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  1. 宜万铁路高坪1~隧道岩溶发育特征分析与治理

    Development Features and Treatment of Karsts along No.1 Gaoping Tunnel on Yi-Wan Railway

  2. 南充高坪机场土壤及草丛动物群落特征和鸟类的关系

    Relationship between soil and grassland fauna characters and birds at Gaoping airport , Nanchong

  3. 广东仁化高坪省级自然保护区野生维管植物资源状况及评价

    Wild Vascular Plant Resources Status and Evaluation on Renhua Gaoping Nature Reserve of Guangdong Province

  4. 运用访谈、观察与实物收集等方法调查高坪镇A幼儿园乡土课程资源开发利用的现状及其问题。

    It uses the methods of interview , observation and in-kind collection to investigate the Current situation and its problems of kindergarten A in Gaoping . 3 .

  5. 高坪区1954-1999年实施计划免疫前后麻疹疫情分析仔猪猪瘟疫苗乳前免疫技术的应用研究

    Analysis of measle incidence before and after EPI work in Gaoping district from 1954 to 1999 Study on Pre-immunity Technology Application of Hog Cholera Vaccine on Piglet

  6. 该主干线高坪~吉新段K177+000~K178+400段滑坡的存在,对沪蓉西高速公路的施工与安全运营存在着安全与质量隐患。

    This high level ground of backbone - Lucky new sections of K177 + 000 ~ K178 + 400 existence of landslide is to the construction and run have security and quality hidden danger safely of expressway .