
  • 网络Contact voltage;touch voltage;Touch Potential
  1. 在中性点非有效接地系统中,允许接触电压为50V(地面),这是确定该装置动作值的主要依据。

    In the neutral point effective ground system , the permissible touch voltage is 50 V ( on the ground ) , which serves as the main basis for the determination of the actuation value of the device .

  2. 它能在降低预期接触电压方面起到良好的效果。

    It has a good effect to debase anticipating touch voltage .

  3. 电流密度对CNTs-Ag-G复合材料接触电压降和磨损性能的影响

    Influence of Electrical Current on the Contact Voltage Drop and Wear Properties of CNTs-Ag-G Composites

  4. 但当碳纤维含量大于0.5%以后,电刷接触电压降基本不变,维持在0.5V。

    After the percent of carbon fiber was up to 5 % , the contact drop kept steady .

  5. IEEEstd80-1986和IEC-471-1都对接地系统的安全评估的标准进行了定义,且两种标准都是根据人体允许通过的电流进行定义,并将其转换为允许的接触电压和跨步电压。

    IEEE Std 80-1986 and IEC-479-1 are defined the standard of safety assessment of grounding systems . Both standards define safety criteria in terms of allowable body current . The allowable body current is then translated into the allowable touch and step voltages .

  6. 采取3m×3m均压网、块石、沥青混凝土地面填层等,以降低配电装置范围内的接触电压与跨步电压,保证运行安全。

    In order to lower contact voltage and cross voltage around switch device , to insure operation safety , we also take some measures , such as using voltage balance net with sizes 3m × 3m , block stone , asphalt concrete grouting layer on ground , etc.

  7. 雨季将导致地网接地电阻及地表跨步电压减小,但有可能导致接触电压增加。

    In the raining season , the grounding resistance is reduced ; but the touch voltage is probably increased .

  8. 结果表明:在电磨损初期接触电压降较小,随着时间延长,接触电压降上升并趋于稳定;

    The contact voltage drop was low in the initial stage of wear , then rose to a certain level , finally became stable .

  9. 接地系统的接地电阻、接触电压及跨步电压随高阻层的厚度或电阻率的增加而增加。

    The grounding resistance and the step and touch voltages of the grounding system increase with the thickness or resistivity of the high resistivity soil layer .

  10. 随着电流密度的增大,接触电压降略有上升,但与电流密度之间为非线性关系,符合电机用电刷使用要求。

    Contact voltage drop had a slight increase ( non-linear relationship ) with the increase of current density which meet the requirements of electric power brush .

  11. 均匀网孔地网造成发电厂、变电站跨步电压和接触电压不均,可能对安全造成危害。

    The even network creates the power plant , the transformer substation step voltage and the contact voltage is uneven , possibly to causes the harm .

  12. 在圆周速度不变的条件下,接触电压降先升后降最后趋于稳定;

    Under the condition of constant circular velocity , the contact voltage drop curve falls down after it ascends first , and finally tends to be stable .

  13. 本文详细分析了人体的安全电压、接地电流和对地电压、接触电压和跨步电压,论述了电气设备的接地保护必要性。

    To equalize the potential and decrease touch voltage and step voltage on the earths surface , an optimum design of grounding systems is proposed in this paper .

  14. 通过降低电极反应过电位、隔膜压降、溶液压降和接触电压降,达到降低槽电压的目的。

    Cell voltage was decreased by decreasing the overpotential of electrode reaction , the voltage drop within diaphragm , the voltage drop of solution , and contact voltage drop .

  15. 通过对接触电压、等电位联结在低压配电系统中作用的分析,进一步明确等电位联结在设计、施工中的重要性及必要性。

    By analyzing the effects of touch voltage and equipotential bonding on low voltage distribution system , makes clear the importance and necessity of equipotential bonding on design and construction .

  16. 接地系统的安全评估是人体实际所承受的最大接触电压和跨步电压与最大的安全允许电压进行比较的测试。

    Safety assessment of grounding systems is a testing that the actual maximum touch and step voltages are computed and compared to the maximum allowable ( safe ) touch and step voltages .

  17. 季节因素将影响地网的安全性能,导致地网的接地电阻、接触电压和跨步电压的改变。

    The seasonal factor affects the safety of grounding system , and causes changes in the grounding resistance , the step and touch voltages on the ground surface above the grounding system .

