
diào ɡāo
  • tonality


tiáo ɡāo
  • adjust upward
  1. 把车速调高到第五挡。

    Change up into fifth .

  2. 把助听器调高一两个刻度就可以。

    Just crank up your hearing aid a peg or two .

  3. 我调高了音量。

    I turned the volume up

  4. 基于电液比例控制的采煤机滚筒调高液压系统MATLAB仿真分析

    Simulation and Analysis Based on MATLAB in Hydraulic System of Shearer Steering

  5. 记住,调高f值是减少光线量的一半。

    Remember , going up an f-stop cuts the amount of light by half .

  6. 上述警告发出之际,IMF刚刚将2014年全球增长率预期调高了0.1个百分点。

    The warnings came as the IMF upgraded its 2014 global growth expectation by 0.1 percentage point .

  7. 三菱电机(mitsubishielectric)公布的第一季度营利数据好于预期,该企业还调高了今年的收益预估。

    Mitsubishi Electric also announced better than expected first-quarter profits , and has revised upwards its earnings estimates for this year .

  8. 但现在,汤森路透(ThomsonReuters)的数据显示,华尔街的预期已调高至9.95美元。

    Today , according to Thomson Reuters , the consensus EPS is $ 9.95 .

  9. 为此,论文仅以其中的31家摘帽ST公司为样本,按照实证研究的方法,首先建立了三点假设:1、摘帽ST公司在摘帽当期会作出调高利润的应计会计处理;

    Based on it , the paper built 3 hypotheses : ( 1 ) the companies treated special are likely to make income increasing accruals ;

  10. 世界银行(worldbank)大幅调高对中国今年通胀率的预测,原因是工资上涨和原材料成本增加可能对物价产生溢出效应,尽管世行称,整体通胀已经见顶。

    The world bank sharply increased its forecast for inflation in China this year owing to the potential spillover into prices from higher wages and raw material costs , although it said that headline inflation had already peaked .

  11. 菌株CD4可以有效降低菌株S1B处理黑液出水的体系COD和调高体系pH。

    Strain CD4 could reduce the system COD of the filtrate of strain S1B and increase the system pH effectively .

  12. 调高国内存款利率可能会进一步阻碍QDII的发展。

    Higher local deposit rates are likely to stymie the development of QDII further .

  13. 此种技术方法适用于大功率自动化采煤机,是首选的调高方法。MCS-51单片机用于采煤机滚筒调高系统


  14. JDPower最近调整了2009年中国乘用车销量的预测,从今年年初预测的580万辆,调高至700万辆,并表示可能进一步向上修正。

    JD Power recently revised its 2009 forecast for Chinese passenger car sales to 7m , from 5.8m at the beginning of the year and said a further upward revision was possible .

  15. 不过,吉百利第二大股东LegalGeneralInvestmentManagement对该交易表示不满:我们认为,卡夫食品对吉百利提出的经过调高的最终收购价,未能全面体现公司的长期价值。

    However , Legal General Investment Management , Cadbury 's second biggest shareholder , expressed unhappiness with the deal : We believe the increased and final offer for Cadbury PLC by Kraft Foods Inc. fails to fully reflect the long term value of the company .

  16. 鉴于美国今年上半年经济状况好于预期,IMF小幅调高了其全年经济增长预测。

    The warning on inflation came as the IMF edged up its growth forecast for the US in the light of a better-than-expected performance in the first half of the year .

  17. 针对当前调高系统存在的问题,应用电液比例技术优化设计采煤机调高系统,分别对采煤机电液比例开环和闭环PID调高系统进行研究。

    In view of the problems exist in the current drum height adjustment system , Apply electro-hydraulic proportional technology to optimize design the system , research electro-hydraulic proportional open-loop and closed-loop PID control system of shearer drum height adjustment system .

  18. 此前预测在截至6月的这个季度iPad销量将达到150万台的分析师,今日可能会调高他们的预测,这可能会进一步提升苹果的市值。

    Analysts who projected sales of 1.5m units for the quarter ending in June might revise higher their projections today , providing a possible further boost to Apple 's stock market value .

