
  • 网络Forest resource management;forestry resources management
  1. 基于GIS和RS的林业资源管理系统设计

    Design of Forest Resources Management System Based on GIS and RS

  2. 林业资源管理地理信息系统的研制与开发

    Design the Geographical Information System in Forest Resource Management

  3. 生态系统管理起源于传统的林业资源管理。

    Ecosystem management originates in the traditional forestry resources management .

  4. 林业资源管理是我国林业部门的重要研究课题。

    Forest industry resource management is one important research task in our country .

  5. 这些对于林业资源管理和利用、生态环境建设等方面具有重要的理论和实际意义。

    The results were of great theoretical and practical senses to the management and utilization of forest resources , construction of ecological environment .

  6. 本文主要介绍了航天遥感、高分辨率商用卫星、航空遥感、地理信息系统和全球定位系统等高新技术在美国林业资源管理中的应用现状以及发展趋势。

    Abstract This paper describes the developing situation and applications of satellite remote sensing , high resolution commercial satellite imagery , airborne remote sensing , geographic information system , global positioning system ( GPS ) and other techniques in American forest resource management .

  7. 为此,提出促进林区经济的发展并提升林业人力资源管理的水平的具体建议。

    Therefore , the need to promote economic development and to enhance forest forestry enterprise human resources management .

  8. 广义3S技术在林业资源调查与管理上的应用

    Application of 3S Technology in a Broad Sense in Administration and Investigation Forestry Resources

  9. 林业局级森林资源管理信息系统设想

    An Idea of Forest Resource Management Information System in Forestry Bureau

  10. 林业企业人力资源管理现状分析及其对策研究

    Forestry Enterprises Human Resources Management Present Situation and Counter Measures

  11. 起源于林业等自然资源管理的生态系统管理方法也适合于水资源的管理。

    Ecosystem management approach , originated in the forestry and other natural resource management , is also suitable for water resources management .

  12. 塔河林业局资源林政管理系统是为了提高塔河林业局森林资源经营管理水平和有效保护现有的森林资源而设计和开发的。

    The Management System of Tahe Forestry Bureau Resource Woods Policy is developed to improve woods resource management level of Tahe Forestry Bureau .

  13. 其中对林木、林果、林副产品等林业资源的经营管理,可以增加林农的收入。

    Also , the management of forestry resource such as woods , fruit tree and Forestry by-products can enhance the income of agriculture and forestry .

  14. 本文阐述了林业资源多媒体信息管理系统的开发环境、组织结构和功能。

    Based on multi-media technology , the developing environment , organizing structure and functions of the multimedia information management system of forestry resources is discussed in this paper .

  15. 在林业及森林资源管理信息系统的研究和应用基础上,利用数据仓库和数据挖掘的决策支持新技术大力开发林业决策支持系统必将提高林业现代化管理水平,实现林业的跨越式发展。

    Basing on the research and application of forest resource Management Information System , building a forest decision support system by using the Data Warehouse and Data Mining technique will advance the forest management level and fulfill the rapid development of forest industry .

  16. 传统林业资源和业务的管理是比较粗放的,向精细化方向进行转化是一个必然趋势。

    Traditional forestry resources and management is comparatively extensive , and itis an inevitable trend to turn to fine management .

  17. 详细介绍了巴西林业发展、森林资源管理及反贫困的进展和有关政策问题。

    The paper gives a detailed picture of forestry development , forest resource management , the process of antipoverty and related policies in Brazil .

  18. 可视化在林业工科教学中应用的意义林业站森林资源信息管理系统设计

    A Study on the Management Information System for Forestry Resource Used in Forestry Work Station