
  1. 杰克逊生前住在洛杉矶高尚社区HolmbyHills一栋租下来的豪宅中,手头仅有从AEGLive公司那里得到的3500万美元演唱会预付款,用于支付巨额的个人支出。这家演出公司本来计划主办杰克逊的伦敦演唱会。

    Mr. Jackson was living in a rented mansion in Holmby Hills , a ritzy neighborhood near Bel Air , covering his sizable personal overhead with a $ 35 million cash advance from AEG Live , the concert promoter that was planning to stage his London concerts .

  2. 据香港中文媒体报道,许仕仁据说享有金额巨大的无抵押贷款,免费租住新鸿基所有、位于高尚社区的一套公寓。

    Mr Hui was allegedly the beneficiary of large unsecured loans and the rent-free use of a flat in a luxury development owned by Sun Hung Kai , according to reports published in the Chinese language press in Hong Kong .

  3. 项目定位为城市中心区的高尚住宅社区。

    Project positioned as the city center of luxurious residential community .

  4. HTIC店采用差异化的市场战略,目标市场选择为缅甸高尚住宅区的社区居民,在此区位内竞争尚不激烈,因此,利于项目赢得市场份额。

    The HTIC Chain Project adopts a differentiation strategy , whose target market is the citizens in luxury residential of Myanmar . The competition in this area is not that severity ; therefore it is to win market share .