  19. 苹果公司已经断然否认了有关其正在计划调高iTunes在线音乐零售店歌曲售价的报道。

    Apple Computer has flatly denied a report that the computer maker was planning to raise prices for songs bought on its popular iTunes online music store .

  20. 激光诱导击穿谱(LIBS)可准确测量元素含量,有利于调高冶金工业中合金产品快速实时在线检测的效率。

    LIBS could accurately measuring elemental concentrations and will be helpful to improve the efficiency of real-time online examination of alloy product in metallurgical industry .

  21. 闭上眼睛,调高MP3的音量,“音响椅子”会让你在家就能感受到演出般的震撼效果。

    Close your eyes , crank up the volume on your MP3 and the integrated speakers in the Sonic Chair give you the sound of being at a gig in the comfort of your home .

  22. 巴克莱(Barclays)的经济学家写道,他们把中国第二季度经济增长率预期由之前的7.2%调高至7.4%,并称他们的全年增长率预期7.2%有上调的可能性。

    Barclays BARC.LN - 0.92 % economists wrote they were raising their second quarter growth forecast to 7.4 % - from 7.2 % previously - noting ' upside risk ' to their full-year prediction of 7.2 % growth .

  23. 今年,受铁矿石价格上涨推动,分析师已调高了力拓和必和必拓(BHPBilliton)的盈利预期。这两家公司分别为全球第二和第三大铁矿石出口商。

    Analysts have this year upgraded earnings figures for Rio and BHP Billiton , the world 's second - and third-largest exporters of iron ore respectively , on the back of higher prices for the ore.

  24. 在北美和欧洲发达经济体的需求没有增加的形势下,中国经济的复苏之快,令经济学家感到意外,也促使国际货币基金组织(imf)在本月早些时候调高了全球经济预期。

    The speed of the Chinese recovery , without an accompanying boost in demand from advanced economies in North America and Europe , has surprised economists and led the International Monetary Fund to revise higher its outlook for the world economy earlier this month .

  25. 尽管如此,CCH表示,“老牌”欧洲市场(比如意大利和瑞士)表现不错,正计划调高价格。

    Still , CCH says its " established " markets in Europe ( think Italy and Switzerland ) are doing well , and price increases are on the horizon .

  26. IMF将对全球经济今明两年的增幅预期调高了0.3个百分点,至5.2%,因为中国今年的预期增幅上调1.2个百分点,补偿了美国预期增幅的温和下调。

    The fund raised its forecast for world growth for this year and next by 0.3 percentage points to 5.2 per cent , as a modest downgrade in projected US growth this year was countered by a 1.2 percentage point rise in expected growth in China .

  27. 高纯度的茄尼醇是生产辅酶Q10的关键原料,随着辅酶Q10法定建议用量调高和使用范围日益扩大,茄尼醇市场前景十分广阔。

    The global requirement and the price is increasing fast since 2004.High purity solanesol is the key material of coenzyme Q_10.As soon as the using field of coenzyme Q_10 is expanding more and more , the prospect of solanesol is very expansive .

  28. 当一个程序员需要对代码运行的一个更深入的理解时,IntelliTrace提供了一种可以“调高(仪表的)刻度”的办法来搜集一个应用程序的完整运行时历史。

    When a developer needs a deeper understanding of code execution , IntelliTrace offers a way to " turn up the dial " to collect the complete execution history of an application .

  29. 实验选用的5m平面模拟架,主要由角钢座、调高块、立柱、传感器和顶梁组成,其精度误差仅为0.5%,实现了支架-围岩作用与原型的相似;

    The length of the model is 5 m , it is maded of angle iron seat sensor , the beam on regulator vertical column ; it 's precision error has only been realized the support - country rock effect and the affinity of model for 0.5 % ;

  30. 采煤机调高机构设计参数分析确定

    Analysis and Determination of Designing Parameters for Regulating Shearer Height Mechanism