
  • 网络joint material
  1. PTN新型渠道接缝材料研制

    Research and Produce of PTN New Kind of Joint Material for Canal

  2. 最后,从微观和宏观上,分析了接缝材料对粘结劈拉强度的影响。

    Finally , the effect of joint material is discussed through microscopic and macroscopic analysis .

  3. 新型混凝土渠道接缝材料抗冻性能研究

    Antifreeze Characteristic of New Joint Sealing Material in Concrete Canal

  4. 一种屋面防水接缝材料的研究与应用

    Research and Application of a Waterproof Jointing Material for Roofs

  5. 通过变相互折叠和缝纫接缝材料来避免坚硬的边缘造成的缝。

    Made by turning under or folding together and stitching the seamed materials to avoid rough edges .

  6. 就界面处理方式对沥青改性聚氨酯接缝材料和水泥砂浆黏结性能的影响进行了研究。

    The effects of interfacial treatment modes on the bonding properties between asphalt modified polyurethane joint material and cement mortar were investigated .

  7. 试验结果表明,各种接缝面材料中,粉煤灰改性砂浆的劈裂抗拉强度最大,效果最好。

    The test results indicate that the bond splitting tensile strength of modified fly ash mortar is best in joint materials of sorts .

  8. 周边缝模拟试验表明,为高面板坝研制的SR-3塑性止水材料具有更大的延伸性和缝变形适应能力,可作为高面板坝接缝可靠的防渗材料。

    Simulation test of peripheral joints showed that SR-3 plastic sealing material has larger elongation and higher adaptability to the deformation of joints . It can be used as a reliable joint sealing material .

  9. 适应大变形的接缝止水结构和材料研究

    Study on the joint sealing structure and materials suitable to large deformation

  10. 分析了接缝类型、塑料材料性质、工艺参数和其它因素对接缝性能的影响。

    The author also analyzed the influences of weldline type , properties of resins , technological parameters and other factors on the properties of weldline .

  11. 结果表明,各工况下结构整体基本受压,但局部应力集中处的应力值接近或超过接缝砂浆(填充材料)的容许强度,需采取适当措施,增加砂浆强度。

    The results show that structure is almost in compression under different working conditions . But stress in the local stress concentration is close to or over the allowable strength of mortar or earth fill .

  12. 其次是水泥膨浆和接缝混凝土,接缝面不铺筑任何接缝面材料的试块,劈裂抗拉强度最小。

    Expansive cement paste and joint concrete are next . And the bond splitting tensile strength of joint surface without bond material is least .