
jiē tì
  • replace;succeed;take over;take the place of;vice;relieve;inherit
接替 [jiē tì]
  • [succeed;vice;replace;take over] 接过别人的工作继续做

  • 接替他人的工作

接替[jiē tì]
  1. 接替他工作的首要人选是玛格丽特·拉姆齐。

    Prime candidate to take over his job is Margaret Ramsay .

  2. 已经派人来接替他的工作。

    A new person has been appointed to take over his work .

  3. 谁较可能接替他担任党的领袖?

    Who 's the likely successor to him as party leader ?

  4. 理查兹获得委任接替行将退任的主席。

    Richards has been tapped to replace the retiring chairperson .

  5. 她最有希望接替他成为领导人。

    She 's the favourite to succeed him as leader .

  6. 他离开后,他的位置很难有人接替。

    He will be difficult to replace when he leaves .

  7. 福克斯顿被解职,受命接替他的是约翰∙史密斯。

    Foxton was dismissed and John Smith was appointed in his stead .

  8. 他接替伯纳德∙艾伦任主席。

    He became chairman in succession to Bernard Allen .

  9. 接替肯尼迪任总统的是谁?

    Who succeeded Kennedy as President ?

  10. 1966年,帕斯特·艾伯茨接替他担任主管市长。

    In 1966 , Pastor Albertz took over from him as governing mayor

  11. 目前还没人能接替他的位置。

    No one has been able to fill his shoes

  12. 过去他对自己会接替艾萨克斯之说嗤之以鼻。

    In the past he has pooh-poohed suggestions that he might succeed Isaacs .

  13. 等到经理不干了之后,我想接替他的位子。

    I want the manager 's job when he calls it a day .

  14. 总统一职由其副手接替。

    The President was replaced by his second-in-command .

  15. 既然克里斯走了,她就想让我接替他的位置。

    Now that Chris is gone she wants me to step into his shoes .

  16. 泰勒提名亚当斯接替他。

    Taylor has nominated Adams as his replacement

  17. 英格兰队主教练将任命新队长,接替受伤的大卫·贝克汉姆。

    The England manager will be naming a new captain , to replace the injured David Beckham

  18. 利奥去世后,有两个主要候选人被指定来接替他。

    On the death of Leo there were two main candidates for nomination as his replacement .

  19. 他的副手,在1983年接替迈克尔·富特成为其最佳竞选拍档的罗伊·哈特斯利也将辞职。

    His deputy Roy Hattersley , elected as part of the dream ticket to succeed Michael Foot in 1983 , will also resign .

  20. 他已经准备好接替杰拉德在英格兰队的首发位置。

    He is ready to displace Gerrard in England 's starting line-up .

  21. 谁来接替我?

    Who 's taking my place ?

  22. 当那位老外科医生不能继续动手术时,他的助手接替他将手术进行了下去。

    His assistant stepped into the breach when the old surgeon was unable to go on with the operation .

  23. 这位下级行政管员急不可待地想晋升,但他知道只有待某人退休后接替其职位,才能获得晋升。

    The junior executive was impatient for promotion but knew that he would only get it by stepping into a dead man 's shoes .

  24. 迈克穿着宇航服在我旁边,但他不能接替我的角色。

    Mike was next to me in his space suit but he could not take over my role .

  25. 在就业率接近历史最高水平的形势下,该报告警示说,那些无视年长工作者的公司可能会面临劳动力和技能短缺,因为富有经验的员工离职后,可以接替其岗位的年轻候补人数太少。

    With the employment rate at a near-record high , the report warns that businesses that disregard older workers could face a labour and skill shortage - as experienced staff depart , leaving too few younger candidates to replace them .

  26. 强场源TEM测量仪器和在大型矿山接替资源勘探中的应用研究

    Application of strong source transient electro - magnetic measurement sytem to the exploration of substituted resource of large mine

  27. 几个月前,卡尼还坚决否认他有可能接替默文金爵士(sirmervynking)。

    Just months ago , Mr Carney emphatically denied he was in the running to succeed Sir Mervyn King .

  28. 他将在4月20日召开的力拓年会上接替保罗斯金纳(PaulSkinner)。

    He will replace Paul Skinner at the mining group 's annual meeting on April 20 .

  29. 2005年,多纳霍受到当时的首席执行官和之前在贝恩咨询公司(BainCompany)的同事梅格o惠德曼的招揽,加入了eBay,负责运营在线商城,并最终接替她担任首席执行官。

    Donahoe arrived in 2005 , wooed by then-CEO and ex-Bain Company colleague Meg Whitman to run the online marketplaces and eventually succeed her .

  30. 以花旗为例:该公司寻找接替首席执行官查尔斯•普林斯(CharlesPrince)的理想人选的努力毫无结果。普林斯去年11月份因压力而辞职。

    Take Citigroup : its search for the ideal successor to chief executive Charles Prince , who resigned under pressure in November , proved fruitless .