
dòng chù diǎn
  • movable contact
动触点[dòng chù diǎn]
  1. 触点闭合后。动触点仍在旋转。

    After the contacts are closed , the movable contact still rotates .

  2. 研究了触点分离初速度(动触点与静触点刚刚分离时刻的动触点速度)对电弧能量的影响。

    This paper emphasizes on the influences of arc energy by the contact breakaway initial velocity that is the velocity of moving contact at the time of moving contact and stationary contact breaking .

  3. 电位计是一种工作状态与其移动动触点和电阻体的相对位置有关的机电转换元件,其在控制系统、电子电气设备、航空航天等技术领域获得广泛应用。

    Potentiometer is an electromechanical conversion component , whose work status is related with the relative position of the moving contact and resistance ; it can be widely used in control systems , electrical equipment , aerospace and other technical fields .

  4. 所述压力传感器和温度传感器通过各自的动、静触点和导线以及公共的动、静触点控制的报警电路。

    The pressure sensor and temperature sensor control the warning circuit via respective dynamic and static contact , led as well as common dynamic and static contact .

  5. 弹簧操动机构中DT触点存在的问题及解决方案

    DT Contact Problem in Spring Handling Mechanism and Its Solution

  6. 抓基点抓亮点抓动点&办好民办学校之我见动接触,活动触点

    Grasping the foundation , the focus and the moving point & My opinion on well running civilian-run schools ; travelling contact

  7. 分析了产生动熔焊的3种时刻,分别为动、静触点闭合接触瞬间,接触短弹跳分离瞬间和触点弹跳后的闭合接触瞬间。

    The 3 possible time points of welding occurrence , which includes the touching instant when contacts close , separation stage when contact bounces and closing instant after contact bounces , were analyzed .