  18. 结合仿真计算的结果,对影响杂散电流和接触电压分布的参数进行了比较和讨论,为系统设计提供了理论基础。

    As to the results of simulation , compared and discussed the ( parameters ) that effect stray current and potential variation distribution , and proposed the theory basement for the system design .

  19. 结果表明,该模型的仿真结果与计算结果吻合,接触电压越限的位置主要出现在边缘网孔,且引外接地能显著减小短路发生时的地电位升。

    The result shows that they fit well , exceeded touch voltage usually locates on the edge of meshes and epitaxial grounding can reduce the ground potential rise distinctly when a fault happens .

  20. 分析表明,增设垂直接地极能有效减低接地系统的接地电阻、减小发变电站的接触电压和跨步电压、减小季节因素对地网安全性的影响。

    The results show that the vertical grounding electrodes can effectively decrease grounding resistance , step and touch voltages of the grounding system and reduce the influence of seasonal factors on the grounding system .

  21. 用该方法可以计算接地网的工频电流下的任何参数,如工频接地阻抗、接触电压和跨步电压、网内电位差等。

    The methods are able to compute any parameter of grounding grids in power current , such as power ground impedance , touch and step voltage , potential differences within grounding grids and so on .

  22. 发变电站的接地系统的设计目标是为了保证在电力系统发生故障时,快速切断电源或者限制产生接触电压和跨步电压至人体可承受的范围来保证工作人员的人身安全。

    The goal of substations grounding system design is to ensure the power system when it is at fault , by cutting off power supply quickly or restricted the contact voltage and step voltage which maybe threat personal safety .

  23. 第六章结合驻马店市电业局两个变电站接地网设计及改造的具体实例,因地制宜地做出了设计及改造方案,实施后接地电阻、接触电压和跨步电压均达到要求。

    In Chapter 6 , as examples , the grounding nets of two substations in Zhumadian are designed and reconstructed . After improvement , the grounding resistance , the touch voltage and the step voltage arrive to the requirement .

  24. 本文就接触电压值、电网过电压及接地保护装置类型对接地电流限值的影响等确定电流限值的因素作了深入分析探讨。

    The paper analyses in detail the factor in determining the " Current Limit Value " with regard to the contact voltage , over voltage in network and the type of earthing protection device affecting the limit of earthing current .

  25. 以往受科学技术的限制,早期的电力系统工作者设计时比较重视变电所或电厂内人为或设备原因造成单相接地短路障时的跨步及接触电压安全。

    Previously subject to the limitations of science and technology , early power system design workers more concerned with power plant or substation equipment or man-made causes of single-phase ground short of the roadblock when the voltage step and contact security .

  26. 根据井下直流机车回流通路的特点,建立了杂散电流传输网络有限单元模型,提出了直流杂散电流和接触电压分布的数值计算模型;

    Based on the characteristics of the DC traction power system in the mine , finite cell model of the DC transmission net was established , and a numerical model of calculating DC stray current and potential variation distribution was put forward .

  27. 地表低阻层的厚度小于地网埋深时,将导致接触电压高于正常情况时的对应值,低阻层的电阻率越小,影响的程度也越大。

    If the thickness of the low resistivity soil layer is smaller than the burial depth of the grounding grid , the touch voltage will be higher than the value for normal conditions , with the effect increasing as the soil resistivity decreases .

  28. 用矩量法计算埋在二层土壤中含水平钢筋的矩形钢筋混凝土接地网在地面上产生的电位,并绘制地面电位、接触电压、跨步电压的三维分布图。

    With the Moment Method , the systematic grounding electric potential of the rectangular concrete grounding grid with the horizontal reinforcing bars in two-layer soil has been calculated and the three-dimensional distribution map of electric potential of ground has been drawn in this paper .

  29. 结果表明,深井阳极阴极保护对接地网不存在电压反击问题,也不影响接地网热稳定性;同时也满足变电站关于跨步电压和接触电压的安全要求。

    It is showed that the cathodic protection technology does not exist problem of voltage anti-shock to the grounding grid and affect the heat stability of the grounding grid . The secure requirement of step voltage and touch voltage of substation is also satisfied .

  30. 研究发现,在电磨损过程中,正负电刷接触电压降变化趋势相同&先上升然后趋于稳定,且负刷的接触电压降大于正刷的接触电压降。

    The results showed that , during electrical wear process , the contact voltage drop of both positive and negative brushes had the same trend : be stable after first increase , and the contact voltage of negative brush was always bigger than positive brush .