
  • 网络Efficient Classroom;effective classroom;effective class
  1. 分析了自主高效课堂的内涵和特征。

    Analyzes the connotation of independent efficient classroom and features .

  2. 第四章为基于教育云平台的高效课堂中的问题与对策。

    The fourth chapter based on education problems and countermeasures of cloud platform efficient classroom .

  3. 详细阐述了1351地理高效课堂教学模式的操作流程。

    Elaborated " 1351 " effective geography classroom teaching mode of operation .

  4. 发挥学生主体作用创建和谐高效课堂

    Exerting the Students ' Main Role , Constructing Harmonious and Highly Effective Teaching Class

  5. 构建语文高效课堂,首先应理清高效课堂的内涵。

    Set up a language efficiently classroom , first should reason the content of the self-contained effect classroom .

  6. 这样,希望能够为构建语文高效课堂模式作一些有益的研究。

    Above all , I hope to do some beneficial research for the construction of the high efficient class teaching .

  7. 对高效课堂的评价笔者进行了一些思考和探索,但仍缺乏可以量化的评价方案。

    I made some exploration to the assessment of efficient classroom , but I still lack a quantifiable evaluation program .

  8. 高效课堂以小循环、快反馈的教学法,每节课提倡当堂小测验。

    Effective classroom pedagogy of " small cycles , fast feedback " for each lesson advocate when the church quiz .

  9. 高效课堂既能减轻学生的学习负担,又能提高学生的学习效果。

    Efficient class can not only ease the burden of students , but also can improve the students ' learning effect .

  10. 高效课堂教学的核心就是学生自学能力的培养,是学生主体作用的具体体现。

    The core of effective classroom teaching is self-learning ability is a concrete manifestation of the role of the student body .

  11. 提高课堂教学效率,实现高效课堂是解决该问题的有效途径。

    Improve the efficiency of classroom teaching , the classroom is to achieve efficient and effective way to solve the problem .

  12. 美术高效课堂教学对培养学生美术素养具有独特价值,是传统理论教学所不可替代的。

    It has its unique value in cultivating the art skills of students and is irreplaceable by the traditional theory of education .

  13. 学习需要既是学生学习的起点,又是教师课堂教学设计活动的基础,了解、分析学生的学习需要是我们进行优质高效课堂教学的必要前提条件。

    Learning needs is both the starting point for the learning of students and the basis of teachers ' classroom instructional design activities .

  14. 第二章是对双主体理论与高效课堂管理理论的理论认识。

    The second chapter is the understanding of the theory of pairs of the main theory and the theory of effective classroom management .

  15. 课堂教学是目前初中阶段最为关键的环节,只有高效课堂,才会有理想的教学成绩。

    Nowadays , classroom teaching is the key link in the middle school . We only have the efficient classroom-teaching to get good grades .

  16. 同时,了解初中语文高效课堂的标准:好的语文课堂应该是高效而有活力的。

    At the same time , to understand the junior middle school Chinese classroom standards : good language classroom should be efficient and vibrant .

  17. 第四部分从教师和学校两个角度论证了推动构建高效课堂教学实践的具体要求。

    The fourth part confirms the specific requirements of promoting constructing efficient classroom teaching from the teacher and the school and teaching evaluation mechanism .

  18. 其次在教学实践的思考及试验研究基础上,构建了小学数学高效课堂教学体系。

    Second , in the thinking and experimental studies on the basis of the teaching practice , build efficient elementary school mathematics classroom teaching system .

  19. 加强教学管理,规范办学行为,积极进行课程改革,努力打造高效课堂,教学质量逐年提高,学生素质明显增强。

    Strengthening the teaching management , positively carrying on the curriculum to reform , the teaching quality enhances year by year ; the students'quality enhance obviously .

  20. 从而让教师有针对性的指导学生,提高学生的学习效率,构建一个高效课堂。

    So the teachers can guide the students in a better way to improve their 's learning efficiency , and finally to construct an efficient classroom .

  21. 课堂教学行为是构建高效课堂的重要因素,是落实课程理念、实现课程改革的基本条件。

    Classroom teaching behavior is the important factor of constructing efficient classroom . It is the basic condition to implement curriculum theory and achieve course reform .

  22. 国内外中学美术教学实践证明必须重视美术高效课堂教学。

    It has been proved by domestic and international high school art educators that high effective in class art education must be paid with great attention .

  23. 优质高效课堂是提高教育质量的关键。

    As the main venues of students ' learning , it is the high quality and efficient classroom that is the key to enhancing the quality of education .

  24. 要想在有限的时间、空间内完成这一标准,就要提高教学的有效性,打造高效课堂。

    To meet the standards in a limited time and space , the only way is to construct an efficient class and improve the quality of classroom teaching .

  25. 教师引导学生学习方式的转变,是新课程改革中探讨的核心,更是打造高效课堂的关键。

    Change the teachers ' guide , students learning style is the core of the new curriculum reform , and also is the key to build efficient classroom .

  26. 最后针对该体系,提出了高效课堂教学的关键策略:1.教学策略灵活选择和综合应用,加强数学思维能力的培养。

    Finally , the system , a key strategy for effective classroom teaching : a teaching strategy the flexibility to choose and integrated applications , strengthen mathematical thinking ability .

  27. 本文通过在高中教学中高效课堂的实践,研究和探讨了高中化学高效课堂的构建。

    In this paper , through the practice of efficient class teaching in our high school , we researched and studied the construction of the efficient chemistry class teaching .

  28. 新课程改革发展过程中,需要教师与时俱进,不断进步与创新,努力打造优质高效课堂。

    A new course of reform and development process , the need for teachers with the times , continuous improvement and innovation , strive to build high-quality and efficient classroom .

  29. 今天的五十一中学正在为构建和谐校园,塑造魅力教师,实现高效课堂,培养优质学生,创建精品名校而努力奋斗。

    No.51 Senior High School is building a harmonious campus , shaping the charming teachers , realizing efficient class , nurturing excellent students and establishing a prestigious senior high school .

  30. 作者希望本研究在促进英语教学中知情统一发展,构建和谐高效课堂方面对外语教育者有一定的启示。

    The author expects the research may give some enlightenment to language instructors in promoting the equilibrium of affect and cognition in FLT and in constructing harmonious and efficient classroom English learning .