change of Grain Size

  19. 论“稳定主槽、调水调沙”的治河方略

    On general plan of river harnessing of " stabilizing main channel and regulating water and sediment "

  20. 从水流挟沙力和河槽形态规律分析黄河调水调沙

    Analysis of Water and Sediment Regulation Based on Sediment Transport Capacity and Rule of Hydraulic Channel Shape

  21. 黄河首次调水调沙期间下游洪水特性分析

    Analysis of flood characteristics during the first experiment for water and sediment regulation in the lower Yellow river

  22. 基于水库群联合调度和人工扰动的黄河调水调沙

    Regulation of water and sediment for the Yellow River based on joint operation of reservoirs and artificial intervention

  23. 调水调沙对河口地区地下水动态的影响

    Influence of a Regulated Discharge Regime of the Yellow River to Dynamic Condition of Groundwater of Estuary Region

  24. 水位遥测系统在黄河调水调沙工作中的应用与研究

    Application and Research of the Water - level Telemetering System in Transferring Water and Sand for Yellow River

  25. 2008年黄河调水调沙人工塑造异重流调度分析

    Analysis on Artificial Density Current Regulation in a Regulated Discharge Regime of the Yellow River Conducted in 2008

  26. 其减淤作用主要依靠水库拦沙与调水调沙运用来实现。

    Its effect of deposition reduction is mainly depended by trapping sediment and regulating water-sediment operation with reservoir .

  27. 黄河前3次调水调沙试验对河口区段的影响

    Effects of Previous Three Tests on Water and Sediment Regulation Conducted on the Yellow River to the Delta Section

  28. 小浪底水库调水调沙试验期间黄河下游冲淤效果分析

    Effect of regulation of flow and flow by the Xiaolangdi reservoir on the sedimentation in the lower Yellow River

  29. 小浪底水库调水调沙减少黄河下游河道淤积的研究

    Study of Siltation Reduction in the Lower Reaches of the Yellow River Through Sediment and Flow Regulation of Xiaolangdi Reservior

  30. 小浪底水库的调水调沙运用应使游荡性河段塑造出有利的河槽形态。

    The sand and water regulation operation of Xiaolangdi reservoir should be favor to the formation of the river channel .