
  1. 被医生告知超重后,他一直拼命地吃高纤维食物和水果。

    Having been told by his doctor that he was overweight , he 's eating all the fibre and fruit he can .

  2. 提高了对高纤维食物的消化率;

    The digestibility of high fibre food is improved by caecotrophy .

  3. 改吃高纤维食物将有助于你的消化。

    A switch to a high-fibre diet will help your digestion .

  4. 高纤维食物要花较长时间咀嚼。

    High-fibre foods take longer to chew .

  5. 摄入高纤维食物和缓慢燃烧的碳水化合物,例如:燕麦、小麦和小麦麸皮,这些都是最好的。

    Eating high fiber foods , slow burning carbohydrates like rolled oats , wheat and bran is best .

  6. 高纤维食物和胡芦巴粉添加剂有助于增加饱腹感,是降低食欲的有效方式。

    Higher fiber foods and supplements such as fenugreek powder help to increase satiety and can be an effective way to decrease appetite .

  7. 一般高纤维食物都体积很大,所以它们可以更快的填满你的肚子,而且减慢肚子里的食物消化完的时间。

    High-fiber foods are usually bulky so they fill up your stomach faster and can also delay the time it takes your stomach to empty .

  8. 水果、蔬菜、全谷类,高纤维食物、和油性鱼类应构成女人饮食的最大部分。

    Fruits and vegetables , whole grains , high-fiber foods , and oily fish should make up the biggest part of a woman 's diet .

  9. 低糖高纤维类食物的血糖生成指数

    The glycemic index of foods contained low carbohydrate and high diet fiber

  10. 但通过告诉他们食用大量高纤维的食物能降低中年之前患乳腺癌的风险。

    By telling them they are eating lots of high-fiber foods could reduce the risk of breast cancer before middle age .

  11. 这可能是把重点放在增加高膳食纤维食物摄入,比我们目前普遍在做的去除饱和脂肪含量高的食物要好。

    It may be better to focus on including these foods than to focus , as is commonly done , on excluding foods high in saturated fat .

  12. 选择高纤维、低脂肪食物。

    Choose high fibre , lower-fat foods .

  13. 告别油炸,高脂肪,高纤维的食物,多食用薄荷和生姜。

    Say goodbye to fried , fat and fiber and hello to peppermint and ginger !